[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Weedsport as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Outdoor entertainment — See Ch. 62.
Littering — See Ch. 108.
Peace and good order — See Ch. 135.
[Adopted 9-3-1980 by L.L. No. 2-1980]
The title of this article shall be the "Village of Weedsport Open Container Use and Disposal Law."
The Village of Weedsport in enacting this article is exercising its police power to promote the health, welfare and safety of its residents by controlling the use of an open container of alcoholic beverages within public places and to prevent public disorders and littering.
For the purpose of this article, the following shall have the meanings ascribed to them. All other words shall have the meaning normally ascribed to them in regular use.
Includes beer, wine, liquor, and all other alcoholic beverages as defined by the New York Alcoholic Beverage Control Law.
Any bottle, can, glass, or other receptacle suitable for, or used to hold, any liquor.
Drinking from the container, with alcohol on the breath of the possessor and/or any circumstances evidencing an intent to ultimately consume on any public lands. Being in possession of an open container shall be presumptive evidence of intent to consume.[1]
A container with the contents exposed to the atmosphere or the seal thereof broken.[2]
Any highway, street, public sidewalk, cemetery, playground, public parking area, public buildings, parks, except by special permit issued by the Village Clerk or any authorized official to persons reserving the Village Park, or such other lands as are generally open to the public.
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
No person shall have in his possession any open container containing an alcoholic beverage on any public land within the Village of Weedsport, or in any vehicle while said vehicle is on a public highway, street, parking area or public land within the Village of Weedsport.
No person shall break, leave, or discard any open container on public land within the Village of Weedsport, except in a waste receptacle placed on public land and for the purpose of depositing or discarding therein waste, or in an area designated therefor.
A violation of this article shall constitute a violation as defined in the Penal Law of the State of New York.
Any person or entity violating any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a violation which shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I, General Penalty, of the Code of the Village of Weedsport.