[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Weedsport 1-30-1985 by L.L. No. 4-1985. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Sewers — See Ch. 160.
The purpose of this chapter is to promote and protect the public health, welfare and safety by regulating the use of the public water system of the Village of Weedsport by residents of the Village and by residents located outside the Village of Weedsport.
This chapter shall hereafter be known and cited as the "Water Use Law."
This chapter is adopted under the authority of Article 11 of the Village Law of the State of New York.
This chapter repeals and replaces Local Law No. 2-1976.
This chapter establishes the rules and regulations for the use of the public water system of the Village of Weedsport. Said water system consists of any and all water treatment facilities and connecting waterlines operated and maintained by the Village of Weedsport. This chapter further applies to any waterlines located on private property connecting individual units to the public water system of the Village of Weedsport.
For application of this chapter, the following definitions will prevail:
Includes any structure or enclosure to which water is supplied, whether attached to realty or not, whether the same is occupied or vacant, and shall include boats and vessels.
The legal owner of premises supplied with water.
Includes all places to which water is supplied, whether the same is occupied or vacant.
A tenant, lessee, occupant, undertenant, receiver, or assignee of premises supplied with water, and also includes a consumer of water irrespective of his legal status with respect to the realty.
Refers to the person or persons in charge of, or responsible for, the furnishing of water by the municipality or any person designated to act on their behalf.
All applications for the introduction of supply of water to any premises, and for replacement and modifications of existing installation, or for the extension of any pipe or line for the conveyance of water, must be made in writing to the Village, upon such forms as shall be provided by the Village, by the owner or user of the premises supplied. If the applicant is not the owner of the premises, the written consent of the owner must accompany the application.
A fee as set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees shall be paid upon the filing of each application for each specific service line.
The Village reserves the right to refuse any application if, in its judgment, it shall be for the best interest of the Village.
No permit shall be granted for the installation, replacement, extension or modification of water supply without Board approval. No water service will be turned on until fees for tapping mains, connection for service, deposits and all other authorized charges have been paid.
No private service line from a municipal water main shall be installed, altered, or replaced until a permit shall have been obtained.
No opening shall be made in any municipal street except in full compliance with all municipal laws, rules and regulations and upon the payment of the fees and the posting of the bond therein specified.
All connections or taps of water mains shall be made by the Water Department after receipt by the Water Department of proof that a permit has been obtained and the required fee paid at least 24 hours in advance of the time it is requested that such connection or taps be made. Such connections and taps will be made at the convenience of the Department of Public Works.
All private service lines shall hereafter be installed, maintained, and replaced with approved materials laid not less than four feet below the established grade of the adjacent street or existing ground level and at least 18 inches away from but parallel to other pipes provided for other uses for utilities. Where it is impractical to meet these requirements by reason of existing conditions, the Water Department, by judgment of the Superintendent of Public Works, may, upon application therefor, grant a permit for some other method of installation.
The Water Department shall designate the point at which the water is to be tapped. The Village shall make the necessary excavations for all taps, the cost of which shall be paid by the owner or applicant.
No new tap shall be made to a water main to connect with a service line which is intended to replace an existing service line unless the existing service line is properly disconnected at its tap to the main. The expense of such disconnection shall be borne by the owner or applicant.
There shall be a separate and distinct tap for the service of each building (other than an accessory building) or separate premises supplied with water, and no service line shall be connected to any building or premises other than as herein provided.
The siamesing of services is prohibited. Where there are separate and distinct establishments, such as stores or other places of business, contained within one building, separate and distinct taps shall be provided for each store or place of business. No in-house or private water system shall in any way be interconnected or capable of being interconnected with the Village water system. Interconnection of a private water system with the Village water system or installation of a device or means for so interconnecting shall immediately revoke the owner's or applicant's permit, and water service to such owner or applicant may be discontinued without notice.
All outside service lines, building and service pipes, outlets, and fixtures shall be maintained in good order and repair, protected from frost, leaks and breaks, and must be promptly repaired if not in good order to prevent waste of water. If an owner or applicant fails to observe these requirements, after due notice, the Water Department may discontinue the water supply to such owner or applicant and assess the cost thereof against the real property affected.
Whenever a water service pipe becomes frozen between the main and the building service, the Water Department shall be authorized to shut off or disconnect service, and such services shall not be resumed until the water service line is thawed by the owner or applicant and an inspection has been made determining that the service line has not been damaged by reason of such freezing. The cost of disconnecting or discontinuing the water service and the inspection and reconnection shall be borne by the owner or applicant.
No installation, construction, improvement, betterment, repair, replacement, modification, addition or alteration of new or existing water improvements (collectively "improvements") shall be made, performed or caused to be made or performed unless all such improvements comply with all statutes, codes, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, judgments, or decrees of governments, authorities, agencies, officials, and officers, which now or at any time hereafter may be applicable to the improvements, the subject premises, or of any part of it.
[Added 1-7-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
Water meters of a type approved by the Village, on recommendation of the Water Department, shall be installed in all buildings and for all services to which water is supplied. Upon recommendation of the Water Department and approval by the Village, the requirement of an installation of a water meter may be waived, and the consumption of water shall be charged on a flat fee to be determined by the Village.
Water meters shall be purchased by the Village for the exclusive use of the Water Department. Water meters installed other than by the Water Department must be installed by a person, firm or corporation approved by the Water Department. Title to any water meter shall remain in the Village of Weedsport, and the installation by the Village of Weedsport or the Water Department or by a person, firm or corporation approved by the Water Department of a water meter on any private property shall not affect ownership of the water meter by the Village of Weedsport. Each owner of real property or person having an interest in real property shall be deemed to have consented to the retention of ownership of the water meter in the Village of Weedsport by requesting, allowing or permitting water service to be installed to that property or allowing the property to be occupied by someone with apparent authority to request, permit or allow installation of a water service to that property, and such meter shall never be considered a fixture attached to the real property.
Installation of meters. In every installation of water service before permit is granted, the owner or applicant shall provide facilities for setting of a water meter according to specifications provided by the Water Department. Such facilities shall include provision for the water meter to be set in a horizontal position in such manner to afford ready access to inspect, and the water meter shall be protected against frost, steam or hot water. There shall be provided by the owner or applicant a shutoff valve on each side of the meter. The service line shall be installed without facilities which may be used for a connection between the water main and the water meter. The water meter may, after installation, be sealed by the Water Department, which shall thereafter have exclusive control over the water meter. No water meters may be removed without a written permit from the Water Department. The Water Department may remove a meter at any time for testing, maintenance or substituting another meter, temporarily or permanently. Water meters shall be set as nearly as possible to the point of entry of the service connection pipe to the building and shall be kept unobstructed. In circumstances where the customary location of a water meter makes it impractical to install a water meter at that location, the Village or Water Department may require the meter to be set in a pit or box, provided by and at the expense of the owner or applicant, the construction of which shall be approved by the Village and the Water Department prior to the issuance of a permit.
No person other than an employee of the Water Department shall interfere with or remove any water meter, sealing device or coupling from any meter installation after it has been placed in service by the Water Department. Any meter damaged by frost, hot water, steam or any careless or negligent acts of the owner or applicant shall result in the cost of repair being assessed to the owner or applicant, and such costs shall be a charge upon the real property. Any willful acts by the owner or applicant resulting in injuries to a water meter, or any acts designed to interfere with the proper operation of a water meter, shall be cause for a discontinuance of water service, and the cost of such discontinuance shall be assessed to the owner and charged to the real property.
The submetering or sale of water by water consumers to others is strictly prohibited and shall be cause for the Village to discontinue service and charge the cost of such discontinuance to the owner, and such costs shall be a charge against the real property.
Theft of water. No person, user or owner shall tamper with a water meter or install lines, hoses, pipes or connections routing water around a water meter or attempt in any manner to prevent the meter or device from performing its measuring function without the consent of the Village. Theft of water shall be a violation, punishable in accordance with the provisions set forth in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I, General Penalty, of the Code of the Village of Weedsport.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, theft of water may be prosecuted pursuant to § 165.15 of the Penal Law of the State of New York, titled "Theft of Services." All rules contained thereunder shall be a part of this chapter.
Water rates shall be fixed and established by the Board of Trustees for consumers within the Village and for consumers outside the Village annually or at any other time as determined by the Village, except that, if no action is taken by the Village, the most recently adopted schedule shall continue in effect. Water rates shall be established pursuant to §§ 11-1118 and 11-1120 of the Village Law of the State of New York.
All water rates shall be charged on the basis of the amount registered on the meters installed, as herein provided, or a minimum charge, or on any combination of these methods as established and fixed by the Village.
The minimum service charge rate shall be payable even though no water is consumed.
Water supplied to consumers outside the boundaries of the Village shall be on such terms and such conditions as may be fixed by the Village Board. The Village Board may require that there be deposited with the Village a sum equivalent to the estimated cost of water to be supplied to an applicant for each ensuing six-month period and that such deposit be held as security for collection of the water rent.
Any water supply to consumers outside the Village limits shall be furnished only upon an agreement that the Village assumes no obligation to maintain any facility not owned by the Village.
All water supply contracts for outside users may be reviewed yearly for updating and approval.
The minimum service charge and/or water rates payable by consumers outside the Village may be at a greater rate than the current water rates payable by consumers within the Village, and such outside water rates shall be established by the Village Board.
Consumers to whom water is supplied outside the boundaries of the Village shall be subject to disconnection of such service as provided in the rules and regulations for any and all consumers.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to relieve consumers of water outside the Village boundaries from any liabilities or obligations imposed by law or ordinance, upon resident users of water.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to give any person or persons any right or rights to water from the Village, and the granting of each such temporary permit shall be by the Village Board.
Each user and owner of a premises shall be jointly and severally liable for the water rent, interest, and all additional charges and penalties established herein.
Every user who continues the use of the Village water system after the taking effect of this chapter, and the owners of each parcel of realty which is so served by the Village water system, are and shall be deemed to have assented and agreed to conform to and comply with each and every provision set forth in this chapter.
The water rent charge shall be billed on a calendar-quarter basis and shall be due and payable for each calendar quarter in the month succeeding the end of each quarter, i.e., May, August, November and February of each year.
If the water rent is not paid prior to the first day of the next succeeding month in which the charge was due, a penalty of 20% of the charge shall be added thereto. If the water bill, including penalty, is unpaid on the 10th day of the second month after payment is due, water to such property shall be shut off and an additional charge of $20 shall be imposed and designated a shutoff charge. Water service will only be restored after the entire bill, including all penalties and charges, shall be paid in full.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, collection of delinquent water rents may be enforced pursuant to Village Law § 11-1118, as enacted and amended now and hereafter. All attorneys' fees and costs incurred by the Village of Weedsport in collecting any delinquent water rent more than 45 days past due shall be charged against and added to the amount of the unpaid sewer rent and shall be a part of any lien therefor.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, delinquent water rents and penalties remaining unpaid on the 11th day of January of each year shall become a lien and added to the Village real estate tax levied against the property, as provided in Village Law § 11-1118.
The Village Board of the Village of Weedsport is hereby authorized to enforce this chapter in all respects, including the full power to collect rents, and its decision shall be final and binding.
The purpose of these regulations is to safeguard potable water supplies by preventing backflow into public water systems. The regulations are to be reasonably interpreted. It is the intent of these regulations to recognize that there are varying degrees of hazard and to apply the principle that the degree of protection should be commensurate with the degree of hazard.
Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A physical break between a supply pipe and a receiving vessel. The air gap shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe, measured vertically above the top rim of the vessel, in no case less than one inch.
A check valve that seats readily and completely. It must be carefully machined to have free-moving parts and assured watertightness. The face of the closure element and valve seat must be bronze, composition, or other noncorrodible material which will seat tightly under all prevailing conditions of field use. Pins and bushings shall be of bronze or other noncorrodible, nonsticking material, machined for easy, dependable operation. The closure element, e.g., clapper, shall be internally weighted or otherwise internally equipped to promote rapid and positive closure in all sizes where this feature is obtainable.
An assembly of at least two independently acting check valves, including tightly closing shutoff valves on each side of the check valve assembly and suitable leak-detector drains plus connections available for testing the watertightness of each check valve. This device must be approved as a complete assembly.
A device incorporating two or more check valves and an automatically operating differential relief valve located between the two checks, and two shutoff valves and equipped with necessary appurtenances for testing. The device shall operate to maintain the pressure in the zone between the two check valves, less than the pressure on the public water supply side of the device. At cessation of normal flow, the pressure between check valves shall be less than the supply pressure. In case of leakage of either check valve, the differential relief valve shall operate to maintain this reduced pressure by discharging to the atmosphere. When the inlet pressure is two pounds per square inch or less, the relief valve shall open to the atmosphere, thereby providing an air gap in the device. To be approved, these devices must be readily accessible for maintenance and testing and installed in a location where no part of the valve will be submerged. The enclosure must be self-draining so that the large amount of water which the relief valve may vent will be disposed of reliably without submergence of the relief valve. This device must also be approved as a complete assembly.
Any water supply approved by the New York State Department of Health.
Any water supply on or available to the premises other than the approved public water supply.
A loop of pipe rising approximately 35 feet, at its topmost point, above the highest fixture it supplies.
A person who is examined annually by the water purveyor and found competent for the testing of backflow prevention devices. He shall be provided with an appropriate identification card which must be renewed annually. Failure to perform his duties competently and conscientiously will result in prompt withdrawal of his certification.
Any unprotected connection between any part of a water system used or intended to supply water for drinking purposes and any source or system containing water or substance that is not or cannot be approved as equally safe, wholesome, and potable for human consumption.
A vacuum breaker which is designed so as not to be subjected to static line pressure.
A vacuum breaker designed to operate under conditions of static line pressure.
The consumer or a person on the premises charged with the responsibility of complete knowledge and understanding of the water supply piping within the premises and for maintaining the consumer's water system free from cross-connections and other sanitary defects, as required by regulations and laws.
Protection of public water system at service connection.
Where protection is required. Each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises having an auxiliary water supply shall be protected against backflow of water from the premises into the public water system, unless the auxiliary water supply is approved as an additional source by the water purveyor and is satisfactory to the public health agency having jurisdiction with regard to quality and safety.
Each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises on which any substance is handled under pressure in such fashion as to permit entry into the water system shall be protected against backflow of the water from the premises into the public system. This shall include the handling of process waters and waters originating from the public water supply system which may have been subject to deterioration in sanitary or chemical quality.
Each service connection from a public water system for supplying water to premises on which a substance of unusually toxic concentration or danger to health is handled in liquid form, even though it is not under pressure, shall be protected against backflow of the water from premises into the public system. Examples are plating factories and hospitals. This is not intended to apply to normal household installations.
Backflow prevention devices shall be installed on the service connection to any premises that have internal cross-connections, unless such cross-connections are abated to the satisfaction of the water purveyor.
It shall be the responsibility of the water user to provide and maintain these protective devices, and each one must be of a type acceptable to the State Health Department.
Type of protection. The protective device required shall depend on the degree of hazard as tabulated below:
At the service connection to any premises where there is an auxiliary water supply handled in a separate piping system with no known cross-connection, the public water supply shall be protected by an approved double-check valve assembly.
At the service connection on any premises on which there is an auxiliary water supply where cross-connections are known to exist which cannot be presently eliminated, the public water supply system shall be protected by an air-gap separation or an approved reduced-pressure-principle backflow prevention device.
At the service connection to any premises on which a substance that would be objectionable (but not necessarily hazardous to health if introduced into the public water supply) is handled so as to constitute a cross-connection, the public water supply shall be protected by an approved double-check valve assembly.
At the service connection to any premises on which a substance of unusual toxic concentration or danger to health is or may be handled, but not under pressure, the public water supply shall be protected by an air-gap separation or an approved reduced-pressure-principle backflow prevention device. This device shall be located as close as practicable to the water meter, and all piping between the water meter and receiving tanks shall be entirely visible.
At the service connection to any premises on which any material dangerous to health or toxic substance in toxic concentration is or may be handled under pressure, the public water supply shall be protected by an air-gap separation. The air gap shall be located as close as practicable to the water meter, and all piping between the water meter and receiving tanks shall be entirely visible. If these conditions cannot reasonably be met, the public water supply shall be protected with an approved reduced-pressure-principle backflow prevention device, providing the alternative is acceptable to the water purveyor.
At the service connection to any sewage treatment plant or sewage pumping station, the public water supply shall be protected by an air-gap separation. The air gap shall be located as close as practicable to the water meter and all piping between the water meter and receiving tanks shall be entirely visible. If these conditions cannot be reasonably met, the public water supply shall be protected with an approved reduced-pressure-principle backflow prevention device.
Frequency of inspection of protective devices.
It shall be the duty of the water user on any premises on account of which backflow protective devices are installed to have competent inspections made at least once a year, or more often in those instances where successive inspections indicate repeated failure. These devices shall be repaired, overhauled, or replaced at the expense of the water user whenever they are found to be defective. These tests shall be performed by a qualified backflow prevention device tester, and all test results will be provided to the water purveyor within 72 hours after such test is made.
Records of such tests, repairs, and overhaul shall also be kept and made available to the water purveyor and the local health department upon request.
Protection of potable water system within premises.
Separate drinking water system. Whenever the Superintendent of Public Works determines that it is not practical to protect drinking water systems on premises against entry of water from a source or piping system or equipment that cannot be approved as safe or potable for human use, an entirely separate drinking water system shall be installed to supply water at points convenient for consumers.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Water systems for fighting fire, derived from a supply that cannot be approved as safe or potable for human use, shall, wherever practicable, be kept wholly separate from drinking water pipelines and equipment. In cases where the domestic water system is used for both drinking and fire-fighting purposes, approved backflow prevention devices shall be installed to protect such individual drinking water lines as are not used for fire-fighting purposes. Any auxiliary fire-fighting water supply which is not approved for potable purposes but which is so connected that it may be introduced into potable water piping during an emergency shall be equipped with an approved automatic chlorination machine. It is hereby declared that it is the responsibility of the person or persons causing the introduction of said unapproved or unsafe water into the pipelines to see that a procedure is developed and carried out to notify and protect users of this piping system during the emergency and that special precautions are taken to disinfect thoroughly and flush out all the pipelines which may become contaminated before they are again used to furnish drinking water. In the event the means of protection of water consumers is by disinfection of the auxiliary fire-fighting supply, the installation and its use shall be thoroughly reliable. The public water supply must be protected against backflow from such dual domestic fire systems, as detailed in § 204-15C.
Process waters. Potable water pipelines connected to equipment for industrial processes or operations shall be protected by a suitable backflow prevention device located beyond the last point from which drinking water may be taken, which device shall be provided on the feed line to process piping or equipment. In the event that the particular process liquid is especially corrosive or apt to prevent reliable action of the backflow prevention device, air-gap separation shall be provided. These devices shall be tested by the water user at least once a year, or more often in those instances where successive inspections indicate repeated failure. The devices shall be repaired, overhauled, or replaced whenever they are found to be defective. These tests must be performed by a qualified backflow prevention device tester, and records of tests, repairs, and replacement shall be kept and made available to the water purveyor and the health department upon request.
Sewage treatment plants and pumping stations. Sewage pumps shall not have priming connections directly off any drinking water systems. No connections shall exist between the drinking water system and any other piping, equipment, or tank in any sewage treatment plant or sewage pumping station.
Plumbing connections.
Where the circumstances are such that there is special danger to health by the backflow of sewage, as from sewers, toilets, hospital bedpans and the like, into a drinking water system, a dependable device or devices shall be installed to prevent such backflow.
The purpose of these regulations is not to transcend local plumbing regulations but only to deal with those extraordinary situations where sewage may be forced or drawn into the drinking water piping. These regulations do not attempt to eliminate at this time the hazards of backsiphonage through flushometer valves on all toilets but deal with those situations where the likelihood of vacuum conditions in the drinking water system is definite and there is special danger to health. Devices suited to the purpose of avoiding backsiphonage from plumbing fixtures are roof tanks, barometric loops or separate pressure system separately piped to supply such fixtures, recognized approved vacuum or siphon breaker and other backflow protective devices which have been proved by appropriate tests to be dependable for destroying the vacuum.
Inasmuch as many of the serious hazards of this kind are due to water supply piping which is too small, thereby causing vacuum conditions when fixtures are flushed or water is drawn from the system in other ways, it is recommended that water supply piping that is too small be enlarged wherever possible.
Marking safe and unsafe waterlines.
Where the premises contains dual or multiple water systems and piping, the exposed portions of pipelines shall be painted, banded or marked at sufficient intervals to distinguish clearly which water is safe and which is not safe. All outlets from secondary or other potentially contaminated systems shall be posted as being contaminated and unsafe for drinking purposes. All outlets intended for drinking purposes shall be plainly marked to indicate that fact.
Water Supervisor. The health department and the water purveyor shall be kept informed of the identity of the person responsible for the water piping on all premises concerned with these regulations. At each premises where it is necessary, in the opinion of the water purveyor, a water supervisor shall be designated. This water supervisor shall be responsible for the installation and use of pipelines and equipment and for the avoidance of cross-connections.
In the event of contamination or pollution of the drinking water system due to a cross-connection on the premises, the local health department and water purveyor shall be promptly advised by the person responsible for the water system so that appropriate measures may be taken to overcome the contamination.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Recourse for noncompliance.
No water service connection to any premises shall be installed or maintained by the water purveyor unless the water supply is protected as required by state regulations and this rule.
Service of water to any premises may be discontinued by the water purveyor if a backflow preventive device required by this rule and regulation is not installed, tested, and maintained; if any defect is found in an installed backflow preventive device; if it is found that a backflow preventive device has been removed or bypassed; or if unprotected cross-connections exist on the premises, and service will not be restored until such conditions or defects are corrected.
Unless in actual use all hydrants, taps, fixtures or other outlets must be securely shut off. Any unnecessary waste of water is strictly prohibited.
If the Board of Trustees at any time determines that an emergency exists threatening a shortage of water supply, the Board may prescribe emergency rules for further regulation and restriction of the use of the water supply, and such rules shall have the force and effect of a rule or regulation duly adopted.
The Superintendent of Public Works and other duly authorized employees of the Village bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The Superintendent of Public Works or his representatives shall have no authority to inquire into any processes, including metallurgical, chemical, oil, refining, ceramic, paper, or other industries, beyond that point having a direct bearing on the water system of the Village of Weedsport.
The Superintendent of Public Works and other duly authorized employees of the Village bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all private properties through which the Village holds a duly negotiated easement for the purpose of, but not limited to, inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, repair and maintenance of any portion of the waterworks lying within said easement. All entry and subsequent work, if any, on said easement shall be done in full accordance with the terms of the duly negotiated easement pertaining to the private property involved.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
No person, firm, hospital, association, corporation, whether public or private, partnership, or any agent, employee, builder, plumber or contractor therefor or any of his or its agents, employees, or subcontractors shall in any way violate or assist, solicit, request, command or aid in any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. A violation shall include, but is not limited to, the refusal, neglect or omission to do any act or obtain any permit required by any of the provisions of this chapter. All owners of each parcel of realty and all users of the water system where a violation occurs shall each be fully responsible for each said violation under this chapter in addition to the actual violators thereof. In addition, a person is liable for conduct constituting a violation of this chapter which he performs or causes to be performed in the name of or on behalf of a corporation to the same extent as if such conduct were performed in his own name or behalf.
An action or proceeding may be maintained in the name of the Village of Weedsport in any court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with, or to restrain by injunction, the violation of any portion, section or any part of any section of this chapter.
Nothing herein shall limit the authority or right of the Board of Trustees to disconnect the premises affected from the Village water supply system as provided in this chapter.
In addition to any and all remedies, penalties, charges and interest set forth herein, a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall be a criminal violation and, upon conviction thereof, each such violation shall be punished as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I, General Penalty, of the Code of the Village of Weedsport.
In addition, all violators may be proceeded against by the Village or by the Superintendent of Public Works, or by the owner of any property in the Village affected by such violation, by appropriate action or by proceeding in equity or otherwise to prevent, enjoin, remove, and/or discontinue any violation or potential violation of this chapter and/or to recover a money judgment.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The Village shall be entitled to recover from any person found in violation and from the owner of the property on which the violation has occurred all attorneys' fees, fees of the Superintendent of Public Works, and other costs to the Village of ascertaining and remedying violations of this chapter and enforcing the rights of the Village and penalties hereunder.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The imposition of all penalties for any violation of this chapter shall not excuse the violation thereof or permit it to continue. The application of all penalties hereinabove and herein provided shall not prevent the enforced removal and termination of conditions, acts, and omissions prohibited by this chapter, the enforced adherence thereto, or the taking of such other action as may be authorized by this chapter or any other law.
The remedies under this section may be used singly, concurrently and sequentially in any combination, and the use of one remedy shall not exclude the exercise of any other remedy hereunder.
Each day that a violation under this chapter shall be allowed to exist shall be deemed a separate violation.
This chapter shall be effective February 1, 1985.