As used in this chapter, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
The taking of still or motion pictures either on film or
videotape or similar recording medium, for commercial or educational
purposes, intended for viewing on television, computers, in theaters,
for institutional uses, or over the internet. The provisions of this
chapter shall not be deemed to include the filming of news stories
within the Borough of Rutherford.
Any film which is financed and/or distributed by a major
motion picture studio, including but not limited to the following:
Universal Pictures, Warner Brothers, including New Line Cinema, Castle
Rock Cinema, and Turner Production Company, Paramount, 20th Century
Fox, Columbia/Tri-Star, Disney, MGM United Artists, Dreamworks, and
Sony; or any film for which the budget is at least $5,000,000; or
any recurrent television series programming.
[Amended 8-23-2021 by Ord. No. 3574-21]
Any and every public street, highway, sidewalk, square, public
park or playground or any other public place within the borough that
is within the jurisdiction and control of the Borough of Rutherford.
The schedule of fees required for filming are
as follows:
A. Basic permit fee.
(1) Basic filming permit for filming on public or private
lands: $150.
[Amended 8-23-2021 by Ord. No. 3574-21]
(2) Basic filming permit for applicant requesting waiver
of the five-day notice period provided above: $250.
[Amended 8-23-2021 by Ord. No. 3574-21]
(3) Basic filming permit for nonprofit applicants filming
for educational purposes: $50.
(4) Basic filming permit fee is waived for active members
of the Borough BID who are in good standing and for all West End business
owners, so long as the proposed filming is limited to self-promotion
of the business located in the BID or the West End. The "West End"
is defined as all businesses located on Union Avenue between Jackson
Avenue and Erie Avenue; on Jackson Avenue between Passaic Avenue and
Erie Avenue; on Erie Avenue between Union Avenue and Washington Avenue.
The Borough Administrator, in his or her discretion, may waive the
basic filming permit fee for other businesses, so long as the proposed
filming is for self-promotion of the business.
(5) The basic filming permit is nonrefundable and must
be paid at the time of submission of the application.
(6) If a permit is issued and, due to inclement weather
or other good cause, filming does not in fact take place on the dates
specified, the Borough Clerk may, at the request of the applicant,
issue a new permit for filming on other dates, subject to full compliance
with all other provisions of this chapter as deemed necessary by the
Borough Clerk or Borough Administrator. No additional basic permit
fee shall be required for the reissued permit.
B. Daily filming fee.
[Amended 8-23-2021 by Ord. No. 3574-21]
(1) Daily filming fee for filming: $500 per day.
(2) Daily filming fee for major motion picture for filming
on public lands: $1,500 per day.
(3) No daily rate is required for nonprofit applicants
filming for educational purposes. The Borough Administrator, in consultation
with the Mayor, may determine to negotiate a flat fee for filming
for approved longer-term permits.
(4) The daily filming fee shall be payable in full at
the time the permit is approved and issued. The daily filming fee
shall be nonrefundable.
C. Parking fees for filming.
[Amended 8-23-2021 by Ord. No. 3574-21]
(1) Fee for use of metered space: $40 per day per metered
(2) Fee for parking in nonmetered areas: $25 per day per
passenger vehicle and $50 per day per commercial vehicle.
(3) The Borough Administrator, in consultation with the
Mayor, may determine to negotiate a fiat fee for parking for approved
major motion pictures.
(4) The parking fees shall be payable at the time of issuance
of the permit, and at such other times as shall be required due to
increased parking by the permit holder. The Borough Clerk shall have
the authority to override these fees where negotiation of a flat fee
is more reasonable.
(5) There shall be no overnight parking allowed under
any circumstances.
(6) The
parking fees for filming shall be nonrefundable.
D. Other fees. The permit holder shall reimburse the Borough
for any lost revenue, reimbursement for lower meter revenues, use
of Borough resources (such as water or electricity), repairs to or
cleanup of public property, for use of any Borough personnel, such
as police officers, and for any other cost incurred by the Borough
that is connected to the permit holder's filming. Such reimbursements
shall be paid immediately upon being incurred, or shall be deducted
from the bond or security deposit required under this chapter. If
additional monies are due from the permit holder, the Borough shall
bill the permit holder, and all payment is due within 30 days of the
date of the invoice. If full payment is not made within 30 days, the
lack of payment shall be considered a violation of this chapter, and
punishable as same.