It is the policy of the borough that every employee at all times be treated fairly, courteously and with respect. Conversely, each employee is expected to accord the same treatment to his associates, supervisors and to the public.
Whenever an employee has a grievance he should first present it verbally to his department head. It is the responsibility of the department head to arrange a mutually satisfactory settlement of the grievance as quickly as possible within the discretion permitted him. The department head must either conclude a mutually satisfactory solution to the grievance within 48 hours of the time when it was first presented to him or, failing in that, must within that time advise the employee of his inability to do so.
When an employee is informed by his department head that he is unable, within the discretion permitted him, to arrange a mutually satisfactory solution to the grievance, the employee must, if he wishes to present the grievance to higher authority, do so in writing in the following manner.
The employee will prepare the grievance in writing, in duplicate. The grievance should be stated as completely and as clearly as possible, in order to permit prompt handling. One copy of the grievance shall be immediately placed the hands of the Borough Clerk, who shall without delay forward it to the proper councilmanic committee in order to advise it of the filing of a grievance.
The other copy of the grievance shall be presented by the employee to his department head. The department head shall report the facts and events which led up to its presentation, in writing, including in his written report any verbal answer he may have previously given to the employee concerning this grievance. Within 24 hours after receipt of the written grievance the department head must present it, with the information required from him to the Borough Clerk, who shall without delay forward it to the proper councilmanic committee.
The councilmanic committee shall then consider and formally act on the complaint.
Since it is intended that most, if not all, grievances can and should be settled without the necessity of reference to the Mayor and Council, no grievance shall be heard or considered by the Mayor and Council which has not first passed through the above-described steps.
All papers and documents relating to a grievance and its disposition shall be placed in the employee's personal history file.