It is the desire of the Mayor and Borough Council to recognize suitably all outstandingly commendatory actions or suggestions of borough employees.
When a letter is received commending the work or action of an employee on duty, it shall first be referred to the Borough Council, which will endorse thereon or attach thereto suitable comment. The letter shall then be returned to the Borough Clerk and placed in the employee's personal history file.
If an employee shall perform a meritorious action beyond the call of duty, appropriate formal recognition of that fact shall be made.
The immediate supervisor or his superior will investigate the incident, obtain all facts relating thereto and prepare a written report to the Borough Council.
The Borough Council will consider the matter and take such action as is proper to commend the employee for the meritorious action. All papers in connection therewith shall be placed in the employee's personal history file.
[Amended 5-16-1961 by Ord. No. 1831]
All employees are urged to seek ways and means of effecting work improvement and to submit to their superior or to the Municipal Suggestion Committee any well-thought-out suggestion for doing a better job, in less time, with less effort and at a lower cost.
Supervisors shall encourage and shall carefully investigate such suggestions. They will work wholeheartedly with the employee to correct any apparent defects, to develop the suggestion or to improve on the original idea.
Supervisors shall report to their superiors each worthwhile suggestion or idea submitted by an employee which is accepted and used.
If the specific suggestion or idea results in a saving or effects a substantial improvement, a written report shall be prepared and referred to the Borough Council.
The Borough Council shall carefully study such memoranda, as it is desired to give credit whenever and wherever it is due, and to suitably recognize the employees who make a superior contribution to the work of the borough.
All memoranda relating to the suggestion, and the action of the Borough Council in connection therewith, shall be placed in the employee's personal history file.
[Added 6-16-1959 by Ord. No. 1778]
Department heads shall present letters of recognition to employees who have completed 10 years of service and 20 years of service. The Mayor and Council shall adopt resolutions recognizing 25 years, 30 years and 35 years of service to the borough and suitable copies of the same shall be presented to the employees.