Editor's Note: See also Ch. 91, Sanitary Sewers.
All owners of property along the line of any sewers constructed for the purpose of carrying sewage matter in any of the streets of this Borough shall connect their house and other buildings with the sewer in the street adjoining said property upon 30 days' notice, in writing, from the Board of Health to make such connection; said notice to be served by delivering the same to the owner of the said property or by leaving the same at the residence of the owner with a member of the family above the age of 18 years and explaining the contents thereof or, in case of a nonresident owner, by serving the same on the resident agents, if any, and by mailing the same by registered mail to the owner's last known post office address.
Any person, persons, firm or corporation who shall not comply with the notice provided for in § 89-72 of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a penalty not exceeding $25, and for each day of delay after the expiration of said notice are not complied with there shall be an additional penalty not exceeding $10.