No person, persons, firm or corporation shall carry on or permit to be carried on in the Borough of Rutherford the manufacture, compounding or mixing of any acids, dyes, chemicals, poisonous substances, drugs or any other chemical substances without a special permit from the Board of Health as hereinafter provided. No person, persons, firm or corporation shall carry on or permit to be carried on any business that shall create an odor or fumes that shall be noxious, unhealthful or detrimental to the neighborhood where said manufactory is located for residential purposes without a permit from the Board of Health as hereinafter provided.
Any person desiring to engage in said business as aforesaid shall, before doing so, make written application to the Board of Health on a blank to be prepared and furnished by the Board of Health, setting forth the nature and details of the business proposed to be carried on; and the permit to transact such business, if issued, shall be of such form and under such regulations as the Board of Health shall prescribe. In the event that any person, persons, firm or corporation shall engage in said business as aforesaid without having first obtained said permit or shall fail to comply with the regulations of said permit and the regulations of the Board of Health, such business may be summarily abated. No such permit shall be transferable in case of transfer or sale of said business, but in such case, a new application must be made and a new permit granted to the person, persons, firm or corporation who propose to conduct said business.
There shall be paid before the permit shall be granted and submitted with the application therefor a fee of $25 for each new application and a fee of $10 for each renewal thereof.
Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit chemists, druggists, physicians or dentists from manufacturing or compounding drugs and chemicals for professional purposes.