[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Vernon 11-24-1986 by Ord. No. 86-34. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other ordinance of the Township of Vernon, whenever the Mayor and Township Council shall by resolution determine that any occupied dwelling shall have become uninhabitable by virtue of fire or other casualty, temporary housing upon the premises may be permitted subject to such terms and provisions as the Mayor and Township Council shall deem appropriate. Such housing shall ordinarily consist of a trailer or other similar structure, and occupancy thereof shall be conditioned upon the reconstruction of the damaged dwelling within such period of time as shall be limited by such resolution.
The terms of such resolution before occupancy thereof, and in the event of a failure to abide by such terms and in particular to vacate such temporary housing upon expiration of the term of occupancy limited by such resolution, all costs of enforcement of the terms of such resolution, including actual attorney's fees incurred by the Mayor and Township Council shall, upon certification thereof by the Mayor and Township Council to the Tax Collector, become immediately due and payable and shall constitute a lien on the premises to be collected in the same manner as unpaid taxes.