General. All materials entering into the construction of streets and the methods of construction and drainage shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications Publication 408, latest revision thereof, and shall be supplied by vendors approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for the supply of such materials. Inspection of materials and construction methods shall be as approved and in accordance with the requirements set forth herein as well as § 320-24 of the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
The area within the limits of the proposed road surface shall be shaped to conform to the line, grade and cross-section of the proposed road.
All unsuitable subgrade materials shall be removed or stabilized.
Wet or swampy areas shall be permanently drained and stabilized, as permitted by the regulatory agency having jurisdiction.
Fills shall be made with suitable materials approved by the Township Engineer and thoroughly compacted for full width in uniform layers of not more than eight inches thick. No more than two feet of fill shall be laid between inspections by the Township Engineer.
The final subgrade shall be thoroughly compacted by rolling with a minimum ten-ton roller. Equivalent vibratory sheepsfoot or rubber-tired rollers may be used at the discretion of the Township Engineer. Subgrade shall be compacted, tight and dry, to one-hundred-percent compaction at optimum moisture and shall not be soft and spongy under the roller. Compaction of the subgrade shall extend the full width of the cartway and shoulders. Compaction tests meeting ASTM or ASHA standards are required in virgin soil at maximum five-hundred-foot intervals, unless otherwise approved by the Township Engineer. The developer and/or contractor shall obtain the services of a third-party certified materials testing firm to perform the tests, and the results shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and shall be submitted to the Township Engineer. Any location not meeting the compaction requirements shall be removed or rerolled, and retested, until suitable compaction is achieved.
In fill areas compaction tests meeting ASTM or ASHA standards are required for each three feet of fill thickness. The tests shall be conducted in each eight-inch layer at one-hundred-fifty-foot intervals. The developer and/or contractor shall obtain the services of a third-party certified materials testing firm to perform the tests, and the results shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and shall be submitted to the Township Engineer. All compaction must be one-hundred-percent compaction at optimum moisture. Any layer not meeting the compaction requirements shall be removed or rerolled, and retested, until suitable compaction is achieved.
In addition to the compaction and testing requirements described above, the subgrade may be proof rolled. Proof rolling shall consist of several passes of a loaded dump truck or other method approved by the Township Engineer. Should any unsuitable areas be detected by the proof rolling that cannot be stabilized by additional passes of the equipment, said areas shall be undercut and replaced with compacted aggregate fill. The determination of what, if any, areas are unsuitable is at the sole discretion of the Engineer. Any unsuitable areas, as determined by the Engineer, shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to base installation.
Base courses.
Base course shall consists of four inches of Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, 25.0 mm, PG 64-22, base course, placed on top of eight inches of PennDOT No. 2A compacted aggregate.
The base course shall be rolled uniformly and thoroughly compacted according the requirements of PennDOT Publication 408.
The aggregate portion of the base course shall extend 12 inches beyond the edge of paving on all streets constructed without curb.
No base material shall be placed on a wet or frozen subgrade.
If at time of construction, local unstable subgrade conditions are encountered, the Township Engineer may require that all areas of unstable subgrade be excavated to sufficient depth, replaced with approved material and compacted to a density and stability equal to or greater than the surrounding subgrade.
The Township may require additional base course material as deemed necessary by the Township Engineer.
Bituminous surfaces.
Bituminous road surface shall consist of four inches of Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, 19.0 mm, PG 64-22, binder course and 1 1/2 inches of Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design, 9.5 mm, PG 64-22, wearing course.
Bituminous base, binder and surface courses shall be laid to the specified thickness, measured after compaction. All bituminous courses shall be laid with a mechanical bituminous paver in accordance with specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications, Publication 408, latest edition thereof.
The completed road surface shall have a uniform slope of 1/4 inch per foot from edge to centerline, except that on super-elevated curves, this slope shall not be less than 1/4 inch per foot and shall extend up from the inside edge to the outside edge of the paving.
Application of all bituminous layers of roadway paving shall require full-time inspection by the Township or its authorized representative. Delivery slips for all material deliveries shall be furnished to the Township Engineer.
All wearing surface courses shall be sealed to the concrete curb, utility structures, and its joint with existing streets and driveways with a rubberized joint sealing material as specified in PennDOT Publication 408, Section 469.
Prior to application of bituminous surface courses, existing base courses shall be inspected by the Township representative for defects such as fracture, racking or other signs of base failure, or potential failure. All areas of failure or potential failure shall be removed by saw cutting and replaced or repaired to the satisfaction of the Township representative.
All paving shall be thoroughly cleaned and tack coated in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408, Section 460, prior to placement of the next course.
The binder course shall be ramped up to meet inlet tops so that inlets will function prior to the installation of the wearing course.
Weather limitations. Bituminous paving shall not be placed between October 31 and April 1, unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Township Engineer. Bituminous paving shall not be placed when surfaces are wet or when the temperature of either the air or the surface on which the paving is to be placed is 40° F or lower.
Failure to adhere to the above specifications shall give the Board of Supervisors cause to refuse to accept streets for dedication.
Grading and shoulders.
Roadways shall be graded for the full width of the right-of-way. Shoulders or berm areas, including planting strips and sidewalks behind curbs, shall be graded with a minimum slope of 1/4 inch per foot and a maximum slope of 1/2 inch per foot. Beyond the limits of this grading, banks shall be sloped to prevent erosion but this slope shall not be greater than three horizontal to one vertical with tops of slope in cuts rounded.
In cases where swales must be provided in the right-of-way areas outside of the paved cartway, cut slopes shall be limited to three horizontal to one vertical and fills shall be limited to three horizontal to one vertical.
All unpaved areas within the road right-of-way shall be backfilled with at least four inches of topsoil, seeded, and mulched in a manner and with materials approved by the Chester County Conservation District.
Guiderail shall be provided when roadside conditions meet warrants for guiderail in accordance with PennDOT Publication DM-2, Chapter 12. Such guiderail shall meet specifications established by PennDOT Publication 408.
It shall be unlawful for any person to drill any hole or make any opening or excavation in any existing Township street or right-of-way without first having obtained a permit for such from the Township.
At least three working days prior to the proposed start of work, the applicant or his representative shall contact the PA One Call System at 1-800-242-1776, report the proposed work, and obtain a serial number, and provide such serial number to the municipality. No work shall begin until such date and time as authorized by PA One Call.
At least 48 hours before initiation of the work, the permit holder shall notify the Township to allow for the supervision and inspection of the backfill and restoration.
The amount of trench opened, and also the amount left open at the conclusion of the workday, if any, shall at all times be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer.
During the progress of the work, the holder of the permit shall provide and maintain all required safety protection, including flag persons, signing, barricades, flashing warning devices and other required devices. All safety protection methods, devices and procedures shall be in conformance with PennDOT Publication 213, Work Zone Traffic Control, current edition, PennDOT Publication 212, Official Traffic Control Devices, current edition, and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, current edition issued by the Federal Highway Administration.
The work area shall be swept clean, cleaned of debris and otherwise policed at the end of each workday and at the end of the project. Mud shall not be tracked onto the streets at any time. All mud shall be cleaned up within one hour of verbal or written notice from the Municipality or its agents.
All openings or excavations of streets, excepting drill holes, shall be cut with a power saw and not with an air jackhammer or similar devices.
Any person opening or excavating any street shall, upon completion of the project, immediately and completely backfill such openings or excavations, mechanically tamping the same so as to prevent any settling thereof prior to the expiration of the permit.
Compaction tests of the street subgrade shall be performed when and where directed by the Township Engineer in accordance with the procedure and requirements previously described for street subgrade.
Where test holes have been drilled, they shall be filled with bituminous concrete and sealed with rubberized joint sealing material.
Backfilling and permanent restoration of any opening and/or excavations shall be as follows:
Before completing the backfilling of any trench, a saw cut shall extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the trench opening on all sides of the excavation.
Pipe envelope. A bedding of PennDOT 2B (AASHTO No. 57) aggregate shall be placed to a depth of six inches under the utility pipe. PennDOT 2B, 2A, or 2RC shall be placed to a depth of 12 inches over the top of the utility pipe to complete the pipe envelope. Such envelope shall be placed and completed in maximum six-inch lifts.
Trench backfill. PennDOT 2A or 2RC aggregate shall be placed and compacted in maximum six-inch lifts above the pipe envelope to the depth of the final paving restoration.
A five-inch compacted minimum depth of superpave asphalt mix design, 25.0 mm, PG 64-22, base course extending a minimum of 12 inches on each side of the trench, shall be placed on top of the backfill.
A two-inch compacted minimum depth of superpave asphalt mix design, 19.0 mm, PG 64-22, binder course shall be placed on top of the base course.
A one-and-one-half-inch compacted minimum depth of superpave asphalt mix design, 9.5 mm, PG 64-22 wearing course shall be placed on top of the binder course. The saw cut shall be sealed with rubberized joint sealing material. The permit holder shall be held responsible for any settlement within one year of the final restoration.
Where openings are made outside paved areas, backfill shall be completed in accordance with Subsection B(9)(b) and (c) above. Surface restoration shall consist of at least six inches of topsoil, seeded and mulched in a manner and with materials approved by the Chester County Conservation District.
Temporary restoration. During winter construction periods, the trench shall be backfilled in accordance with Subsection B(9)(a), (b) and (c) for permanent restoration above. The final step shall be temporary application of bituminous stockpile mix (minimum depth of three inches) to bring the trench to street grade. Inspection shall be made periodically to maintain the trench in condition satisfactory to the Township. On or before May 31 following the date the street cut was first made, the permittee shall permanently restore the cut as in Subsection B(9)(d), (e) and (f) above.
Where street openings or excavations are done on a newly constructed street or a street that was repaved within three years prior to the date of issuance of said permit, the street shall be resurfaced with paving materials prescribed by the Township as follows:
Fifteen feet on either side of the opening for lateral and angled street openings.
Entire length of street opening plus 15 feet on each side and each end of street opening for longitudinal street openings.
All residential, commercial and industrial driveways opening onto a Township street shall require the issuance of a driveway permit before construction in accordance with applicable ordinances.
Sight distance must be provided at all driveway intersections in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 441 of Title 67 of the Pennsylvania Code.
Adequate turnaround surface shall be provided on the property so that egress to the street is in a forward direction.
Driveways to single-family residences shall intersect streets at angles of no less than 60°. All other driveways shall intersect streets at right angles.
Driveways to single-family residences shall be located not less than 40 feet from the closest street intersection (measured from the curbline or edge of pavement of the intersecting streets). All other driveways shall be located not less than 100 feet from the closest street intersection.
Driveways shall be graded so that, wherever possible, surface drainage will remain on the owner's property; otherwise, adequately sized pipes, inlets, and/or headwalls shall be installed and gutter improvements shall be made to direct surface drainage into the road drainage system and not onto the paving of the intersecting road. In cases where a driveway cross pipe is required, such pipe shall be a minimum diameter of 15 inches and shall extend a minimum of five feet beyond the edges at the driveway.
Driveways to single-family residences shall be paved with concrete or bituminous material from the edge of the street cartway to a point in the lot 15 feet from the right-of-way line of any public or private road. This portion of the driveway shall not exceed 5% grade.
Commercial, industrial and multifamily residential development driveways. Commercial, industrial, and multifamily residential driveways shall meet the following standards: driveways shall meet the requirements of the Township Driveways Ordinance, except as modified below:
Driveways shall be paved with 1 1/2 inches of superpave asphalt mix design, 9.5 mm, PG 64-22, wearing course; 4 1/2 inches of superpave asphalt mix design, 25.0 mm, PG 64-22, base course; and six inches of PennDOT No. 2A course aggregate subbase.
Driveway width shall be a minimum of 20 feet and a maximum of 36 feet at the street line unless provided with median divider.
Driveways shall be curbed. The curb radius shall be a minimum of 20 feet at the street intersection.
Driveways shall be constructed with a minimum 2% minimum crown or cross slope.
General. The construction of any new curbs or sidewalks and the repairing of any existing curbs or sidewalks in the Township shall be in conformance with the following specifications.
The grade to which every curb, gutter, or sidewalk shall be hereafter laid, constructed or repaired, other than that established in an approved subdivision and land development plan, shall be that fixed and designated by the Township Engineer. When required by the Township Engineer, grade cut sheets for the curb or sidewalk shall be provided for review prior to the installation of the structure.
All new street trees shall be planted on the residence side of the sidewalk at a distance of at least two feet outside of the ultimate right-of-way, unless specified otherwise elsewhere, in which case the greatest distance shall apply.
No open gutters for conducting rainwater or drainage of any kind will be permitted to run over the top of curbs or sidewalks. All underground rain conductors shall be Schedule 40 PVC.
No persons or person, firm or corporation shall construct or repair any curb, sidewalk, or gutters within the public right-of-way without first applying for and obtaining a permit for the same from the Township. No permit will be required for new curbing, gutters or sidewalk to be constructed in an approved subdivision and/or land development which is to be installed by the developer.
All curbs, sidewalks and other accessible routes for individuals with disabilities shall comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Township Building Code for handicap accessibility. Construction shall be in compliance with ADA Standards for Accessible Design (28 CFR Part 36, as amended) or to Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities (ICC/ANSI A117.1 — 2003, as amended). Curb ramp construction details shall be consistent with those found in PennDOT Publication 72M RC-67M.
Concrete mix, placement, finishing, and curing.
All curbs, gutters and sidewalks as well as all driveways over sidewalks shall be constructed of monolithic concrete. Said concrete shall have a low slump with a maximum slump of four inches, a compressive strength of 4,000 pounds per square inch (psi) in 28 days, a low water-cement ratio of 0.45 or less, entrained air of 5% to 8% total air content and a minimum cementitious materials content of 564 pounds per cubic yard (lb/cu yd) of concrete. Certification for the concrete mix shall be furnished if required by the Engineer.
Proper finishing practices shall be used. No finishing operation shall be performed while there is excess moisture or bleeding water on the concrete surface. No subsequent finishing operation after bull floating shall be done until the concrete will sustain foot pressure with only about 1/4 inch indentation. The final finishing operation shall be to make a light broom finish.
The finished concrete shall be cured for at least seven days after placement. As soon as the concrete is hard, it shall be cured by one or combination of:
Moisten the concrete and cover it with waterproof paper or polyethylene film weighted down around the edges to prevent evaporation.
The concrete shall be kept continuously wet with a sprinkler.
The concrete shall be covered with burlap that is kept moist by occasionally spraying with water.
Liquid membrane-forming curing compound, meeting the specifications of ASTM C 309, Type 1, Classes A and B, shall be sprayed onto the concrete surface prior to temperatures below 40° F. The curing compound shall be a type that leaves no permanent discoloration on the surface and does not interfere with the application of any subsequent surface treatment.
The concrete shall air dry for at least 30 days prior to application of deicer chemicals. If time does not permit this air drying, the concrete surface shall be sealed with an approved breathable surface treatment.
Cold weather precautions.
If concrete is placed when the air temperature is or is expected to be less than 40° F., the following procedures shall be followed:
Use heated concrete so that the temperature does not fall below 50° F. during placing, finishing and curing.
Keep the concrete warm when freezing is possible. Use insulating blankets or a thick layer of dry straw. To keep the straw dry and in place, cover it with canvas, waterproof paper, or plastic sheeting.
Protect slab edges and corners with extra care, they are most vulnerable to freezing.
During cold weather, high-early-strength concrete may be used to speed setting and strength development. This can reduce the curing period from seven days to three days, but the concrete shall be kept at or above 50° F. for these three days. The concrete shall then cool gradually to air temperature to prevent thermal shock. Calcium chloride admixture shall not be used.
Hot weather precautions. If concrete is placed when the air temperature is or is expected to be above 85° F., the following procedures shall be followed:
Use concrete that has been chilled during batching and mixing.
Dampen the subgrade and forms.
Have enough manpower and equipment on hand to finish the concrete quickly.
Cover the concrete with wet burlap or plastic sheeting, and expose only a small area at a time just ahead of finishers, or use continuous wet curing methods.
Start curing as soon as possible.
Place and finish the concrete in the cooler early morning when possible.
The applicant shall provide the Township copies of all delivery slips for all materials used in the construction of curbs and sidewalks.
Curbs shall have clean-cut joints, a minimum of two inches deep, every 20 linear feet and expansion joints at structures and at the end of each day's work. Expansion joints shall be 1/2 inch in width with premolded expansion joint filler. Expansion joint material shall also be placed between any curb and concrete driveway apron.
All standard vertical curbs shall have a depth of not less than 18 inches and shall be eight inches in thickness at the base and seven inches thickness at the top. Curbs shall be constructed with an eight-inch reveal. Curbs shall rest on a compacted bed of AASHTO No. 57 (PennDOT 2B) crushed stone of a depth of not less than four inches when required by the Township Engineer.
Rolled curb may be utilized when specifically approved by the Township. Rolled curb shall be 24 inches wide, with a depth of nine inches at the front face, a depth of seven inches at the gutter line and a depth of 12 inches at the rear face. The curb shall rest on a compacted bed of AASHTO No. 57 (PennDOT 2B) crushed stone of a depth of not less than four inches when required by the Township Engineer.
Where a curb joins a storm inlet or where a tangent curb joins with a curb on a sharp radius, two No. 4 steel reinforcing bars 24 inches in length shall be embedded in the concrete.
The depressed curb at driveways shall be no higher than 1 1/2 inches above the street surface. Depressed curbs shall be reinforced with two parallel No. 5 steel reinforcing bars which shall extend a minimum of two feet beyond each end of the depressed curb section.
As soon as possible, the area in front and back of the curb shall be backfilled.
Curbing shall be flush with the final wearing course at handicap ramps.
If rain conductors are installed through the curb, they shall be at joints. There shall be two inches of cover over the conductors and one inch of reveal above the final wearing course to allow for overlay.
Any unused depressed curbing shall be replaced with full depth curb prior to street dedication.
Sidewalks shall have a minimum width of four feet except along collector or arterial streets and adjacent to schools, shopping centers, and community facilities where they shall be a minimum of five feet wide. When a sidewalk is used in combination as a community trail such sidewalk/trail shall have a minimum width of six feet.
Sidewalks shall be placed within the street right-of-way not less than three feet from the cartway and a minimum of one foot from the right-of-way line; gradient and paving of such sidewalks shall be continuous across all private driveways. A grass planting strip shall be provided between the curb and sidewalk.
Where sidewalks abut a driveway apron, building, wall or other permanent structure, a premolded expansion joint filler 1/2 inch in thickness shall be placed between the building, wall or other permanent structure and the sidewalk for the full length of such building, wall or other permanent structure.
Sidewalks shall have clean-cut joints, a minimum of one inch deep, every five linear feet, and expansion joints every 20 linear feet or less, at structures and at the end of each day's work. Expansion joints shall be 1/2 inch wide with premolded expansion joint filler. All sidewalks shall have a broom finish.
Sidewalks shall not be less than four inches in thickness and shall be placed on a minimum four-inch compacted base of AASHTO No. 57 (PennDOT 2B) crushed stone. Where driveways cross sidewalks and for concrete driveway aprons, the concrete shall be a minimum of six inches thick and shall include six inch by six inch by 10 gauge welded wire fabric (WWF) and shall be placed on a minimum four-inch compacted base of AASHTO No. 57 (PennDOT 2B) crushed stone.
Finished sidewalks shall have a cross slope of 1/8 of an inch vertical per foot horizontal, sloping downward toward the street. Finished sidewalks shall also have a grade from the inner edge of the sidewalk to the outer edge of the paved shoulder or curb of 1/8 of an inch vertical per foot horizontal.
Curb cut ramps, the same width as the path, shall be installed to permit the crossing of intersecting streets.
The vertical clearance from the path surface to overhead obstruction shall be not less than 10 feet.
The path shall be six feet wide and constructed of a four-inch AASHTO No. 57 (PennDOT 2B) aggregate base with a three-inch superpave mix design, 19.0 mm, PG 64-22 wearing course, unless combined with a concrete sidewalk. At the discretion of the Board of Supervisors, the path may be constructed of choked stone with compaction meeting 90% modified AASHTO, placed on a Class 2, Type A geotextile.
All paths shall be constructed in such a manner to insure adequate and proper drainage and to prevent the path from being inundated by surface drainage.
Unless specified otherwise, all materials and construction procedures shall be in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408, latest edition.
Trail heads shall be equipped with four-inch-by-four-inch removable timber bollards to control access to the trail.
Vegetation shall be cleared for a minimum distance of two feet from both sides of all trails.
General. Storm drainage facilities shall be designed in accordance with the Township's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO).[1] The intent of these specifications is to supplement the SALDO; however, if there is a conflict between the requirements of the SALDO and these specifications, these specifications shall prevail.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 320, Subdivision and Land Development.
Inlet boxes shall conform to PennDOT Standard Drawings and Publication 408, latest edition. Inlets shall be stenciled or otherwise marked with the phrase, "No Dumping — Drains to Creek."
Inlet frames and grates shall conform to PennDOT Standard Drawings and Publication 408, latest edition. Bicycle safe grates shall be installed where directed by the Engineer.
Storm manholes shall conform to PennDOT Standard Drawings and Publication 408, latest edition. Manhole covers shall have the word "Storm" cast in two-inch minimum height letters on the top of the cover.
All miscellaneous storm drainage appurtenances, such as head walls, endwalls, and energy flow dissipaters, shall be in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408, latest edition and the PennDOT Standard Drawings.
All storm sewers shall be a material which meets the one-hundred-year life expectancy criteria contained in the following:
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) strike-off letter Number 430-95-43, dated June 19, 1995 (Policy on Design, Fabrication, and Installation of Pipes), and any subsequent amendments;
Revisions made to the PennDOT Design Manual Part 2, Chapter 10 after June 19, 1995.
All storm pipes shall have a minimum inside diameter of 15 inches, except that pipes under a twenty-five-foot or greater fill shall not be less than 24 inches, or a cross-sectional area of 453 square inches.
All material shall be supplied from a manufacturer listed in PennDOT Bulletin 15.
Pipe end treatments with an opening in excess of 15 inches shall be equipped with child-proof grates.
When there is a change in pipe size in an inlet or manhole, the elevation of the top of pipes shall be the same or the smaller pipe higher. A minimum drop of two inches shall be provided between the inlet pipe invert elevation and the outlet pipe invert elevation. Flow channels shall be provided in all inlets and manholes.
At street intersections, inlets shall be placed in the tangent and not in the curved portion of the curbing.
Inlets or manholes shall be placed at all changes in vertical or horizontal direction of pipe.
A minimum of 18 inches of cover shall be maintained over all storm drain pipes. The top of storm drain pipes shall be at least six inches below subgrade elevation.
All storm drain pipes shall be constructed to maintain a minimum grade of 1/2%.
Any vegetated drainage channel requiring mowing of the vegetation shall have a maximum grade of three horizontal to one vertical of those areas to be mowed.
Storm drain pipes shall be backfilled as follow:
Pipe envelope. A bedding of PennDOT 2B (AASHTO No. 57) aggregate shall be placed to a depth of six inches under the pipe. PennDOT 2B, 2A, or 2RC shall be placed to a depth of 12 inches over the top of the utility pipe to complete the pipe envelope. Such envelope shall be placed and compacted in maximum six-inch lifts.
Trench backfill. PennDOT 2A or 2RC aggregate shall be placed and compacted in maximum six-inch lifts above the pipe envelope to the depth of the final paving. Suitable excavated material may be used for backfill in lieu of aggregate in vegetated areas and in proposed paved areas if approved by the Township Engineer and if compaction testing is performed in accordance with street subgrade specifications § 321-12B(6) herein.
A bridge shall be considered an enclosed water-carrying structure of one or more cells having a combined span of eight feet or greater.
All bridge designs shall be in accordance with PennDOT Design Manual, Part 4 (latest revision) and shall be submitted to the Township Engineer for approval of materials, structural design, compliance to AASHTO HS-25 loading, flow design capacity and calculated life cycle of proposed structures. All bridges shall have approach guiderail in accordance with PennDOT.
General. Stormwater detention and retention basins shall be designed in accordance with the Township's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO).[1] The intent of these specifications is to supplement the SALDO; however, if there is a conflict between the requirements of the SALDO and these specifications, the specifications herein shall prevail. These specifications are not intended to regulate individual on-lot stormwater basins.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 320, Subdivision and Land Development.
Pipe-reinforced concrete, rubber gasketed, shall conform to AASHTO M170m M198 and M207, and PennDOT Publication 408, latest edition.
Poured-in-place outlet structure shall be reinforced concrete, minimum 4,000 psi compressive strength in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408, latest edition.
Precast outlet structure shall be reinforced concrete minimum 4,000 psi compressive strength in 28 days in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408, latest edition. Designs shall be submitted for Township review and approval.
Precast reinforced concrete inlet box sections shall be in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408, latest edition and PennDOT Standard Drawings.
Orifice plates shall be stainless steel, type 304, with stainless steel mounting hardware; use 1/4 inch thick up to twenty-four-inch span and 3/8 inch thick over twenty-four-inch spans.
Headwalls/endwalls shall be reinforced concrete, minimum 4,000 psi. Compressive strength shall be in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408, latest edition and PennDOT Standard Drawings.
Anti-seep collars shall be reinforced concrete, minimum 4,000 psi compressive strength in 28 days.
Concrete pipe end sections shall be reinforced concrete in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408, latest edition and PennDOT Standard Drawings. Concrete pipe end sections shall be permitted only where approved by the Township Engineer.
Steel grates shall be in accordance with PennDOT Publication 408, latest edition.
All materials shall be supplied from a manufacturer listed in PennDOT Bulletin 15.
Basins shall be installed prior to any earth moving or land disturbances that they will service. The phasing of their construction shall be as noted in the soil erosion and sedimentation pollution control narrative on the soil erosion and sedimentation pollution control plan approved by Chester County Conservation District.
The maximum slope of the earthen detention embankments shall be three horizontal to one vertical. The top and/or toe of any slope shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from any property line. Whenever possible, the side slopes and basin shape shall conform to the natural topography.
The minimum top width of the detention basin berm shall be 10 feet. A cutoff trench (key-way) of impervious material shall be provided under all embankments, that require fill material. The cutoff trench shall be a minimum of eight feet wide, two feet deep and have side slopes of one to one.
In order to insure proper drainage on the bottom of the basin, a minimum grade of 2% shall be maintained for areas of designed sheet flow to the basin outlet structure. Such minimum grade may not be required when designed stormwater BMPs are incorporated into the basin bottom.
All basin embankments shall be placed in maximum of eight-inch lifts, compacted to a minimum of 100% at optimum moisture content, as established by ASTM D- 1557, PTM No. 112 or PTM No. 402. Prior to proceeding to the next lift, the compaction shall be checked by a soils engineer. The developer and/or contractor shall obtain the services of a third-party certified materials testing firm to perform the tests on the leading and the trailing edge of the berm along with the top of the berm. All test results shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and shall be furnished to the Township Engineer for review and approval. Any location not meeting the compaction requirements shall be recompacted and retested until suitable compaction is achieved.
Whenever possible, the emergency spillway for basins shall be constructed on undisturbed ground. Emergency spillways shall be constructed of reinforced concrete checker blocks or other permanent material approved by the Township Engineer. All emergency spillways shall be constructed so that the basin berm is protected against erosion. The minimum capacity of all emergency spillways shall be the peak flow rate from the one-hundred-year design storm after development. The construction material of the emergency spillway shall extend along the upstream and downstream berm embankment slopes. The downstream edge of the emergency spillway shall, at a minimum, extend to the toe of the berm embankment. The emergency spillway shall not discharge over earthen fill and/or easily erodible material.
The minimum freeboard for flow through the emergency spillway shall be one foot. Freeboard is the difference between the design water elevation in the spillway at the one-hundred-year design storm peak flow rate and the top of berm elevation.
Anti-seep collars shall be installed around the outlet pipe barrel within the normal saturation zone of the basin berms. The anti-seep collars and their connections to the pipe barrel shall be watertight. The anti-seep collars shall extend a minimum of two feet beyond the outside of the principal pipe barrel. The maximum spacing between collars shall be 14 times the minimum projection of the collar measured perpendicular to the pipe. A minimum of two anti-seep collars shall be installed on each outlet pipe.
Energy dissipating devises (riprap, end sills, etc.) shall be placed at all basin outlets. Any pipe or other component which discharges directly into the basin shall be equipped with energy dissipating devices and shall outlet into the bottom of the basin.
Materials and construction. Sanitary sewers and appurtenances shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Township's "Technical Specifications for Construction of Sanitary Sewers and Appurtenances" (technical specifications), latest revision or other standards of the North Coventry Township Municipal Authority.
Materials and construction. Water distribution facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the water utility company with franchise rights in the subject area.
Requirements of regulatory agencies.
Soil erosion and sedimentation pollution control plan.
Soil erosion and sedimentation pollution control work shall be conducted in accordance with rules, regulations and requirements adopted by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) and the Chester County Conservation District.
The applicant shall inform the Township as to whether or not a post construction stormwater plan (PCSP) is required by Chester County Conservation District as part of an NPDES Phase II stormwater permit for construction. If a PCSP is required and the applicant identifies a conflict between the requirements of the NPDES Phase II permit and Township ordinances, the applicant shall cite the conflict and request a waiver of that particular Township ordinance requirement.
Fines and related costs resulting from failure to provide adequate protection against soil erosion and sedimentation pollution control are the obligation of the applicant and contractor.
The soil erosion and sedimentation pollution control measures employed will be subject to approval and inspection by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and/or Chester County Conservation District.
Erosion control facilities shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the plan approved by Chester County Conservation District.
A minimum of one copy of the soil erosion and sedimentation pollution control plan, as approved by Chester County Conservation District, shall be kept at the project site at all times.
Materials. Geotextile materials shall be used for but not limited to the following uses:
Class 1 — subsurface drainage.
Class 2 — erosion control.
Class 3 — sedimentation control.
Class 4 — layer separation.
During any project review phase, construction phase, or inspection phase, the Township and/or the Township Engineer may require the use of geotextile fabrics for any of the above noted Classes.
Geotextile fabric placement, securing pin spacing and geotextile physical property requirements shall meet the standards of PennDOT 408, latest revision, Sections 212 and 735.
Street name signs.
Unless specified otherwise, all materials, sign dimensions, lettering and installation shall meet the requirements of Pennsylvania Code, Title 67, Chapter 212 and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the Federal Highway Administration.
Signs shall be reflectorized with a white legend on a green background.
Street sign posts shall be hot dipped galvanized steel or aluminum tubing, twelve-foot one-piece section, 2 3/8 inches O.D., minimum 2 pounds per foot.
All fittings shall be aluminum and/or stainless steel.
Each post shall have a minimum of two signs, naming each street.
Where new streets are constructed, street signs shall be installed immediately after installation of the road binder course or prior to issuance of the first new home occupancy permit, whichever occurs first.
Traffic control signs and markings.
All materials, sign dimension, lettering, location and installation shall meet the requirements of Pennsylvania Code, Title 67, Chapter 212 and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the Federal Highway Administration.
Traffic control signs shall meet Type III or higher retroreflectivity standards in accordance with PennDOTT Publication 236M.
Traffic control signs must be mounted on PennDOT approved breakaway design posts as listed in PennDOT Publication 35 and 111M.
A red retroreflective strip at least two inches wide shall be installed on the signpost for all stop signs installed.
In residential areas, seven feet of vertical clearance between the street pavement surface and the bottom of the sign shall be provided. In rural areas five feet of vertical clearance between the road pavement surface and the bottom of the sign shall be provided. In all areas, at least one foot of lateral clearance from the face of the curb or edge of paving to the closest point on the sign shall be provided.
Where new streets are constructed, traffic control signs shall be installed immediately after installation of the road binder course or prior to issuance of the first new home occupancy limit, whichever occurs first.
Twenty-four-inch wide painted stop bars shall be provided from the curb or edge of pavement to the road centerline at each stop sign installed.
The developer shall have streetlights installed in accordance with the methods for street light installation approved by the Board of Supervisors.
The location of streetlights shall be in accordance with the approved subdivision and/or land development plan.
All streetlights shall be served by underground conduit.
Provisions shall be made for energizing streetlights after 50% of the dwellings in a given subdivision or section of a subdivision have been occupied.
The developer shall be responsible for all charges or rates of the streetlights until such time that the streets are accepted for dedication by the Board of Supervisors.
Materials. All streetlights shall conform to the following specifications:
Pole: Lumec Pole R130D-15-GN8TX-LMS46160A.
Mounting bracket: Lumec Bracket MM-1A-GN8TX-LMS46160A.
Luminaire: Lumec Luminaire DMS50-100MH-SCB3M-QTA/ 120-GN8TX-LMS46160A.
The developer shall be responsible for all material and labor costs associated with the street light installation, including all applicable taxes.
The developer shall be responsible for the digging and backfilling of the wire trenches and for the complete restoration of disturbed areas. The developer shall also be responsible for the construction of the concrete anchor base for street light posts, if required.
The developer/contractor shall coordinate the timing of the street light installation with the local power utility company.
Materials and construction.
Emergency access drives shall be constructed utilizing a premanufactured grass paver system approved by the Township Engineer. Installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
The width and slope of emergency access drives must be approved by the Township Engineer and Fire Marshal.