This article establishes specific controls for the design, location, size and layout of off-street parking and loading facilities as they relate to land use. The provisions of this article serve as supplemental provisions to the requirements of the applicable zoning district. These provisions are established to ensure adequate parking and loading facilities are provided for each use in the Township, and that such facilities are designed to complement the intended use.
Applicability to new developments.
All land uses proposed in North Coventry Township subsequent to the adoption of this chapter shall be in conformance with the specifications and requirements herein.
The developer of a property shall provide the number of parking spaces, surfacing and surface markings, signage, lighting, landscape elements, and any other design or structural elements required by this chapter and amendments hereto.
The owner(s) or manager(s) of a developed property shall be responsible for the maintenance of the off-street parking areas serving that property. Maintenance shall include, but shall not be limited to, plowing of snow, maintenance of landscape elements and lighting, sealing of pavement, repainting of lines and other markings on the pavement, repaving as necessary, and any other work required to maintain the parking area in an attractive, safe, and functional condition.
Applicability to existing development. Structures existing at the time of the adoption of this chapter and subdivision or development plans granted final approval and signed by the Board of Supervisors prior to the adoption of this chapter shall not be bound by the requirements herein. Redesign of existing parking areas to conformance with this chapter shall be permitted pending the submission to and subsequent approval by the Board of Supervisors of a parking plan, following the same procedure specified for a development plan in Chapter 320, Subdivision and Land Development.
Applicability to existing parking facilities.
Off-street parking facilities existing at the effective date of this chapter shall not subsequently be reduced to an amount less than required hereunder for a similar new building or new use.
Off-street parking facilities provided to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall not subsequently be reduced below the requirements of this chapter.
Parking areas serving existing structures shall be brought into conformance with the requirements of this chapter under the following circumstances:
If the structure served by the parking area is substantially improved, including additions to interior floor space, or other construction or restoration activity requiring a Township building permit.
If the use or function of the structure is changed.
The following minimum number of off-street parking spaces per use shall be provided for the uses indicated below. In addition, one space for each company vehicle stored on the premises shall be provided. Throughout this section, "s.f." shall be interpreted as "square feet" and "GUFA" shall be interpreted as "gross usable floor area" as defined in Article II. The term "GUFA" shall include storage areas and other areas used to keep stock and inventory, unless such storage areas are located below grade level in a basement.
Residential uses.
Single-family detached or semidetached dwellings, mobile homes used as permanent residences, vacation homes
2.0 spaces per dwelling unit
Single-family attached dwellings, multifamily dwellings, residential conversions
2.0 spaces per dwelling unit, plus 1.0 space per 5.0 units for visitor parking where 10.0 or more units are proposed and where on-street parking is not feasible
Retirement community
0.85 spaces per bedroom plus 1.0 space for each employee on the largest shift
Industrial uses.
Manufacturing/industrial parks: less than 100,000 square feet GUFA equal to or greater than 100,000 square feet GUFA
2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA for first 100,000 square feet GUFA and 2.0 spaces per each additional 1,000 square feet GUFA above 100,000
Quarrying, mining
1.0 space per employee on the largest shift
Recycling center
[Amended 2-26-2007]
0.2 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross lot area or 1.2 spaces per employee on the largest shift, whichever is greater
Sanitary landfill, transfer station
1.0 space per employee on the largest shift
Warehouse, wholesale sales, freight terminal
1.0 space per 1,000 square feet GUFA
Office and professional uses.
Animal hospital, veterinary office
4.0 spaces per doctor plus 1.0 space per employee
Office buildings and business services
1.0 space per 150 square feet of building area devoted to business use
Personal and professional services (including medical offices)
4.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA
Research and development facilities and laboratories
3.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA
Commercial uses and services.
Automobile sales (in addition to service requirements, if applicable)
1.0 space for each 400 square feet GUFA. Outdoor display areas for auto sales shall not be included in the required parking spaces.
Bank or other financial institution
4.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA
1.0 space per guest room plus 1.0 space per employee, plus 2.0 spaces for the resident owner(s)
Car wash
3.0 stacking spaces per bay plus 2.0 drying spaces per bay
Convenience store
5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA
Department store
1.0 space per 50 square feet of GUFA
Personal services (e.g., dry cleaners, beauty shop, shoe repair)
3.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA
Funeral home
20.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet occupied by viewing rooms or 1.0 space per 4.0 seats, whichever is greater
Gas station (in addition to service station requirement and convenience store requirements, where applicable)
1.0 space per pump, plus 6.0 stacking spaces for each pump island
Highway commercial development/shopping center/planned commercial center
5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet of GUFA
Home occupation
Minimum number required for residence, plus as required in § 370-50
1.5 spaces per rental unit
Junkyard (provided the junkyard has existed as a nonconforming use)
[Amended 2-26-2007]
0.1 space per 1,000 square feet of gross lot area, not including spaces for junked cars
Kennel, animal shelter
1.0 space per employee plus 1.0 space per 10 of animal capacity
20.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA
3.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA in sales or display area, plus 1.0 space per 1,000 square feet GUFA of warehouse
1.0 space per rentable unit. Such spaces shall not interfere with travel lanes between structures
Restaurant or tavern
1.0 space per 35 square feet of GUFA
Retail store or shop not covered elsewhere
1.0 space per 100 square feet of GUFA
Service station, repair facility, auto body repair service (in addition to gas station requirements, if applicable)
4.0 spaces per garage bay
1.0 space 50 square feet of GUFA
Institutional and public uses.
3.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA in terminal/administration building
Community college or any college without on-campus housing
10.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA in classroom buildings
College or university with on-campus housing
1.0 space per on-campus residential unit plus 2.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA in classroom buildings
Commercial, trade, professional, music or dance school
1.0 space per instructor or employee plus 1.0 space per student at capacity
Community center, social club
8.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA or 1.0 space per 4.0 seats in main assembly hall, whichever is greater
Day-care center
3.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA plus 1.0 unloading space per 10 children
Elementary school and middle school
1.0 space per classroom plus 2.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet devoted to administrative use
High school
1.0 space per classroom, plus 1.0 space per 15.0 students in grades 11 and 12, plus 1.0 space per 10.0 fixed seats in the auditorium
Group quarters
1.0 space per 3.0 residents at capacity plus 1.0 space per employee on the largest shift
Hospital, convalescent or nursing home, sanitarium
1.0 space per 3.0 beds, plus 1.0 space for each employee on day shift
Medical center
4.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA
3.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA
Museum or similar cultural institution
3.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA
Place of worship
0.5 spaces per seat
Public service/utility facility
2.0 spaces per facility plus 1.0 space per assigned employee
Public transit station
Varies based on facility and service area; required spaces to be determined by the Board of Supervisors.
Recreational uses.
Bowling alley
4.0 spaces per lane
Cinema/movie theater/indoor theater/playhouse
1.0 space per 3.0 seats
Country club/golf club
4.0 spaces per tee plus 50% of requirements for ancillary uses, if applicable
Health club/spa
5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA
Indoor amusement arcade
5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet GUFA
Miniature golf course
3.0 spaces per tee
Private club or lodge
1.0 space per 5.0 members at capacity plus 1.0 space per employee
Public park
Varies according to facilities and service area; Required spaces to be determined by the Board of Supervisors
Stadium, outdoor theater, gymnasium
1.0 space per 3.0 seats
Swim club, public pool
10.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet of swimming pool floor
Tennis club
2.0 spaces per court plus 1.0 space per 200 square feet GUFA of clubhouse area in excess of 1,000 square feet, plus 50% of requirements of ancillary uses, if applicable
Uses not specified. The parking space requirements for uses not listed in this section shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable use specified in § 370-87.
In order to reduce unnecessary impervious surface and excessive stormwater runoff, the number of required paved parking spaces may be reduced when authorized by special exception if the following conditions are met to the satisfaction of the Zoning Hearing Board:
Evidence is submitted documenting that the use of the building requires less parking spaces than required by § 370-87. Such documentation should be based on actual observed rates of parking for the use proposed.
The site development plan shall indicate the location and layout of the required parking area. Such design shall include those parking areas deemed unnecessary at the time of application. Such area shall be designated as "reserved parking area" and shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Subsection E below.
No more than 20% of the required parking shall be provided in reserve spaces. The total number of reserved and paved parking spaces shall equal the total number of parking spaces required by § 370-87.
In no event shall the authorized reserve portion of the parking area be counted as open space or other pervious surface required by other provisions of this chapter. In addition, the reserve parking area shall not be used for storage or structures, whether of a temporary or permanent nature.
Reserve parking areas may be precast porous pavement (such as "grasscrete"), or with the approval of the Zoning Hearing Board, upon recommendation by the Township Engineer, gravel, grass, or other approved material, depending upon the degree of anticipated use.
Except as provided in § 370-22 and Subsection B, below, required off-street parking shall be located on the same lot as the uses or activities for which the parking is required.
The required parking spaces may be located other than on the same lot when authorized as a special exception, provided that:
Some portion of the common off-street parking areas lies within 200 feet of an entrance regularly used by patrons into the building served thereby;
The owners of two or more establishments desiring a common parking area shall submit, with their application for special exception, a site plan showing joint use and location of a common off-street parking area;
The Zoning Hearing Board may, at its discretion, reduce the aggregate amount of required parking spaces if it determines that greater efficiency can be effected by the joint use of a common parking area, but in no case shall there be less than one parking space for every 215 square feet of GUFA.
Off-street parking areas which contain five or more parking spaces shall be landscaped in accordance with the provisions of § 320-54 of Chapter 320, Subdivision and Land Development.
Nonresidential parking shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from a street right-of-way or any property line abutting a residential use or district.
All parking, whether residential or nonresidential shall be set back at least five feet from any lot line.
Parking spaces shall be reasonably level, sloping not more than 5% in any direction, but providing for positive drainage with a slope of at least 1%. A rectangular block of the following dimensions shall be provided for all off-street parking spaces, regardless of pull-in angle, and shall not be occupied by nor intruded upon by light standards or their foundations, landscape elements, pedestrian walkways, driveways, passageways, or any other feature which results in a reduced area available for occupation by a vehicle. Parking spaces shall be designed to conform with the definition in Article II of this chapter.
Parking spaces shall have minimum dimensions of nine feet wide by 18 feet long, exclusive of passageways, driveways, or other means of circulation access. Not more than two feet of the parking space may overhang the outer perimeter boundaries of the parking lot, so long as such overhang does not intrude into an adjacent right-of-way or pedestrian walkway, and for those parking spaces only, the area directly below the overhang need not be paved, although the balance of said space must be paved. All such perimeter parking spaces shall be equipped with curbing.
Parking areas shall be designed to permit each motor vehicle to proceed to and from the parking space without requiring the moving of any other motor vehicle.
In no case shall parking areas be designed to require or encourage vehicles to back into a public street in order to leave the lot.
Handicapped parking.
In any parking area where the total number of parking spaces exceeds five, a minimum of one space for each 25 spaces or fraction thereof shall be designed and designated for physically handicapped persons.
Parking spaces for use by handicapped persons shall have minimum dimensions of 14 feet wide by 20 feet long, and shall be clearly marked as being reserved for use by handicapped persons.
Parking spaces for use by handicapped drivers shall be located to minimize the distance between the vehicles and a wheelchair-accessible entrance to the facility served.
Handicapped parking shall be in accordance with the dictates of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Lanes designed for circulation of motor vehicles within the parking area shall have a minimum width as required below:
Lane Width
Angle of Parking
Access drives, unless shared between properties, shall be at least five feet from any lot line.
Driveways providing access to the parking area from the street shall be of adequate length to accommodate off-street stacking of vehicles waiting to enter the parking area. The stacking area shall accommodate at least one vehicle, plus one vehicle for every 50 spaces provided in the parking area, up to 20 stacking spaces.
Off-street parking areas shall have separate, marked lanes of ingress and egress. For parking areas with access solely onto a local access road and providing 10 or fewer off-street parking spaces, a single lane for both ingress and egress is adequate.
The minimum width of entrance and exit drives shall be as follows:
One-way access: 14 feet.
Two-way access: 24 feet.
The surface of all parking areas shall be dust-free under conditions of normal use.
Primary parking areas shall be asphalt. Pervious paving may be permitted with the approval of the Board of Supervisors, upon recommendation by the Township Engineer.
Reserve parking areas may be porous pavement (such as "grasscrete"), or with the approval of the Zoning Hearing Board, upon recommendation by the Township Engineer, compacted gravel, grass, or other approved material, depending upon the degree of anticipated use.
All land development plans with off-street parking areas shall be accompanied by a stormwater management plan for the entire site meeting all applicable provisions of Chapter 194, Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control; Stormwater Management, regarding stormwater management and erosion control.
[Amended 1-27-2014]
Development plans presented at the preliminary plan stage shall clearly indicate drainage patterns across all surface areas and areas altered by proposed development.
General provisions.
The requirements of this section shall apply to all new industrial, commercial, and mixed-use developments, and to all expansions of such existing units resulting in a gross floor area totaling 6,000 square feet or more.
Loading areas for all uses shall be completely on-site and shall not occupy any street right-of-way.
Loading areas shall be designed so as not to interfere with vehicular and pedestrian circulation, or occupy parking spaces, traffic lanes within a parking area, driveways, or any public cartway.
Loading areas shall be located in rear or side yard areas.
Required off-street loading facilities. Off-street loading requirements as specified below shall be provided on any lot on which a business or industrial building exceeds 6,000 square feet of gross floor area.
Loading or unloading berths shall be provided in accordance with the following table:
Aggregate Gross Floor Area Devoted to Each Use
(square feet)
Minimum Required Number of Berths
6,000 to 19,999
20,000 to 39,999
40,000 to 79,999
80,000 to 139,999
for each additional 80,000
1 additional
The number of loading or unloading berths may be less than the number of berths required above in the event that both of the following conditions are met:
Evidence is submitted documenting that the use of the building requires fewer loading berths than required by Subsection B(1) above.
The site development plan shall indicate where such loading berths could be located if, at a future date, they are determined to be needed. Such area shall be designated as "proposed future loading area" on the plan and no permanent structures shall be permitted within this area.
Size of loading spaces. Loading berths shall be sized according to the type of facility served, as indicated below.
Large loading berth.
Minimum of 14 feet by 60 feet.
Required for factories, warehouses, distribution centers, shopping centers, planned commercial and highway commercial developments, supermarkets, retail stores offering large products (e.g., major home appliances, furniture), automobile and farm implement dealers, and office buildings larger than 500,000 square feet.
Small loading berth.
Minimum of 12 feet by 30 feet.
Required for retail uses not specified in Subsection C(1)(b) above, convenience stores, all services, institutions, and office buildings under 500,000 square feet.
All loading berths shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 14 feet.
Loading area surfacing requirements. All loading areas shall have a dust-free surface over the entire area customarily used by delivery vehicles for parking and maneuvering. The surface may be asphalt, concrete, nonpolluting oil-sealed gravel, compacted gravel, or any other dust-free surfacing material which meets the approval of the Board of Supervisors.