[Added 9-9-1991 by Ord. No. 630, approved 9-9-1991]
For the purpose of this article, the following terms, phrases or words shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context in which the word is used clearly indicates otherwise:
Aluminum food and beverage containers which contain only nonaerosol or edible substances.
The Borough of Wilson located in the County of Northampton, Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania municipal corporation.
An establishment engaged in nonmanufacturing or nonprocessing business, including but not limited to stores, markets, office buildings, restaurants, shopping centers and theaters, and shall also mean those facilities that house or serve groups of people, such as hospitals, schools, day-care centers, universities and nursing homes.
Aluminum, bimetallic and steel, glass and plastic food and beverage containers, as defined herein, placed in a special recycling container for the purpose of collection without having been segregated by color or type.
The process by which organic material is biologically decomposed under controlled anaerobic or aerobic conditions to yield a humus-like product.
An entity or organization authorized by the Borough to collect, transport and dispose of the Borough's recyclables.
Structural paper material with an inner core shaped in rigid parallel furrows and ridges.
Glass food and beverage containers commonly found in the home. It includes clear (fling), green and brown (amber) colored containers. It excludes crystal, ceramics, light bulbs and plate, window, laminated, wired or mirrored glass.
A person who owns and/or operates vehicles engaged in the collection or transportation of recyclables within the Borough.
All-white paper, bond paper and computer paper used in commercial, institutional and municipal establishments and in residences.
Leaves, garden residues, shrubbery and tree trimmings and similar material, but not including grass clippings.
Any property having five or more dwelling units per structure.
Types of paper made from wood pulp and/or other fibrous materials mixed together, either with or without chemicals, to produce thin sheets of the products customarily and primarily used for the production of newsprint.
Any individual, partnership, corporation, association, institution, cooperative enterprise, municipality, municipal authority, federal government or agency, state institution or agency (including but not limited to the Department of General Services and the Pennsylvania Public School Building Authority) or any other legal entity whatsoever which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties. In any provisions of this article prescribing a fine, imprisonment, or penalty, or any combination of the foregoing, the term "person" shall include the officers and directors of any corporation or other legal entity having officers and directors.
Water and milk jugs, soda bottles and laundry product containers. Additional categories may be included by mutual agreement.
The location which may be maintained by the contractor for the purpose of sorting, preparing and/or consolidating recyclables for sale.
The program developed and provided by the contractor or the Borough to inform and encourage residents to use the recycling collection services.
All newspaper, glass, plastics, aluminum, steel and bimetallic materials.
Those services to be performed by the contractor as follows:
The collection of recyclable materials from locations specifically designated by the parties.
Processing of recyclable materials as applicable.
Marketing of the recyclable materials.
A container made of rigid plastic construction provided by the Borough.
Any single-family attached or detached dwelling or multiple dwelling having four or fewer units from which refuse and recyclables are collected.
Those materials separated at the point of origin for the purpose of being recycled.
Steel and bimetallic food and beverage containers which contain only nonaerosol or edible substances.
All persons who are residents of the Borough shall source-separate all designated recyclables from all other refuse produced at their homes, apartments and other residential establishments and store such material for collection. Designated materials shall be placed together at the curbside or similar location on the day of collection designated by the Borough.
It shall be unlawful for any person to place a recycling container or designated material out for collection more than 24 hours prior to the determined collection period.
An owner, landlord or agent of any owner or landlord of a multifamily housing property may comply with his or its recycling responsibilities by establishing a collection system at each property. The collection system must include suitable containers for collecting and sorting materials, easily accessible locations for the containers and written instructions to the occupants concerning the use and availability of the collection system. Owners, landlords and agents of owners or landlords who comply with this section shall not be liable for noncompliance of occupants of their buildings.
All persons must separate leaf waste from other refuse generated at their homes and other residential establishments for collection, unless those persons have otherwise provided for composting of leaf waste. The Borough or the Borough's contracted hauler shall provide curbside pickup of leaf waste either once per month or twice per year with at least one collection in the Spring and one in the Fall. The Borough shall facilitate the residents' use of a leaf waste dropoff site by educating the residents about the hours of operation and location of a nearby Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) approved dropoff facility.
[Amended 3-26-2018 by Ord. No. 787; approved 3-26-2018]
Persons must separate high-grade office paper, aluminum, corrugated paper and leaf waste generated at commercial establishments and from community activities and store the material until collection. A person may be exempted from this subsection if the person submits documentation to the Borough annually, indicating that the above recyclables are being recycled in an appropriate manner. Said documentation must state the weight of the recycled material, not the volume.
[Amended 3-26-2018 by Ord. No. 787; approved 3-26-2018]
The Borough shall provide for the collection of designated commingled materials from homes and other residential establishments on a biweekly basis.
Designated recyclables consist of the following:
[Amended 11-8-1999 by Ord. No. 682, approved 11-8-1999]
Aluminum beverage cans.
Amber/brown glass containers.
Green glass containers.
Clear glass containers.
Steel cans/tin plated.
Plastics (PETE No. 1; HDPE No. 2).
Aerosol cans.
Corrugated paper.
Magazines and colored newspaper inserts.
Polycoated paper containers.
Requirements of designated recyclables shall be as follows:
Glass, plastic containers, aluminum cans and steel and bimetallic cans shall be rinsed and free of contaminants.
Newspaper shall be bundled separately or placed in brown paper bags.
Recyclables will be set out in containers provided by the Borough.
All designated recyclables placed by the resident for collection pursuant to this article and the regulations hereunder shall from the time of placement become the property of the hauler or the contractor.
It shall be a violation of this article for any person, other than the hauler authorized by multifamily housing properties or authorized by each commercial establishment or the contractor, to collect designated recyclables placed by a resident for collection. Each unauthorized collection in violation hereof on one calendar day shall constitute a separate and distinct offense punishable as hereinafter provided.
Any resident may donate or sell designated recyclables to any person, whether operating for profit or not, provided that the receiving person shall not collect such designated recyclables from the same collection point and at times used by a designated hauler or the contractor.
All persons shall separate leaf waste from other refuse. Tree leaves shall either be placed loose in the street near the curb for municipal collection on designated days or shall be placed in open bags at the same location with notification made to the Highway Department of the need for collection. After October 1, 1991, other leaf waste shall be taken for composting to a site as designated by the Borough.
The Council of the Borough of Wilson shall from time to time, by resolution, establish a schedule of fees for the collection of recyclables thereof and amend said schedule and system from time to time as the need for amendment may arise. The proceeds of said fee shall be applied toward the general fund. The Council may also establish a schedule of fees for special collections.
The Council of the Borough of Wilson reserves the right to further implement this article by rules and regulations which it may pass by resolution from time to time. The rules and regulations shall be construed as a part of this Article XIII.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this Article XIII shall receive an official written warning of noncompliance for the first offense. Thereafter, all such violations shall be subject to the penalties hereinafter provided.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this Article XIII shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $500 and costs of prosecution or, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to undergo imprisonment for not more than 30 days, provided that each day's continuance of a violation of any provision of this Article XIII shall constitute a separate violation.