Tobacco use is one of the leading public health problems in America. But the danger is not limited to smokers. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), which includes both exhaled smoke and the sidestream smoke from a burning cigarette, causes many deaths of nonsmoking Americans each year. Environmental tobacco smoke is one of the most widespread and harmful indoor air pollutants.
In 1999, ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) decided that there is no level of ventilation that can ensure smoke-free air. Nicotine tests and analyses were conducted in Walpole nonsmoking sections of restaurants that allow designated smoking areas and most of these restaurants showed significant airborne concentrations of nicotine in the nonsmoking sections. Nicotine is classified as a Class A carcinogen and the US Environmental Protection Agency states that any amount of nicotine exposure is unsafe.
Whereas conclusive evidence exists that tobacco smoke causes cancer, respiratory and cardiac diseases, negative birth outcomes, irritations to the eyes, nose, and throat, and whereas the harmful effects of tobacco smoke are not confined to smokers but also cause severe discomfort and illness to nonsmokers, and whereas environmental tobacco smoke, which includes burning tobacco products, causes the death of 53,000 Americans each year; and whereas in 2000, the Public Health Service's National Toxicology Program listed environmental tobacco smoke as a known carcinogen (US DHHS citing Cal. EPA, 1997) now, therefore, the Board of Health of the Town of Walpole recognizes the right of those who wish to breathe smoke-free air and establishes this regulation under the authority granted to the Walpole Board of Health under MGL c. 111, § 31, to protect and improve the public health and welfare by prohibiting smoking in public places.
Of the Massachusetts children alive today (persons under the age of 20), based on current smoking rates, more than 100,000 will be killed prematurely by tobacco use.
Contrary to popular belief, smoking rates remain high among young people. Smoking among our youth declined only marginally in the 1980s and seems to be increasing in the 1990s. This is in sharp contrast to the decline in most other drug use over the same period. Nationwide, more than 3,000 young people start smoking daily; approximately 100 per day in Massachusetts.
The earlier children begin to use tobacco, the more likely they are to become heavy smokers, have a harder time quitting, and die of tobacco-related illness. Young smokers underestimate the harmful effects of tobacco use and do not recognize the process that quickly leads them to addiction.
The Walpole Board of Health finds cigarette smoking and other tobacco use by minors to be a continuing problem with grave public health consequences. In recognition of the Surgeon General's conclusion that nicotine is as addictive as cocaine or heroin, action is needed to curtail the easy access of minors to cigarettes and other tobacco products.
Accordingly, the Walpole Board of Health is implementing a strict and enforceable system to prevent the illegal sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products to minors.
The following words and phrases, whenever used in this regulation, shall be construed as defined in this section:
An adult only establishment, no one under the age of 18 may be admitted, which is devoted to the serving of alcoholic beverages and in which the serving of food is only incidental to the consumption of such beverages. Food sale revenue must be less than 20% of the establishment's total revenue per year. A certified statement from a CPA to attest to this fact must be sent to the Board of Health for renewal of variance each year.
An area of a restaurant in which there is a bar and food is incidental to the consumption of beverages. No one under the age of 18 may be admitted to this area.
The Board of Health of the Town of Walpole.
The area surrounding the entrances and exits to public places that a reasonable person would consider to be under the control of the public place. It is the intent of this regulation to provide smoke-free access to and within public places, e.g., the area immediately outside the entrance to a supermarket would reasonably be considered to be under the control of the supermarket and as such would be a nonsmoking area.
Any place of business employing one or more persons who are required to work on premises in an enclosed area. The designated workplace also includes the controllable space outside the public entrances and exits to the building or enclosed area.
Any person employed by an employer who performs services for wages or other consideration or any person who volunteers their services for a nonprofit entity.
Any person, partnership, nonprofit entity, corporation, trust, or other organized group, including the Town of Walpole and any department or agency thereof, who employs the services of one or more individual persons.
All space between a floor and ceiling which is enclosed on all sides by solid walls and windows, or other means which can effectively contain smoking by-products from entering or leaving this area.
A facility generally available to the public for hire or loan for the purpose of holding private or public functions.
Any office or institution providing individual care or treatment of diseases, whether physical, mental, or emotional, or other medical, physiological or psychological conditions including but not limited to rehabilitation hospitals or other clinics, including weight control clinics, nursing homes, homes for the aging, or chronically ill, laboratories, offices of any surgeon, chiropractor, physical therapist, physician, dentist and all specialists within these professions including portions of a personal residence used for such purposes.
Any sports pavilions, gymnasiums, health spas, boxing arenas, swimming pools, roller and ice rinks, bowling alleys and other similar recreational facilities where members of the general public assemble to engage in physical exercise, participate in athletic competition, or witness sports events.
An electrical device hard wired to a vending machine. The device must be activated by an employee.
An area in any of the facilities referenced in these regulations designated and posted by the proprietor or person in charge where smoking by patrons, employees or others is prohibited and where smoke and smoking by-products are not permitted.
An individual, partnership, corporation, business, firm, association or group including a city, town, county, or other governmental unit.
A nonprofit organization per MGL c. 180 with a defined membership that is not open to the public.
A function arranged for by persons other than the facility's management where attendance is limited to guests only and no cover fee is charged for attendance.
Any enclosed area open to and used by the general public, or owned or operated by the Town of Walpole, including but not limited to the following facilities: restaurants, function halls, bars, museums, libraries, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, day-care centers, indoor sports arenas, family day-care homes, auditoriums, public rest rooms, and municipal buildings. "Public place" also includes the controllable grounds outside the public entrances and exits to the public place.
Any establishment including but not limited to include cafeterias, cafeterias in the designated workplace, nightclubs, banquet halls or other function rooms, having one or more seats, serving food for consumption on the premises to include outdoor seating, as well as kitchens in which food is prepared on the premises for serving elsewhere, including catering facilities. A restaurant is an establishment that derives 20% or more of its total revenues from the sale of food per year.
Any establishment commonly known as a supermarket, grocery store, bakery, or convenience store where the primary activity is the sale of food items to the public for off-premises consumption.
Any establishment whose primary purpose is to sell or offer for sale to consumers, but not for resale, any goods, wares, merchandise, articles or other things, including supermarkets and grocery stores. "Retail store" shall not include restaurants as defined herein.
Displays of tobacco products from which individual packages, multipacks, or cartons of tobacco products may be selected by the customer.
Inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted cigar, cigarette, or pipe or any tobacco products in any manner or in any form.
Any machine or device designated for or used for the vending of cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, or tobacco products upon the insertion of coins, trade checks, bills, swipe cards or slugs.
The Town of Walpole.