Elective Offices. The offices to be filled by ballot of the whole town shall be a Select Board, a moderator, a school committee, four (4) members of a housing authority, a planning board, a board of assessors, a board of sewer and water commissioners, a library board of trustees and such members of regional authorities or districts as may be established by statute, interlocal agreement or otherwise.
[Amended 10-21-2019 FATM, Art. 19]
Eligibility. Any registered voter of the town shall be eligible to hold any elective town office, but no elected town official shall simultaneously hold any other elected town office, except town meeting representative.
Election. The regular election of all town officers and such other matters required by law to be determined by ballot shall be held annually on the third Tuesday in May, and shall be called pursuant to a separate annual town meeting warrant. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the select board may delay the date of the annual town election during a state of emergency declared by the governor in accordance with any state law or executive order addressing the delay of local elections.
[Amended 5-3-2024 by Chapter 90 of the Acts of 2024]
[Amended 10-21-2019 FATM, Art. 19]
Composition; Term of Office. There shall be a Select Board consisting of five (5) members elected by vote of the registered voters of the town for three-year overlapping terms, so arranged that the terms of not more than two (2) members shall expire each year.
Powers and Duties
All executive authority of the town government shall be vested in a Select Board, hereinafter called Select Board members. The Select Board members shall have all the powers and duties conferred upon Select Boards under the Constitution and General Laws of the Commonwealth, as determined by the Town By-laws and this Charter. It shall be the responsibility of the Select Board members to provide executive policy and procedure to be carried out by the Town Administrator. The Select Board members shall require all offices and municipal agencies to administer and enforce the laws equally among the public to protect the general welfare and the Select Board members may bring suit against any offices or municipal agency if necessary to carry out the rule of law.
Commissioners. The Select Board shall have all the powers and duties of police commissioners, fire commissioners, road commissioners, and cemetery commissioners.
Power of Investigation. The Select Board members may make investigations of the affairs of the town and the conduct of any town department office, or agency or employee of the town, whether elected or appointed, serving with pay or without pay, and any claims against the town, or require the Town Administrator and/or Town Counsel to make such an investigation. For this purpose, the investigatory authority may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, and require the production of evidence. The report of such investigation shall be placed on file in the office of the Town Clerk and/or published in the Annual Town Report if the Select Board members deem such publication necessary to protect the interest of the town. The Select Board members may take appropriate legal action as a result of an investigation if they so deem it necessary to protect the interest of the town and the public.
Powers of Appointment. The Select Board members, by a majority vote, shall have power to appoint persons to town office, authorized or required by the General Laws, this Charter, by by-law or by Representative Town Meeting:
For fixed terms unless otherwise governed by the General Laws: Constables, (after notice having been duly advertised for one (1) month prior to said appointment), animal control officer, veteran's agent, emergency management director and, subject to the Town By-laws, a Town counsel.
For indefinite terms: Town Administrator, Town Clerk, Chief of the Police Department, Chief of the Fire Department and Sealer of Weights and Measures.
For fixed, overlapping terms, the members of the: Council on Aging, Board of Appeals, Permanent Building Committee, Insurance Advisory Committee, Permanent Cable Advisory Committee, Conservation Commission, Board of Health, Historical Commission, Economic Development Committee, Recreation Committee, Sidewalk Committee, Town Report Committee, Trust Fund Commissioners, Registrars of Voters and such other standing and/or ad hoc committees as may be constituted from time to time by vote of the Select Board.
The Chairperson of the Select Board, together with the Chairperson of the School Committee and the Moderator shall appoint two (2) members to the Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical School Committee as provided in 1-A of "AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT", dated February 28, 1973.
Powers of contract. Any contracts negotiated on behalf of the town shall be subject to the final approval of the Select Board, except for those contracts preempted by state statute.
Powers to Rescind Appointments. The Select Board members by a majority vote of board's full membership shall have the power to rescind for cause the appointment of any member of any board, commission, committee or individual office, except that of the Town Administrator, the Chief of Police and Chief of Fire Department, made under the authority of this section, provided that the appointee shall first have been served with written notice stating the reasons for rescinding said appointment, and after conducting a hearing if requested by the appointee, as outlined in Article VII, Section 7-7 of this Charter.
Licensing Authority. The Select Board members shall be the licensing authority of the town and shall issue licenses and/or permits to properly regulate the activities of business in regard to public health, safety and well-being, except as otherwise provided by state law. The Select Board members shall make all necessary rules and regulations regarding the issuance of licenses and permits and shall attach any conditions or restrictions thereto pertaining to the manner in which the business may be conducted and shall enforce the laws relating to business for which such licenses or permits are issued, except as otherwise provided by state law.
Independent Audit. The Select Board shall provide for an independent audit of the accounts of the Town as outlined in Article VI, Section 6-9.
Refer to Article II, Section 2-8 of this Charter.
Composition: Term of Office. There shall be a School Committee consisting of seven (7) members elected by vote of the registered voters of the town for three (3) year overlapping terms, so arranged that the terms of at least two (2) members shall expire each year.
Powers and Duties. The School Committee, as guardians of public education, shall be cognizant of both the educational needs and the financial resources of the Town. The School Committee has general charge and superintendence of the public schools of the Town. The School Committee shall have all of the powers and duties given to school committees under the Constitution and General Laws of the Commonwealth and such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by this Charter, by by-law, or by other vote of the Representative Town Meeting. The powers of the School Committee shall include, but not be limited to:
Appoint and fix the compensation of, and terminate, the Superintendent who shall manage the schools in a fashion consistent with state law and policy determinations of the School Committee.
Review and approve budgets for public education.
Establish educational goals consistent with the requirements of law and statewide goals and standards established by the Board of Education.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, appoint one or more Assistant Superintendents, who shall report to the Superintendent, and shall fix the compensation of such Assistant Superintendents.
Review and approve the school improvement plan submitted by the school council for each of the public schools in the Town.
Make all reasonable rules and regulations, consistent with law, for the management of the public schools of the Town and for conducting the business of the Committee.
Subject to the General Laws, the Committee may determine the number of weeks and hours the schools will be in session and may regulate attendance.
Composition: Term of Office. There shall be a Planning Board consisting of five (5) members elected by vote of the registered voters of the Town, for three (3) year overlapping terms of office, so arranged that the terms of not more than two (2) members shall expire each year.
Powers and Duties.
The Planning Board, for the purpose of protecting the safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town, shall have the responsibility of regulating the laying-out and construction of ways and subdivision of land within the Town by the adoption of rules and regulations governing such developments, and insuring sanitary conditions in said subdivision.
The Board shall develop a master plan for the Town, and update it at no less than ten (10) year intervals.
The Town may adopt an official map, prepared by the Board, showing the public ways as are presently existing and used by more than two owners.
The Board shall make recommendations to the Town and the Select Board on all matters concerning the physical, economic and environmental development of the Town.
[Amended 10-21-2019 FATM, Art. 19]
The Planning Board shall have all of the powers and duties given to planning boards under the Constitution and General Laws of the Commonwealth and such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by this Charter, by by-law or by other vote of the Representative Town Meeting.
Composition: Term of Office. There shall be a Housing Authority to consist of five (5) members serving five (5) year overlapping terms such that the term of one (1) member expires each year. Four (4) of these members shall be elected by the registered voters of the Town and the fifth member shall be a resident of the Town appointed as provided in the General Laws of the Commonwealth.
Powers and Duties.
The Housing Authority makes studies of the housing needs of the Town and particular provide such programs to make housing available for families of low income or for elderly persons of low income as it deems to be necessary and desirable.
The Authority has the power to bargain collectively with labor organizations representing its employees and has all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of the Housing Authority Law.
The Housing Authority shall have all of the powers and duties given to housing authorities under the Constitution and General Laws of the Commonwealth, and such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by this Charter, by by-law or by other vote of the Representative Town Meeting.
Composition: Term of Office. There shall be a Board of Assessors consisting of three (3) members elected by vote of the registered voters of the Town, for three (3) year overlapping terms such that the term of office of at least one (1) member expires each year. The Board shall appoint an appraiser who will report directly to and be under the supervision of the Board of Assessors.
Powers and Duties.
The Assessors are charged with making a valuation of all the estates, real and personal, subject to taxation within the Town. The Assessors recommend to the Select Board the annual tax rate and decide on all questions relating to the abatement of taxes.
[Amended 10-21-2019 FATM, Art. 19]
The Assessors must file a return with the Commissioner showing the whole amount of exempted property entered on their valuation lists, and the amount of exempt property in each class of charitable organizations. As soon as the Town tax rate is determined, the Assessors must notify the Accountant of the amount to be raised for State, County and Town purposes, and for overlay, specifying the amounts to be levied on real and personal property, and the amounts to accrue from estimated receipts.
The Board of Assessors shall have all of the powers and duties given to assessors under the Constitution and General Laws of the Commonwealth and such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by this Charter, by by-law or by other vote of the Representative Town Meeting.
Composition: Term of Office. There shall be a Board of Sewer and Water Commissioners consisting of five (5) members elected by vote of the registered voters of the Town for three (3) year overlapping terms, so arranged that the terms of office of not more than two (2) members shall expire each year.
Powers and Duties.
The Board of Sewer and Water Commissioners shall have exclusive charge and control of the Water Department and water systems and pursuant thereto, may establish fountains and hydrants, may take by eminent domain or acquire by purchase or otherwise the waters or any portion thereof of any pond, brook, spring, stream, or ground water sources within the limits of the Town for the purpose of establishing and/or maintaining a water supply system or a water distribution system; may hold all lands, rights of way and other easements necessary for collecting, storing, holding, purifying thereof and for conveying the same to any part of the Town, provided that no source of water supply and no lands necessary for protecting and preserving the purity of the water shall be used without first obtaining the advice and approval of the Department of Environmental Protection; may regulate the use of the water and fix and collect just and equitable prices and rates; may cooperate or act jointly with any other city or town in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in carrying out the powers and duties as herein set forth; and may make reasonable rules and regulations in connection with any of the duties and responsibilities hereinabove set forth.
The Board of Sewer and Water Commissioners shall have exclusive charge and control of the installation and maintenance of the sewers, sewage treatment plants and appurtenances, located in the Town, and in connection with said responsibilities, shall have all of the powers reasonably necessary to effectuate same, and may from time to time adopt reasonable rules and regulations.
The Board of Sewer and Water commissioners shall have all the powers and duties given to sewer and water commissioners under the Constitution and General Laws of the Commonwealth and such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by this Charter, by by-law or by other vote of the Representative Town Meeting. The Board of Sewer and Water Commissioners shall assign all work and maintenance projects to the Town Administrator or the Town Administrator's designee for performance as its Agent.
Composition: Term of Office. There shall be a Board of Library Trustees consisting of five (5) elected by vote of the registered voters of the Town for three (3) year overlapping terms, so arranged that the terms of office of not more than two (2) members shall expire each year.
Powers and Duties.
The Board of Library Trustees shall appoint, and may remove consistent with the General Laws, a Library Director for an indefinite term and have custody of the Town library and branches thereof, and all property of the Town related thereto. They shall be responsible for the administration and operation thereof, including staffing, acquisition of library materials and the promulgation of library rules and regulations.
All monies raised or appropriated by the Town for its support and maintenance shall be expended by the Board and all money or property that the Town may receive by gift or bequest to the library shall be administered by the Board, in accordance with the provisions of such gift or bequest.
The Library Board of Trustees shall have all of the powers and duties given to library trustees under the Constitution and General Laws of the Commonwealth and such additional powers and duties as may be authorized by this Charter, by by-law or by other vote of the Representative Town Meeting.
[Amended 10-21-2019 FATM, Art. 19]
When a vacancy occurs, for any reason, in an elected office, the vacancy shall be filled in the following manner:
In the office of Select Board members, the remaining Select Board members may call a special election to fill the vacancy and shall call such election upon the request in writing of two hundred (200) registered voters of the Town, (or twenty percent of the total number of registered voters of the Town, whichever number is the lesser); provided that such request, is filed with such remaining Select Board members not less than one hundred (100) days prior to the date of the next annual election.
If there is a vacancy on a board or committee consisting of two or more members, the remaining members shall give written notice thereof, within one month of said vacancy, to the Select Board members, who with remaining member or members of such board or committee shall after one week's notice, fill such vacancy by ballot. The Select Board members shall fill such a vacancy if said board or committee fails to give said notice within the time limit herein specified. A majority of the ballots of the officers entitled to vote shall be necessary to such election. The person so elected shall be a registered voter of the Town and shall perform the duties of the office until the next annual election.