[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Gates as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 7-7-1997]
Effective September 1, 1997, the Town of Gates establishes the positions of temporary or special police officers.
Such temporary or special town police shall have all the powers and authority conferred upon constables under the laws of the State of New York and such additional powers not inconsistent with law as may be conferred upon them by the Town Board from time to time. The expressed intention of the Town Board is that the temporary or special police officers shall have the same functions and duties as the current auxiliary police.
All such temporary or special town police shall serve at the pleasure of the Town Board.
Such temporary or special town police shall be deemed to be volunteers and serve without compensation.
The Town of Gates shall purchase uniforms and equipment that are necessary for the temporary or special town police officers to carry out their duties.
The temporary police officers shall be activated for service by the Gates Town Board and, upon activation, shall be under the command and direction of the Temporary or Special Police Administrator or his designee. Said Administrator shall coordinate the operation of the temporary or special police with the Chief of the Gates Police Department.
The establishment of ranks and determination of rank for temporary or special police officers shall be made by said Administrator.
All present members of the Gates Auxiliary Police are hereby appointed temporary or special police officers of the Town of Gates and any additional temporary or special police officers who meet the standards established by the Town Board and pursuant to New York State Town Law § 158 may be appointed as temporary or special police officers by the Town Board.
In the event that the New York State Civil Service Commission determines that temporary or special police officers as appointed by this article are not members of the exempt class pursuant to Civil Service Law § 41, then said appointment of such temporary or special police officer shall be terminated effective within 30 days after notification of the same to the Town of Gates unless a subsequent resolution of the Board is made.