[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Gates 5-6-2002 by L.L. No. 2-2002. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Alarm systems — See Ch. 59.
Building construction and fire prevention — See Ch. 70.
Fire sprinkler systems — See Ch. 97.
This chapter shall be known as the "Fire Systems Safety Law" of the Town of Gates, County of Monroe, State of New York.
The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that all persons installing, inspecting, recharging or otherwise servicing portable fire extinguishers and all automatic fire extinguishing systems do so in a trained and qualified manner so as to protect the health and safety of Gates' residents and business owners.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Fire Marshal or any duly appointed Deputy Fire Marshal of the Town of Gates.
The trade of installing, charging, filling, maintaining, recharging, refilling, repairing and/or testing rechargeable fire extinguishers or automatic fire extinguishing systems.
No person shall engage in or conduct the trade within the Town of Gates without first having obtained a license therefor issued by the Marshal and without having first obtained and filed with the Marshal an insurance certificate showing coverage as may be determined by the Marshal. The Marshal may issue a license to any applicant holding a valid license to engage in the trade issued by the City of Rochester or holding a valid license to engage in the trade issued by another jurisdiction which the Marshal determines has requirements for its issuance that are substantially similar to the licensing requirements of the City of Rochester.
A corporation or limited liability company may conduct the trade within the Town of Gates and shall be entitled to a license therefor, provided that one or more employees of such entity is the holder of a license duly granted in this chapter. No person shall perform the trade on behalf of such entity unless he or she is licensed hereunder.
An insurance certificate showing coverage shall be filed in the office of the Marshal by every person or entity engaged in the trade within the Town of Gates. Such insurance certificate shall name the Town of Gates as an additional insured. Such insurance policy shall be renewed from year to year so long as the licensee engages in the trade within the Town of Gates.
The Gates Town Board may revoke any license issued under the authority of this chapter, provided that before such revocation a public hearing shall be held before the Town Board at the next Town Board meeting. Following the public hearing the Town Board will decide whether or not the licensee is qualified to properly conduct the trade in the Town of Gates. If the Town Board determines that the licensee is not qualified to properly conduct the trade in the Town of Gates, it shall revoke the licensee's license. The Marshal shall have the authority to immediately revoke any licensee's license due to revocation of said license by the City of Rochester or other licensing jurisdiction.
Persons who violate any provision of this chapter shall for each and every such violation be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year or both such fine and imprisonment.