[Adopted 3-12-2013 by L.L. No. 4-2013[1]]
Editor’s Note: This local law also repealed former Art. II, Clerk-Treasurer, adopted 1-26-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994, as amended.
The position of Village Clerk is established in accordance with New York State Village Law, said Clerk to exercise all of the powers, duties and responsibilities set forth in New York State Village Law.
Term of office of the Clerk shall be four years commencing with the reorganization meeting of the Village in calendar year 2013.
This section shall take effect upon posting and filing following such permissive referendum as may be called by the resident electors of the Village or, in the absence of such permissive referendum, upon the expiration of the time period for which a permissive referendum may be called.
The Village hereby establishes the office of Village Treasurer, who shall exercise all the powers, duties and responsibilities as set forth in New York State Village Law. The term of office shall be four years commencing with the reorganization meeting of calendar year 2013.
This section shall take effect upon posting and filing following such permissive referendum as may be called by the resident electors of the Village or, in the absence of such permissive referendum, upon the expiration of the time period for which a permissive referendum may be called.[1]
Editor’s Note: No such referendum was called for by the electors.