[Added 3-22-1988 by Ord. No. 88-18]
[Amended 4-26-1994 by Ord. No. 94-30]
This rider to the WLP rate provides credit to the customer charge and the demand portion of the electric bill. These credits are graduated over a five-year period in an abatement program. This service option may be contracted for in accordance with the eligibility criteria in Schedule ED.[1]
Editor's Note: Schedule ED is included at the end of this chapter.
[Amended 4-26-1994 by Ord. No. 94-30]
This rider to the WLP rate provides a credit for those firm customers who reduce load when called upon by the Utility. In order to qualify, customers must be WLP primary voltage level customers. Further qualifications require a minimum billing demand of 250 kilowatts in three consecutive summer season months. The rider shall be effective May 1, 1988. As used in this article, "curtailable demand" shall be defined as load which can be dropped upon request of the Utility. Load level will be determined jointly by the Utility and the customer based on usage history and the customer's load profile. Demands will be averaged over thirty-minute intervals; however, the demand interval will change to 15 minutes effective January 1, 1995.
[Amended 3-14-1989 by Ord. No. 89-15]
The demand charge under the WLP rate will be forgiven for each kilowatt curtailed. Credit will only be applicable in any month when the customer curtails each time called upon in that billing month. No credit will be given in a billing month if the customer fails to curtail when called. The credit amount will be based on the lowest level of curtailment during a billing month. The customer must curtail power during the entire period requested. If demand exceeds the original level when called at any time during the curtailment period, no credit will be given.
The maximum number of curtailments in any billing month will be five with a maximum duration of 11 hours each.
The Utility will attempt to notify the customer by phone one hour prior to a curtailment period. The customer will designate a person responsible to respond to a call for curtailment in all hours. The customer will also provide a telephone number where curtailment notice can be made. A dedicated phone line for this purpose is preferred. Depending on the size of the curtailable load, the customer may be required to provide a dedicated phone line or electronic mail terminal.
[Added 2-13-1990 by Ord. No. 90-3]
Availability (effective February 1, 1990, retroactive). This rate is available by contract to any qualifying facility owner or steam host of such a facility in the City of Vineland Electric Utility's (CVEU's) service territory requiring firm backup and/or maintenance service. The CVEU reserves the right to limit the amount of backup capacity available to 10% of the CVEU's installed generating capability.
Monthly rate.
The customer charge shall be $400.
[Amended 3-10-1992 by Ord. No. 92-14; 12-23-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-67]
Unit capacity reservation charge.
Subject to the conditions of this section, the unit capacity reservation charge will be as follows:
[Amended 4-26-1994 by Ord. No. 94-30]
Subtransmission/transmission voltage level: $2.15 per kilowatt.
Primary service voltage level: $2.27 per kilowatt.
Secondary service voltage level: $3.96 per kilowatt.
This monthly rate is calculated assuming that the qualifying facility has a forced outage rate of 20%.
For all new qualifying facilities, the CVEU will assume a forced outage rate of 20% for the first year in which backup or maintenance service is supplied. For subsequent calendar years, the Utility will use historical data to determine whether the forced outage rate has been greater than 20%. If the forced outage rate has been greater than 20%, the customer's monthly rate shall be increased by $0.05 for every 1% that the forced outage rate exceeds 20%.
For established qualifying facilities that require backup or maintenance service, the CVEU will use historical data to calculate the forced outage rate, but in no case shall such rate be based upon a forced outage rate of less than 20%. If the forced outage rate has been greater than 20%, the last sentence of the preceding Subsection B(3) shall apply from the initial service date of the backup or maintenance service. For subsequent years, sentence two of the preceding Subsection B(3) shall apply.
In addition, this service shall be subject to the charges set forth below.
Backup service. During any month in which the qualifying facility experiences an unscheduled outage that requires the CVEU to provide energy, the customer will be required to pay all energy and demand charges for metered electric use calculated in accordance with the CVEU's WLP rate schedule, in addition to the monthly unit capacity reservation charge.
[Amended 4-26-1994 by Ord. No. 94-30]
Maintenance service.
During any month in which the qualifying facility experiences an outage because of scheduled maintenance during the CVEU's winter period of November through May, the customer will be required to pay all energy charges calculated under the CVEU's WLP rate schedule, in addition to the monthly unit capacity reservation charge.
At its option, the CVEU may require that the customer schedule its maintenance outage in other than the CVEU's summer period months of June through October. If the CVEU so requires, the maintenance service rate shall not be available for any scheduled maintenance during the Utility's summer period but shall be billed under the backup service provision. In the event that scheduled maintenance is extended into the CVEU's summer period, regardless of any fault of the customer, such scheduled maintenance service occurring during the summer period shall be billed in accordance with the charges for backup service. The customer shall provide the CVEU with a written schedule of its planned yearly maintenance prior to the execution of any initial contract hereunder and no later than January 1 for every year thereafter. All schedules for planned maintenance shall be subject to the approval of the CVEU. At its discretion, the CVEU may permit the customer to alter its approved maintenance schedule, provided that such alterations do not shift maintenance from the CVEU's winter period to the summer period.
Partial requirements service. All electrical service required by the customer, other than maintenance and backup services, shall be billed in accordance with the CVEU's WLP rate schedule.
Contract requirement. All service delivered under this schedule shall be subject to contract for a minimum of one year.
Minimum annual charge. The minimum annual charge paid under this rate schedule shall be the monthly capacity reservation charge and the monthly customer charge times 12 months. The minimum annual charge under the WLP rate shall not apply to any service under this schedule.
Backup and maintenance capacity. For the purpose of determining the capacity reservation charge, the maximum amount of capacity available to a customer under this rate shall be specified in the contract, calculated in accordance with this schedule. For all customers, the maximum amount of capacity reserved shall be equal to the qualifying facility's nameplate rating or the amount of service contracted for with the qualifying facility, whichever applies. At its option, the CVEU may but is not obligated to deliver backup or maintenance services in excess of the amount specified in the contract, and such service shall be billed in accordance with the WLP rate schedule without any additional capacity reservation charge.
Special facilities. The CVEU, at its option, in order to deliver service under this rate may require the installation of facilities, such as metering equipment, that are in addition to the standard facilities that the CVEU would normally install to provide firm power service. Such facilities shall be provided by the customer. The CVEU shall be granted access to inspect any facilities at the customer's site at all times, without restriction or limitation, to assure compliance with the terms of this rate.
Forced outage. A "forced outage" shall be the occurrence at a qualifying facility of any condition or component failure which requires the generation unit to be removed or kept from service during scheduled operation.
Forced outage rate. The "forced outage rate" shall be the number of forced outage hours divided by the sum of forced outage hours and service hours, as expressed in percent, as follows:
FOR% = FOH/(FOH + SH) x 100
Forced outage hours; all hours which require the generation unit to be removed or kept from service during scheduled operation.
Service hours; all hours during which a generation unit is electrically connected to the system to meet the customer's load requirements.
Power factor. The customer shall maintain its power factor in accordance with the provisions of the CVEU's WLP rate and shall be subject to all adjustments thereunder.
[Added 2-13-1990 by Ord. No. 90-3]
Availability (effective January 1, 1990, retroactive). This rate is available by contract only to qualifying facilities in the City of Vineland Electric Utility's (CVEU's) service territory to transmit their energy production to the CVEU's interconnection points with Atlantic Electric. Wheeling of energy to other locations within the CVEU's service territory is not permitted. The CVEU returns the right to limit the total amount of wheeling kilowatts available to 10% of the installed transmission plant capacity. Any contract for wheeling shall be subject to all guidelines and requirements established by the PJM Power Pool, Atlantic Electric and the CVEU.
Annual rate.
[Amended 4-26-1994 by Ord. No. 94-30]
The customer charge shall be $3,600.
Annual capacity charge. Subject to the conditions of this rate schedule, the capacity charge per year will be as follows:
Primary service voltage level: $40.15 per kilowatt.
Billing will be based on the greatest demand placed on the CVEU system and divided into 12 equal monthly payments to be recovered in the months following the establishment of the billing demand. Payment will be made subject to the same terms as required of the CVEU in interchange transactions with Atlantic Electric, which requires payment within 10 days of the receipt of the bill.
Special conditions of service.
The qualifying facility requesting wheeling service shall be solely responsible for making all arrangements with third parties which may be required for the continued transmission of power and energy for their transaction, and the CVEU shall not be responsible for any effects or changes that such third parties may have on the ability of the CVEU to provide wheeling service.
The qualifying facility requesting wheeling service is responsible for any CVEU system upgrades necessary to comply with the PJM Power Pool or Atlantic Electric operating and reliability requirements due to wheeling of the customer's energy to the CVEU's interconnection with Atlantic Electric.
The CVEU shall be compensated for losses due to the wheeling transaction by being repaid in-kind at the time of the transaction, unless other arrangements are mutually agreeable.
The customer requesting wheeling service shall notify the CVEU in advance of any proposed power transfer under the agreement.
The CVEU will use its best efforts to supply transmission and distribution capacity as requested. However, said service is not guaranteed against irregularities, forced outages, repairs or installation of equipment, maintenance and investigation and inspection of CVEU facilities, orders or restraints of law or public authorities or other cause(s) reasonably beyond the control of the CVEU, including but not limited to fire, flood, accident, hurricane, lightning, ice, explosion, riot, commotion, invasion, war, insurrection or other acts of nature or public enemies. The CVEU shall, if time and circumstances permit, notify the customer in advance of such interruptions with an explanation of the cause, duration and magnitude of the interruptions and any pertinent information available. If details are unavailable at the time of notification, details shall be given as soon thereafter as practicable. During a period of curtailment, the CVEU will use its best efforts to provide transmission service to the extent possible without interfering with the CVEU's obligation to provide service to any of its other customers.
The CVEU may suspend wheeling service during any emergency declared by the PJM Power Pool, Atlantic Electric or the CVEU.
A customer shall cease to wheel when requested to do so by the CVEU. In the event that the customer does not comply with this request, the customer requesting wheeling service, as a condition of such request, shall protect, indemnify and hold the CVEU, its agents, servants, employees and assigns free and harmless from all claims, demands, causes and actions, suits or other proceedings (including all costs in connection therewith and in connection with the defense thereof, including reasonable attorney's fees) of every kind and character whatsoever, including, in tort, arising in favor of any person whomsoever.
Contract requirement. All service delivered under this schedule shall be subject to contract for a minimum of one year.
Minimum annual charge. The annual minimum charge paid under this rate schedule shall be the annual capacity charge and the annual customer charge.
Special facilities. The CVEU, at its option, in order to deliver service under this rate may require the installation of facilities, such as metering equipment, that are in addition to the standard facilities that the CVEU would normally install to provide firm power service. Such facilities shall be provided by the customer. The CVEU shall be granted access to inspect any facilities at the customer's site at all times, without restriction or limitation, to assure compliance with the terms of this rate.
Power factor. The customer shall maintain its power factor in accordance with the provisions of the CVEU's rate WLP and shall be subject to all adjustments thereunder.