[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of New Hartford as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 61.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 80.
Storm sewers — See Ch. 98.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 101.
Swimming pools — See Ch. 105.
[Adopted 9-11-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994]
All properties located within the Village of New Hartford Sewer District shall have their sanitary drains connected to a sanitary sewer system as hereinafter provided. In this circumstance, no other form of sewerage disposal shall be allowed.
All such connections shall conform to the regulations as provided for in this article. Furthermore, the discharge from any facility into the Village of New Hartford sewer system shall meet the regulations set forth in the Oneida County Local Law No. 14 of 1984, as amended. In the event of a conflict with any state, county or Village law, the more stringent provisions shall apply.
If the Village does not elect to construct a sewer extension under public contract, the property owner, developer or builder may construct the necessary sewer extensions if approved by the Village Board in accordance with the requirements of this article. They must pay for engineering plans, installation and testing, including all expenses. Each building lateral must be installed and inspected as required. The installation of the extensions must be subject to full-time inspection by the DPW Superintendent or his designee, and the expenses shall be paid by the owner. The DPW Superintendent's or his designee's decisions shall be final in matters of quality and method of construction.
All sewer extensions constructed at the owner's expense, after final approval and acceptance of the DPW Superintendent or his designee, shall become the property of the Village, at no cost to the Village, and shall thereinafter be maintained by the Village. Those sewers not installed in public roads shall be installed in permanent utility easements. Easement shall be acceptable by the Village Attorney and approved by the Village Board and recorded in the Oneida County Clerk's office prior to acceptance, plus the easement shall be 20 feet wide. Said sewer after its acceptance by the Village shall be guaranteed by the owner, builder or developer against defects in material or workmanship for 12 months. At the sole discretion of the Village, a performance, completion and maintenance bond or certified check may be required as part of the guaranty.
Any person residing outside of the limits of the Village desiring to connect a private sewer to the public sewer, either directly or through any private drain or sewer previously connected with the public sewers, shall make application, in writing, to the Board and file the same with the Highway Superintendent or Code Enforcement Officer. If a permit is granted by the Board, the Clerk of the Village, upon presentation of a receipt from the Village Treasurer showing payment of a fee which shall be established by the Village Board for making any such connection, shall issue to the person to whom such permission shall be granted a permit specifying the sewer with which such connection is to be made and the building to be served by such sewer and the condition on which such permit is granted, which permit shall be countersigned by the DPW Superintendent or his designee, who shall keep a record of permits granted and the fees paid.
This sewer shall remain the property of the owner. All provisions of this article shall apply.
The annual sewer charge applicable to persons residing outside the limits of the Village of New Hartford for the use of such sewers as above specified shall be determined by the Village Board.
No person to whom permission has been granted under this section to connect a private drain or sewer from his property, residence or building with the public sewers of the Village of New Hartford shall permit any other person to, nor shall be himself, connect any private drain or sewer from any other residence or building with the drain or sewer for which a permit has been granted by the Board of Trustees.
The owner or occupants of any piece of land, the sewage from which empties directly or through another sewer into the public sewers in the Village of New Hartford, who has not paid the regular sewage charge as fixed by the Village of New Hartford for using such public sewers shall disconnect the sewer from his or her property from all connections, either directly or indirectly, with such public sewer. Such disconnection of sewer shall be made within 10 days after notice has been given to such person or persons, in writing, by the Clerk of the Village of New Hartford, and if any such disconnection shall not be made within the time specified in such notice, the DPW Superintendent or his designee shall disconnect such private sewer from the Village sewer and stop the outlet thereof at the curb or at its connection with such other sewer, and the same shall not be reconnected until the person or persons violating the provisions of this section shall have complied in full with the requirements, rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees. In the event that any such sewer is disconnected by the DPW Superintendent or his designee as hereinbefore provided, the cost and expense of disconnecting the same shall be assessed against the property from which said sewer runs into such public sewer.
Any permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be subject to the following condition (together with such other conditions as the Board of Trustees may direct): that if at any time it shall appear to the satisfaction of the DPW Superintendent or his designee that the public sewers of the Village of New Hartford shall or may be overloaded due to excessive flow through the same for any reason whatsoever so that the same may be endangered thereby, said DPW Superintendent or his designee shall have the right, subject to the direction of the Village Board and upon 12 hours' notice to any owner or occupant of the premises to whom such permit may have been granted, to cut off any connection with the public sewers existing under and by virtue of any such permit until the danger of such overload shall have been remedied.
Permit fees. Before performing any construction which results in a direct or indirect connection to the Village-owned sanitary sewer system, the contractor or owner must obtain a permit approved by the Village Board and issued by the Village Clerk upon payment of the fees to be determined by the Village Board.
Sketches. All permits must include a sketch showing the proposed location of the structure being connected and the piping to the sewer main.
Issuance, revocation and transfer. Permits may be obtained at the office of the Village Clerk. Permits may be revoked by the Village at any time should the conditions and procedures contained herein and as stated on the permit not be adhered to or for any other just cause. Permits are nontransferable.
Notice and inspection. The Sewer Department must be notified 24 hours prior to the commencement of construction; inspections shall be performed within 24 hours following a request to the Sewer Department.
Wherever it is necessary to excavate any highway or cut any pavement, sidewalk or curbing, a permit must be obtained from the Superintendent of Highways, if a Village highway is involved; from the County Department of Public Works, if a county highway is involved; and from the New York State Department of Transportation if a state highway is involved. A fee and bond as specified in Chapter 101, Streets and Sidewalks, Article I, Openings and Excavations, will be applicable, or those of the appropriate governing agency.
All sewage discharged must conform to regulations issued by the Oneida County Commissioner of Water Pollution Control.
No wipes, e.g., baby cleaning, etc., may be flushed down the toilet into the sewer system.[1]
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code revisions (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Recyclables must be separated from garbage.[2]
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code revisions (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The property owner is responsible for the maintenance and connections from the building to the actual point of connection to the public sewer. The Sanitary Sewer District will be responsible for only the maintenance of all publicly owned collector and interceptor lines, sanitary pump stations, force mains and appurtenances which are within the rights-of-way (ROW) of the highway or within the permanent easement(s) granted for the public sewer. Public maintenance responsibility does not include lateral pipes, connections or associated appurtenances within the highway right-of-way or public easement. The owner shall bear the expenses of the construction and all connections.
The Inspector shall be appointed by the Village Board and be the authorized agent of the Village as to matters falling under the operation of these rules and shall exercise the powers hereinafter mentioned, in the name and subject to the approval and ratification of the Board.
The Inspector of Sewers shall report to the Village Board upon the applications filed with him as nearly as possible in the order in which they are received, and the Board may return, suspend action upon or reject any application for correction in form or substance or for any other reason satisfactory to it and shall grant permits in proper cases. The agents and employees of the Village shall have the right to enter the buildings or premises mentioned in any application whenever necessary to examine the same or to supervise any work thereon.
Every permit shall be signed by the DPW Superintendent or his designee, whose duty it shall be to keep a record of the permits so issued.
Any permit issued hereunder shall be revocable by the Village Board, and the same may be suspended by the Inspector at any time for breach of or noncompliance with these regulations. No person to whom a permit may be granted, nor their successors in interest, shall have the right to claim damages against the Village or its agents and servants.
Such information the Village has with regard to the positions of mains and junctions will be furnished to the contractor, but the Village shall be under no liability or obligation to the accuracy of the same.
No one but a bonded plumber or contractor will be allowed to make connections to or lay any lateral in connection with the sanitary sewer. In the event that the plumber and contractor are from different companies, the party so named on the permit and bond shall be ultimately responsible to meet all requirements set forth by this article.
No work of laying drains shall be commenced until the permit has been issued for the performance of such work.
No person obtaining a permit to serve as a sewer or drain layer shall allow his name to be used by any other person, directly or indirectly, either for the purpose of obtaining permits or doing any work, under penalty of forfeiture of all subsequent rights to receive a permit.
The DPW Superintendent or his designee must be notified whenever any work is ready for inspection All work must be left uncovered for examination for 24 hours after notification, Sundays excepted, or until examined and approved. The actual connection with the sewer or main shall be made by or under the supervision of the DPW Superintendent or his designee.
The contractor shall erect and maintain barricades, fencing, signs, warning lights and other protective devices as needed and as directed by the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices necessary to effectively warn and protect the public. All work shall be done in such a manner and at such times as to interfere as little as possible with the public travel and convenience. The contractor shall provide adequate protection for its employees in conformance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as amended, in regards to material safety data, confined space entry, fall prevention and retrieval and bracing and shoring.
An as-built sketch shall be provided by the installer as follows: Upon completion, the permittee, whether for new work or for alterations, shall provide a sketch on a three-by-five index card showing the plot plan of the building and the start of building sewer, which point shall be indicated by stating the distance from the nearest corner of the building. It shall also show the direction of the sewer and the distance of the point of connection with the public sewer from the nearest manhole. Also to be shown will be the total building sewer length and all direction changes and cleanouts.
No permit will be issued and no connection will be permitted for the draining of surface or subsurface water into the sanitary sewers within the Village. Surface water drainage systems and roof and cellar drains shall be physically connected upon the approval of the DPW Superintendent or his designee in conformity to all sections of this article to the Village stormwater collection system, should one exist. In no event shall surface water be allowed to flow onto streets, avenues or sidewalks where it may freeze and become a hazard. Furthermore, all stormwater and all other drainage shall be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as storm sewer or to a natural outlet approved by the DPW Superintendent or his designee. Industrial cooling waters or process waters may be discharged upon approval of the DPW Superintendent or his designee and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, and shall require a New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit to be discharged to natural drainage. No sanitary drainage system or part thereof shall be installed so as to discharge sewage into sewers intended for stormwater only.
Any persons who maliciously, willfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is a part of the Village public sewer system or public sewer tributary thereto shall be in violation of these rules, regulations and local laws and subject to the penalties provided.
In the event that a building that is connected to the Village sewers is to be abandoned or demolished or the certificate of occupancy is withdrawn, the connection to the sewer is to be disconnected at the property line. The private sewer is to be plugged at the property line in such a manner with a watertight plug that is satisfactory to the DPW Superintendent or his designee. The sewer is to be disconnected, plugged and inspected prior to the start of any other work on the site. The location of this termination shall be provided by the contractor to the DPW Superintendent or his designee.
No permit shall be granted to connect any cesspool or privy vault with the public sewer.
Building sewers shall not be connected to any manhole.
Grease, oil and sand interceptors shall be provided at the property owner's expense when, in the opinion of the DPW Superintendent or his designee, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts or sand and other harmful ingredients, except that such interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units. All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the DPW Superintendent or his designee and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. All interceptors shall be vented,
Where preliminary treatment facilities are provided for any waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his expense.
When required by the DPW Superintendent or his designee, the owner of any property served by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes shall install a suitable control manhole in the building sewer to facilitate observation, sampling and measurement of the wastes.
No blowoff from a steam boiler may be connected directly to a storm sewer. It shall first be connected with a catch basin or condenser and from that to the sanitary sewer in a manner approved by the DPW Superintendent or his designee.
In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such drain shall be lifted by approved artificial means and discharged to the building sewer, and the cost of furnishing, installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of any artificial means of lifting sanitary sewage from a building drain to the public sewer, as well as the utility costs incurred in the operation thereof, which artificial means are made necessary by the construction and installation of building drains subsequent to the installation of the public sewer, shall be paid by the owner of the premises on which any such building drain is located.
Elevations of pipelines and structures may not be changed from any Village-approved construction plans without the written consent of the DPW Superintendent or his designee.
In case a water- or other pipe or drain shall be found in the way, the question of passing over or under it or raising or lowering it must be determined by the DPW Superintendent or his designee or the agency having jurisdiction. In no case shall the drain layer be allowed to decide the question himself.
No sewer pipe can be extended from work previously done and accepted, nor can new connections of any kind be made with such work, without permission of the Village Board.
Whenever it is necessary to disturb or obstruct a public sewer or a drain in actual use, it must in no case be obstructed without the special direction of the DPW Superintendent or his designee. In addition to the above, materials and procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the American Society for Testing of Materials (ASTM) or the Water Pollution Control Federation (WPCF) Manual of Practice No. 9 may be used, subject to approval by the DPW Superintendent or his designee.
Old building sewers may be used in connection with the new buildings only when they are found, on examination after testing by the DPW Superintendent or his designee, to meet all requirements of this article; and the use is at the owner's risk, Where cesspools or septic tanks are to be discontinued following connections to a sanitary sewer, the owner shall have these pools promptly emptied, cleaned and backfilled with soil, sand or other acceptable clean material.
The provisions, rules, regulations and specifications contained in this article shall apply to all existing sanitary sewer systems and sanitary sewers located within the Village, whether in existence at the time of the passage of this article or created and constructed thereafter.
All connections with sanitary sewers shall be made in accordance with the following specifications and all applicable rules and regulations of the county, state or Village in which the connection is made or with the procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the ASTM and the WPCF Manual of Practice No. 9. In case of conflict, the more stringent provisions shall apply. All such connections shall be made gastight and watertight. Any deviation from the prescribed procedures and materials must be approved by the DPW Superintendent or his designee before installation.
The construction of all connections and appurtenances from the interior of a building and from any premises to the public sewer shall be under the supervision of, and such construction and all materials used shall be subject to, the inspection and approval of such DPW Superintendent or his designee.
Excavations and trenches must be properly protected by sufficient sheeting and bracing, and all construction shall be in accordance with the most current edition and amendments to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and any other conditions so noted on the sewer permit. No tunneling will be permitted except where permission has been obtained from the DPW Superintendent or his designee.
Connections shall be made at openings provided in the sewer. The location of the openings may be obtained at the office of the DPW Superintendent or his designee. Where no opening exists, permission must be obtained from the DPW Superintendent or his designee to cut into the sewer. Any breaking of the sewer pipe caused by such cutting, which shall be done by means of a rotary cutter, must be replaced at the expense of the installer. All cut-ins shall be encased in 1:2:4 concrete. If required, a wye must be installed as directed. If a wye is not used, a sewer branch connector must be used meeting minimum standards of ASTM D-3034. Predco Fast-Fit stainless steel strap or GPK are examples; however, should the contractor provide adequate documentation, products of other manufacturers will be reviewed as requested.
No connection into the sewer shall project beyond the face of the inside wall of the sewer. Before connecting to any public sanitary sewer, the contractor shall make sure that the lateral is free and clear of sand, mud, rocks and roots from the point of connection to the building sewer.
Connections to the sewer must be made using:
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sewer pipe and fittings. Only type PSM meeting and/or exceeding all requirements of ASTM-D-3034, latest edition, shall be allowed. Pipe standard must be equal to or greater than SDR-35. Joints shall be ring-tight joints conforming to ASTM D-3212 or D-1869 and installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Standard-duty cast-iron bell and spigot, piping and bends. All joints shall have a compression gasket that is compressed when the spigot is inserted into the hub or the pipe. Joints shall be gas- and watertight.
Joints and all fittings in sanitary sewers shall be recessed drainage fittings with smooth continuous linear surfaces to the flow or drainage and shall conform in all respects to their respective grades of pipe. Changes in direction of flow shall be made by the proper use of sixth, eighth or sixteenth bends, or an approved combination thereof. The use of quarter bends is not permitted. Only approved gasket-type joint fittings and adapters will be used at connections with dissimilar pipes. Joints shall be made with an approved elastomeric sealing sleeve with stainless steel clamps.
The size, slope and depth of building sewers shall be subject to the approval of the DPW Superintendent or his designee, but in no event shall the diameter be less than four inches with a minimum slope not less than 1/4 inch per foot nor greater than 1/2 inch per foot. The building drain may be brought up abruptly from the public sewer with the proper use of acceptable bends and then continue within the allowable grades to the building. The depth of the building drain shall be below the frost line, unless adequate provision is made to protect such pipe from freezing; said protection shall be approved by the DPW Superintendent or his designee.
In the instance of a sanitary lateral installation on filled or unstable ground, the drain shall be cast iron, except that nonmetallic pipe may be accepted by the DPW Superintendent or his designee if the bedding method is submitted and approved.
Whenever there is sanitary sewer separation with water transmission lines, sewers should be laid at least 10 feet horizontally from any existing or proposed waterline. Should local conditions prevent a lateral separation of 10 feet, a sewer may be laid closer than 10 feet from the water main if it is in a separate trench or it is in the same trench with the water mains located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth. In either case, the elevation of the crown of the sewer must be at least 18 inches below the invert of the water main.
Whenever sewers must cross under water mains and the sewer cannot be buried to meet the above requirement, the water main shall be relocated to provide this separation or the sewer line constructed of slip-on or mechanical-joint, cast-iron pipe or PVC pressure pipe for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the waterline and be pressure-tested to assure watertightness. At least 10 feet of separation must exist between the point of crossing and joints in the waterline.
There must be no physical connection between a public or private potable water supply system and a sewer, or appurtenance thereto, which would render possible the passage of any sewage or polluted water into the potable water supply. No water pipe shall pass through or come in contact with any part of a sewer manhole.
All pipes shall be laid with the ends abutting, bell ends uphill and on a true line and grade. All pipes shall be clear of dirt or other foreign materials as the work progresses.
All pipes extending through the wall of a building must be heavy-duty cast-iron soil pipe a minimum of six inches above finished floor grade, shall be six feet in length and shall extend three feet beyond the street side of the wall, at which distance there shall be a flexible joint.
Traps must be used and installed within the property line. Whenever practical they shall be installed within the building on the building drainpipe and within two feet of the exterior wall where the sewer leaves the building. The trap shall be located on the sewer side of all connections and shall be equipped with a flush wye cleanout on the sewer side of the trap.
A minimum four-inch vent extended to the building exterior shall be installed on the house side of the trap. The vent shall terminate a minimum of six inches above the finished grade and be protected by a perforated metal cap fixed to the mouth of the inlet. The cap shall have a ventilating area at least equal to the area of the pipe.
A forty-five-degree wye shall be installed at the highway right-of-way and property line and not over 75 feet apart thereafter, and more frequently if directed by the DPW Superintendent or his designee, so that at all times the route of flow can be rodded or cleaned mechanically. The risers on all cleanouts shall be a minimum of four inches in diameter. A forty-five-degree wye with a four-inch brass screw-type opening and cover accessible for cleaning and flushing shall be set at the finished grade of property.
Whenever it is necessary to temporarily leave the work prior to a complete installation, the end of the pipe shall be securely closed with a tightly fitted cover or plug. Any earth or other materials entering the main sewer through the open end of any laterals or pipe shall be removed at the contractor's expense.
The pipe shall be laid on a minimum of six-inch-deep bed of No. 1A stone hand-chinked and brought to the spring line of the pipe. From the spring line to six inches above the top of the piping the trench shall be covered with No. 1A stone. The remainder at the trench shall be backfilled in conformity with Chapter 101, Streets and Sidewalks, Article I, Openings and Excavations, or that of the appropriate governing agency.
Right-of-way backfill and compaction shall be in accordance with the applicable governmental standards. No trench shall be backfilled until the work has been inspected and approved by the DPW Superintendent or his designee.
Should the contractor fail to properly backfill the excavation within the highway right-of-way as specified in Chapter 101, Streets and Sidewalks, Article I, Openings and Excavations, of the Village Code, the work shall be performed under the direction of the appropriate municipality, and the cost of this work shall be charged against the bond posted by the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for any settling of the ground within the highway right-of-way which occurs within one year of restoration of the excavation.
The excavation shall be backfilled as specified to a condition equal to what existed prior to construction. Any settlement occurring after the trenches have been backfilled must be filled either by the contractor or the owner.
The contractor shall provide and maintain temporary measures for the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians prior to permanent restorations, as set forth in Chapter 101, Streets and Sidewalks, Article I, Opening and Excavations, or that of the appropriate municipality.
[Adopted 6-5-1986 by L.L. No. 3-1986]
A sewer use charge schedule shall be used for deriving revenues for financing and maintaining sewage collection and appurtenant facilities in the Village of New Hartford. The funds derived from these charges shall be used for all municipal expenses associated with constructing, improving or maintaining the sewage system, including administration, engineering, construction and other related costs. Nothing in this section shall affect the charges provided for in § 87-5 of the New Hartford Village Code.
A sewer use charge shall be assigned to owners of properties located within or without the corporate limits of the Village of New Hartford who contribute wastes to the municipal sanitary system, except as herein provided.
The basis for the sewer use charge shall be as follows:
Sewer Use Charge Schedule
Type of Unit
Unit Assessment
House (single-family)
House (2-family)
Multiple-family housing and apartments
0.75 per designated dwelling unit
Commercial and business establishments, schools and churches
1.0 per 40,000 gallons of, annual water consumption or fraction thereof
The sewer use charges shall be billed annually, as a separately identified item on the Village tax bill.
The Village reserves the right, annually, to change sewer use charges and the unit assessment originally or previously assigned.
[Amended 9-11-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994]
Households with two or fewer persons may apply for variances to reduce to a unit assignment from one to zero and 0.75. A variance may be applied for through the Superintendent of the Department of Public Works or his designee in a verified written application.
Commercial and business establishments, schools or churches may apply for variances to base their unit assignment on water actually discharged into the sewage system. The method of determining the amount of water discharged to the sewer system shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Public Works or his designee.
[Amended 9-11-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994]
The Superintendent or his designee and any member of the Board of Trustees or its designee shall have the right of access at any reasonable time to any premises served by the Village sewer system for the purposes of inspection in order to carry out the provisions of this article in an equitable manner.
The per-unit amount of the annual sewer use charge shall be equal to the total of the annual expenses set forth in § 87-52 divided by the total number of units served by the Village sewer system. The annual sewer use charge shall be billed annually on or before the first day of June of each year. The sewer use charges shall be set by the Board of Trustees of the Village of New Hartford on an annual basis at the time of approval of the general operating budget each fiscal year.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code revisions (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
[Amended 9-12-2005]
Thirty days after due date, a late penalty fee of 5% shall be added to the amount of the sewer use charge, and for each month thereafter, on the first day of each month, an additional penalty of 1% shall be charged until paid.
All unpaid delinquent sewer use charges shall constitute a lien on the real property served by the Village sewer system, and, on the first day of October of each year, the Village Clerk shall present to the Board of Trustees a statement setting forth the amount of each lien for sewer rents in arrears, the real property affected thereby and the name of the person in whose name the real property is assessed. The Board of Trustees shall levy the amounts contained in such statement against the real property liable at the same time and in the same manner as Village taxes, and such amounts shall be set forth in a separate column in the annual tax rolls. The amounts so levied shall be levied and enforced in the same manner and at the same time as may be provided by law for the collection and enforcement of Village taxes.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code revisions (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).