This article provides for the regulations of
signs. All signs hereafter erected or maintained shall conform with
the provisions of this article unless otherwise exempted herein.
As used in this article, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
A sign with action or motion, flashing, color changes requiring
electrical energy, electronic or manufactured sources of supply, but
not including wind-actuated elements such as flags, banners or specialty
items. This definition does not include public service signs such
as time and temperature, revolving or changeable message signs.
Any projection which is not intended for occupancy and which
extends beyond the face of an exterior wall of a building, but shall
not include signs.
The entire background area of a sign on which copy could
be placed. In computing area of sign background, only that face or
faces which can be seen from any one direction at one time shall be
That portion of any exterior elevation of a building extending
from grade to the top of the parapet wall or eaves and the entire
width of the building elevation.
A resurfacing of an existing facade with approved material,
illuminated or nonilluminated.
A panel which is characterized by changeable copy, regardless
of method of attachment.
The actual area of the sign copy applied to any background.
Compute copy area by straight lines drawn closest to copy extremities
encompassing individual letters or words.
On-premises incidental signs designated to guide or direct
pedestrians or vehicular traffic.
A sign which is supported by one or more columns, uprights
or braces in or upon the ground.
A sign in which a source of light is used in order to make
the message readable. This definition shall include internally and
externally lighted signs.
A permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by
the building and projecting over public property or a pedestrian walkway.
Any sign attached to or constructed in a marquee.
A sign which advertises other than the name of the business
and the principal product or service.
A sign which carries only advertisements strictly incidental
to a lawful use of the premises on which it is located, including
signs or sign devices indicating the business transacted, services
rendered, goods sold or produced on the premises, name of the business,
name of the person, firm or corporation occupying the premises.
A sign which directs attention to a business, industry, profession,
commodity, service or entertainment not necessarily sold or offered
upon the premises where the sign is located.
A sign which projects more than 18 inches and which uses
a building wall as its main source of support.
A sign which revolves 360° but does not exceed eight
revolutions per minute (rpm).
A sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet wall of a
building and which is wholly or partially supported by said building.
Any device and all parts thereof which is used to advertise
products, goods, services or otherwise promote the sale of objects
or identify objects for sale.
Any structure which supports or is capable of supporting
any sign, as defined in this chapter. A sign structure may or may
not be an integral part of the building.
A sign which is intended to advertise community or civic
projects, construction projects, real estate for sale or lease, or
other special events on a temporary basis.
[Amended 4-12-2000 by Ord. No. 186-2000]
A lighted or unlighted display attached to the underside
of a marquee or architectural projection protruding over public or
private sidewalks or right-of-way.
The current edition of the Uniform Building Code as has been
officially adopted by the municipality and becomes related to these
guidelines as regarding construction, standards, approved materials
and projection standards unless otherwise specified herein.
A sign which is in any manner affixed to any exterior wall
of a building or structure and which projects not more than 18 inches
from the building or structure wall and which does not extend more
than four feet above the parapet, eaves or building facade of the
building on which it is located; also includes signs affixed to architectural
projections, canopies or marquees which project from a building facade,
provided that the copy area of such signs remains parallel to the
building facade.
The following signs are permitted in all districts
which expressly and directly pertain to the business, activity, sale
or lease conducted on or for the premises upon which the sign is located:
A. A sign displaying the name and address of the occupant
of a dwelling, provided that the area of any such sign shall not exceed
two square feet and not more than one such sign shall be erected for
each dwelling.
B. One sign advertising the sale or rental of real property,
provided that the area of any such sign shall not exceed four square
feet. Such signs shall be removed within seven days after final settlement
or renting of said property.
C. One temporary contractor's, developer's, architect's
or builder's sign, provided that the area of any such sign shall not
exceed 32 square feet. Such sign shall be removed within seven days
after completion of the work or 18 months after erection of the signs,
whichever shall occur first.
D. Trespassing signs, signs indicating the private nature
of a road, driveway or premises and signs controlling fishing or hunting
on the premises, provided that the area of any such sign shall not
exceed four square feet.
E. Temporary signs announcing an event of a civic, philanthropic,
educational or religious organization or a drive or campaign, other
than signs in conjunction with a political election. Such signs shall
not exceed 32 square feet in area and shall be removed within seven
days after completion of the campaign, drive or event.
Every nonconforming sign erected prior to the
adoption of this chapter may continue to be maintained, in spite of
lack of conformity with all of the provisions of this chapter, for
a period of 10 years after the adoption date of this chapter, after
which the owner of every such sign, at his own expense, shall cause
the same to be brought into strict conformity with all the requirements
of this chapter or shall remove the same. The work of bringing such
sign into conformity with such requirements shall require the obtaining
of a permit. Nonconforming signs once removed shall be replaced only
with conforming signs; however, nonconforming signs may be repainted
or repaired, provided that such repainted or repaired sign does not
exceed the dimensions of the existing sign. When the cost of repair
or restoration of any nonconforming sign shall exceed 50% of its original
value, said nonconforming sign shall be replaced with a conforming
Every application for the issuance of a permit
under is ordinance shall be accompanied by the following:
A. A plot plan and/or elevation drawing which indicates
the location of the proposed sign.
B. A sketch of the proposed sign.
C. The required application fee.
All signs within residential zoning districts
shall be subject to the following provisions:
A. Illumination at a property line abutting residential
properties, resulting from all signs and lighting on any nonresidential
use property, shall not exceed 0.6 footcandle at a height of five
feet from grade. When a street intervenes between residential property
and any nonresidential use property, the illumination measurements
just described shall be taken at the curbline closest to the residential
[Amended 4-12-2000 by Ord. No. 186-2000]
B. Lighting from all sources other than streetlights
and natural sources shall be so shaded, shielded or directed that
the light intensity or brightness will not be a nuisance and shall
be turned off or reduced to not more than two footcandles at the closest
street or business property line between the hours of 10:00 p.m. of
one day and 6:00 a.m. of the succeeding day (prevailing time, standard
or saving); except that if the premises are open for business after
10:00 p.m., the lighting shall be reduced as above at the close of
No sign shall be erected, placed or maintained
upon any public right-of-way and no sign shall be erected, placed
or maintained so that it impedes, interferes with or distracts from
the operation of any traffic control light or sign, official traffic
directional sign or other traffic safety or control device or general
traffic safety.
A. No sign of the colors red, yellow or green shall be
placed in such a position that it would produce a background into
which the traffic signal might blend, thereby interfering with vehicular
vision of the signal.
B. No sign shall be located so as to obscure a motorist's
view of roadway, intersections, railway crossings, traffic signals,
stop signs or other warning devices.
C. All signs shall be erected in conformance with the
Federal Highway Beautification Act.
D. No sign shall be located within 100 feet of the right-of-way
line of a limited access highway except as follows:
(1) A sign not exceeding four square feet in area pertaining
to the sale or lease of the property and set back at least 25 feet
and placed so as not to obstruct a driver's view of official signs.
(2) An on-premises unilluminated sign attached to the
main wall of a building at a height not less than 10 feet, nor more
than 30 feet above the ground, shall bear an advertisement other than
the name of the person, firm or corporation operating the place of
business or owning the property and a description of the general character
of the business conducted on the premises.
The following restrictions apply to all signs:
A. No lighted signs of intermittent flashing, animated
or rotating types shall be permitted.
B. No sign other than those permitted in §§
184-142 and
184-143 shall be erected or maintained. Upon termination or abandonment of any building or land use, all signs pertaining to that use must be removed within 60 days of said termination or abandonment.
[Amended 4-12-2000 by Ord. No. 186-2000]
C. No sign shall be mounted, erected or maintained on
a tree or other natural vegetation or utility pole.
D. No sign shall be mounted or located in such a manner
as to block or restrict the operation of any door or window or to
block or restrict the movement into or out of any exit or entrance
of a building or driveway.
E. All signs, except temporary signs, shall be constructed
of durable material and kept in good condition and repair. All dilapidated
and deteriorated signs shall be repaired or removed at the owner's
expense, within 30 days after notice from the Zoning Officer. Otherwise,
the sign will be subject to removal by the Township and the owner
billed for the costs thereof.
F. No sign shall exceed a height (measured from the ground
to the top of the sign structure) equal to the height permitted for
the building to which it is accessory. In the event that the building
exceeds the height limit prescribed by the schedule by variance, the
height limit of the schedule shall govern the height of the sign.
G. No sign shall project more than six inches above the
primary roofline nor more than 12 inches out from the wall to which
it is attached. Signs not exceeding six square feet in area may be
placed perpendicular to a building face if attached to and below a
canopy projection from said building.
H. No sign shall be located within 10 feet of any right-of-way
line, nor within 20 feet of any adjoining property or lot line.
I. On lots abutting more than one public street, any
combination of signs permitted may be erected on each side of the
building or in the yard area abutting each public street.
J. A sign affixed to any vehicle or other object in such
a manner that the carrying of such sign or signs no longer is incidental
to the primary purpose of the vehicle or object but becomes a primary
purpose in itself shall be prohibited.
[Added 4-12-2000 by Ord. No. 186-2000]
K. Changeable message signs regulations.
[Added 2-3-2009 by Ord. No. 254-2009]
Changeable message signs shall include the following:
Mechanically changed sign: any sign whose display
surface or a portion of its display surface is comprised of rotating
elements that permit a display of different messages by the rotation
of the elements.
Electronically changed sign: any sign whose
display surface or a portion of its display surface includes alphabetic,
pictographic or symbolic informational content can be changed or altered
on a display screen composed of light emitting diodes (LEDs), fiber
optics, light bulbs or other illumination devices, including, but
not limited to, programmable microprocessor-controlled electronic
displays; and the projection of images or messages with these characteristics
by any other means onto the sign face.
Changeable message signs may be permitted within
the Township under the following conditions:
Each message or copy shall remain fixed for
at least eight seconds.
The time interval used to change from one complete
message/display to the next complete message/display shall be a maximum
of one second.
There shall be no appearance of a visual dissolve
or fading, in which any part of one electronic message/display appears
simultaneously with any part of a second electronic message/display.
There shall be no appearance of flashing or
sudden bursts of light, and no appearance of animation, movement or
flow of the message/display.
Any illumination, intensity or contrast of light
level shall remain constant.
All changeable message signs shall contain a
default design that will freeze the device in one position if a malfunction
Changeable message signs may also constitute off-premises signs in the event that they meet the definition of "off-premises signs" and shall be required to adhere to the rules and regulations set forth in §
184-142 of the Bern Township Code of Ordinances.
The following signs which do not pertain to
the business or activity conducted on the premises upon which the
sign is located are permitted in all districts with the express permission
of the property owner:
A. Signs which are used for directing patrons, members
or audiences to service clubs, churches or other nonprofit organizations
may be erected subject to the following requirements:
(1) A sign shall indicate only the name of the organization
and the direction to the facility.
(2) Only one such sign shall be erected prior to each
intersection turning movement to reach such facility.
(3) Signs shall not exceed two square feet in area.
B. In the OR, LI, GI, LC and ASU Districts, an overall identifying sign
including a directory limited to a maximum overall area of 120 square
feet shall be permitted.
[Amended 4-12-2000 by Ord. No. 186-2000; 8-6-2019 by Ord. No. 321-2019]
C. On unimproved, undeveloped land in the SC and GI Districts
that border Pennsylvania Route 183, outdoor advertising signs which
are subject to the following requirements:
[Amended 5-4-1999 by Ord. No. 179A-1999]
(1) No sign shall exceed 480 square feet with a maximum
height of 12 feet and maximum length of 40 feet, inclusive of any
border and trim, but excluding the base or apron, supports and other
structural members.
(2) A sign structure may contain only one sign per facing
but may contain two facings back to back.
(3) No sign shall be located within 300 feet of other
adjoining or abutting zoning districts.
(4) No sign structure shall be located within a five-hundred-foot
radius of another outdoor advertising sign structure.
D. Temporary signs directing patrons, members or audiences
to temporary exhibits, shows or events and signs directed in conjunction
with a political election, subject to the following requirements:
(1) No sign shall exceed 32 square feet in area.
(2) Signs shall be removed within seven days after the
date of the exhibit, show, event or election.
(3) No such sign shall be posted earlier than two weeks
before the occurrence of the event to which it relates.
E. Nationally recognized service clubs and nonprofit
organizations are permitted to erect signs within the rights-of-way
of Township roads, subject to the following:
(1) Specific written approval must be received from the
Township Supervisors.
(2) No sign shall exceed four square feet.
(3) Signs shall be single faced.
(4) Signs shall not be located in or within the cartway
of any street.
(5) No sign shall be located within two feet from a curbline
or five feet from the edge of pavement if no curbing exists.
(6) No sign shall be located within the clear sight triangle
at street intersections.