[Adopted 11-15-1974 by Ord. No. 73]
The Council of the Borough of Bell Acres finds and therefore declares that it is necessary that an adequate public ambulance and related emergency health service be established and operated for the benefit and preservation of the public health, comfort, convenience and general welfare and the increase of the prosperity of the inhabitants of the Borough of Bell Acres and that such service can be most efficiently and economically furnished by means of an intercommunity municipal authority jointly sponsored by the Township of Aleppo, the Township of Leet and the Boroughs of Bell Acres, Edgeworth, Glenfield, Haysville, Leetsdale, Osborne, Sewickley, Sewickley Heights and Sewickley Hills and incorporated under the applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the express purpose of supplying such service to all the inhabitants of said municipalities.
It is therefore the joint desire and intention of the Townships of Aleppo and Leet and the Boroughs of Bell Acres, Edgeworth, Glenfield, Haysville, Leetsdale, Osborne, Sewickley, Sewickley Heights and Sewickley Hills, all municipal corporations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and all situated in the County of Allegheny to organize an Authority under the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, designated as Act No. 164, approved May 2, 1945, together with all supplements and amendments thereto,[1] for the purpose of exercising and enjoying all of the powers conferred by said act, its supplements and amendments, except as otherwise specifically provided in the proposed Articles of Incorporation hereinafter set forth.[2]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 301 et seq.
Editor's Note: The Articles of Incorporation are on file and available for inspection in the office of the Borough Secretary/Treasurer.
The name of the proposed Authority shall be the "Quaker Valley Ambulance Authority."
[Amended 9-14-1992 by Ord. No. 158[1]]
The proposed Articles are as follows.[2]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed original Section 5, Appointment of Board members, First Board, which immediately followed this section. This provision, which dealt with the appointment and terms of the initial Board members, is on file and available for inspection in the office of the Borough Secretary/Treasurer.
Editor's Note: The Articles of Incorporation are on file and available for inspection in the office of the Borough Secretary/Treasurer.
Until such time as all of the incorporating municipalities shall otherwise provide by resolution, the members of the Board of the Authority shall receive no compensation for their services as Board members; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit the payment of compensation as authorized by Section 7C of the aforesaid Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, as amended,[1] to a member of such Board for services rendered as officer of the Authority.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 309, Subdivision C.
The Articles of Incorporation of the proposed Authority, in substantially the form set forth in § 9-4 of this article,[1] shall be executed on behalf of the Borough of Bell Acres by the Mayor and by the President of the Borough Council and under its Municipal Seal, attested by the Borough Secretary/Treasurer, and such officers are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do all things necessary and appropriate to effect and establish said Authority in conformity with the aforesaid Municipality Authorities Act of 1945, its supplements and amendments.[2]
Editor's Note: The Articles of Incorporation are on file and available for inspection in the office of the Borough Secretary/Treasurer.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 301 et seq.
Organization and start-up expenses. In order to fund the proposed Authority with sufficient moneys to cover incorporation, organization and start-up expenses, the Borough of Bell Acres hereby assumes, as its fair share of such expenses, the payment of a per capita assessment of $0.16 and in discharge of such commitment does hereby appropriate the sum of $202.24, the same to be paid to or for the account of said Authority from time to time and in such amounts as the Borough Council may, by resolution or motion, authorize; provided, however, that the other incorporating municipalities shall, by like appropriations, have committed themselves to the payment of such initial expenses in the following respective portions and amounts, viz:
Township of Aleppo
Township of Leet
Borough of Edgeworth
Borough of Glenfield
Borough of Haysville
Borough of Leetsdale
Borough of Osborne
Borough of Sewickley
Borough of Sewickley Heights
Borough of Sewickley Hills
Capital funds and operating expenses. In order to fund the proposed Authority with sufficient moneys to cover capital expenditures for equipment and housing and to cover the operating expenses of such Authority, the Borough of Bell Acres hereby promises and agrees with the Townships of Aleppo and Leet and the Boroughs of Edgeworth, Glenfield, Haysville, Leetsdale, Osborne, Sewickley, Sewickley Heights and Sewickley Hills that this Borough will, from time to time and to the extent and in the manner provided by law, appropriate from general funds or from funds derived from special levy the same portion of the aggregate capital expenditures and operating expenses of such Authority as the population of this Borough of Bell Acres bears to the aggregate population of the Authority's primary service area. For all computations required to be made hereunder, the term "population," unless otherwise agreed by all of the incorporating municipalities, shall mean the total number of inhabitants of this Borough or of such primary service area as reported in the then most recent enumeration thereof by the United States Bureau of the Census.
Notwithstanding any express or implied provision hereof to the contrary, the Authority shall fix and collect reasonable fees or charges for its services from recipients or users of such services who are not residents of the Authority's primary service area, and, should additional revenues be required to defray the full cost of the aforesaid capital expenditures and operating expenses, the Authority may fix and collect reasonable fees or charges for its services from recipients or users thereof who are residents of such primary service area.