The fiscal year of the Town government shall begin on the first day of July and shall end on the last day of June of each calendar year unless a uniform fiscal year for all cities and towns shall be established by state law. Such fiscal year shall also be the budget and accounting year. As used in this Charter, the term "budget year" shall mean the fiscal year for which any particular budget is adopted and in which it is administered.
The budget shall provide a complete financial plan for the budget year. It shall contain three parts:
The budget message prepared by the Town Administrator, giving a general summary of the principal sources of anticipated revenue with amounts to be raised from each source, and of the principal objects of expenditure with amounts to be expended on each object, making clear how expenditures are to be kept within income, and comparing the general estimates for the coming year with the corresponding figures for the past year and the year in progress;
Detailed estimates of all anticipated revenues applicable to proposed expenditures together with supporting information such as for example a statement of the Town's bonded indebtedness, showing the amount of bonds outstanding and the amount authorized but unissued, the condition of the sinking funds, the total borrowing capacity of the Town, a detail showing the nature of all dollars included in the surplus of the most recent audit and other relevant information on revenues and expenditures.
[Amended 11-10-2002]
Drafted bills prepared by the Town Administrator, for appropriations, revenues and borrowing if necessary, putting the details of the budget plan into proper legal form ready for action by the legislating body.
The Budget Board shall recommend an estimated tax rate for informational purposes only.
[Added 11-10-2002]
The total of such anticipated revenues shall at least equal the total of such proposed expenditures.
[Amended 7-1-1975; 11-10-2002; 11-2-2010]
The Town Administrator shall have an important part in preparing the budget. He/she shall receive from the head of each department and agency an estimate of the amount necessary to carry on its work during the coming year. These estimates accompanied by a statement from the Town Administrator shall be submitted to the Budget Board on or before February 15, which shall prepare its budget recommendations for submission to the annual Financial Town Meeting. In performing this duty the Budget Board shall exercise these powers: It shall elect a Chairperson and Secretary of the Board and shall adopt its own rules and order of business; it shall receive from the Town Administrator said statement of the budget requests for all departments and agencies responsible to him/her; it shall investigate the recommendations of the various department budget requests, including the School Committee, and may request the Director of Finance with the head of any of the departments and the head of any other board, office or agency supported wholly or in part by Town funds to explain their estimates and recommendations. The Budget Board may confer with the Town Council and shall hold one or more public hearings in preparing the budget, the first of which shall be held at least three weeks after receipt of the budget from the Town Administrator. The public hearings for the proposed municipal and school budgets shall be advertised by the Town Clerk at least once in each of the two weeks preceding the hearings in two newspapers either daily or weekly which serve the Town of Lincoln, as well as the Town's web site. It shall present a budget message of explanation to accompany the budget recommendations to the Financial Town Meeting.
[Amended 11-2-2010]
The Budget Board shall hold its first meeting for the consideration of a recommended annual budget for the Town of Lincoln for the fiscal year then next ensuing not later than the 15th day of February in each year, unless such day should fall upon a Sunday or legal holiday, in which event said first meeting shall be held not later than the first business day thereafter. The Budget Board shall complete its consideration of the budget, including all necessary conferences with the Town Council, the Town Administrator, department representatives and citizens, upon a date not later than 30 days prior to the date of the Financial Town Meeting in each year and shall annually on said date publish its recommended budget and budget message by filing two copies thereof with the Town Clerk, one for posting and public inspection in the Town Clerk's office, and the other copy thereof for the use of the Town officers. The Town Clerk shall cause sufficient copies of the budget and budget message to be prepared for distribution to interested persons. Also, the budget shall be posted on the Town’s web site within seven days after being received by the Town Clerk.
In parallel columns opposite the several items of anticipated revenues there shall be placed the amount of each such item in the budget of the last completed fiscal year, the amounts of such items actually received during that year, the amount of each such item in the budget of the current fiscal year and the amount actually received to the time of preparing the budget plus receipts for the remainder of the current fiscal year estimated as accurately as may be.
In parallel columns opposite the several items of proposed expenditures, there shall be placed the amount of each such item in the budget of the last completed fiscal year, the amounts of such items actually expended during such year, the amount of each such item in the budget of the current fiscal year and the amount actually expended to the time of preparing the budget plus the expenditures for the remainder of the current fiscal year estimated as accurately as may be.
The estimates of receipts for all departments shall be detailed by sources. The estimates of expenditures shall be detailed by departments and the principal subdivisions thereof, offices, boards, commissions and agencies of the Town and shall show for each such unit the requested amount broken down by personal service, contractual service, materials and supplies, fixed charges and capital outlays.
The budget shall include a detail of all municipal and school salary expenses identifying each paid position by department. Each position shall be listed by title and in parallel columns. Opposite each respective position and its proposed salary there shall be placed the amount of each such salary in the budget of the last completed fiscal year, the amount of the salary actually expended during such year, the amount of the salary in the budget of the current fiscal year and the amount actually expended to the time of preparing the budget, plus the projected expense for the remainder of the current fiscal year estimated as accurately as possible.
[Added 11-10-2002]
The Budget Board shall submit its printed report comprising the budget and budget message to the Financial Town Meeting and shall make its recommendations for expenditures and for taxes or other revenues, which will be necessary to pay such expenses.
[Amended 11-5-1996; 11-2-2010]
Within one week after the annual Financial Town Meeting, the Budget Board shall certify to the Treasurer, Town Administrator and President of the Town Council, the detailed budget.
Should the Budget Board fail to certify the budget, a written detail of the Budget Board's reasons therefor shall be provided to the Town Council by the chair of the Budget Board. Within two weeks after such notification or failure thereof, the Town Council shall meet to determine if a special Financial Town Meeting should be convened pursuant to § C3-11 of this Charter.
[Amended 11-10-2002; 11-2-2010]
The Town Administrator shall authorize all expenditures for the departments, offices and agencies to be made from the appropriations on the basis of approved allotments, and not otherwise; an approved allotment may be revised however during the budget year. If at any time during the first three quarters of the budget year but ordinarily at the end of any quarterly period, the Town Administrator shall ascertain that the remaining unexpended balance of appropriations for the year will be insufficient to cover the proposed work programs, he/she shall reconsider the work programs and allotments of the several departments, offices and agencies and revise the allotments, other than the allotments of the School Department and the Board of Water Commissioners, so as to forestall the making of expenditures in excess of appropriations; provided, however, that the revision is within departments, offices and agencies. The Town Council during the last quarter of the budget year may revise allotments between departments, offices and agencies other than the allotments of the School Department and the Board of Water Commissioners. If at any time during the budget year, the Town Administrator shall ascertain that the remaining unexpended balance of appropriations of the School Department and/or the Board of Water Commissioners for the year will be insufficient to cover proposed work programs for the School Department and the Board of Water Commissioners, he/she shall advise the School Department and the Board of Water Commissioners to reconsider their work programs and allotments and to revise their allotments so as to forestall the making by them of expenditures in excess of appropriations.
[Added 11-10-2002; amended 11-8-2005]
The unrestricted surplus shall be no greater than 8% of the total annual operating budget for the fiscal year. Any amount greater than 8% shall be divided equally and placed in:
A capital fund.
An open space acquisition and maintenance fund.