The Water and Sewer Board shall be responsible for enforcing the provisions of this Part 1 and such rules, regulations, specifications and requirements as are promulgated pursuant to this Part 1.
The Water and Sewer Board and the USEPA and the NYSDEC representatives, bearing proper identification, shall be permitted to enter, at reasonable times, upon all properties served by the Village disposal system or property served by a private sewage disposal system pursuant to Article III or other property over, under on or through which the Village has an easement for the purposes of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, inspecting and copying discharge records, testing, maintenance, construction and, in general, for enforcement of the provisions of this Part 1. The Water and Sewer Board shall have the right to set up such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling or metering operations.
Where a party in possession of property has security measures in force, he shall make arrangements with his security personnel so that, upon presentation of proper identification, personnel from the Village, the USEPA and the NYSDEC will be permitted to enter without delay.
Where a violation of the provisions of this Part 1 is found, the Water and Sewer Board shall notify the alleged offender by personal service or by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the nature of the violation, prescribe a period of time not to exceed 30 days within which the specified violation must be corrected and provide for an opportunity to be heard within the prescribed period.
If the violation is not corrected within the period specified in said notice, the Water and Sewer Board may take action pursuant to the provisions of Article IX of this Part 1.
Upon a failure or refusal to make the correction and in addition to any other remedies or penalties provided for in this Part 1, action shall be taken as stated in Article XIV, § 96-55, entitled "Collection of unpaid charges," of this chapter.
The Water and Sewer Board may modify, revoke or suspend a permit or approval granted under this Part 1 when the modification, revocation or suspension is required by or consistent with a decision issued in an action instituted pursuant to Article IX.
The Water and Sewer Board may modify, revoke or suspend, without notice or opportunity to be heard, a permit or approval granted under this Part 1 when to do so is necessary to protect the Village disposal system, the public health or the environment from unreasonable adverse effects, provided that a hearing upon prior notice is held within three days after the modification, revocation or suspension.
No changes made in the standards of professional or industrial organizations referred to in this Part 1, such as the American Society for Testing and Materials and the Water Pollution Control Federation, shall be effective under this Part 1 unless and until the changes are adopted by the Board of Trustees. The Water and Sewer Board may recommend to the Board of Trustees that changes be adopted.