[Derived from Sec. 344 of Ch. VI of the Charter and Ordinances, 1974]
Wherever any ordinance authorizes the Commissioner of Permit and Inspection Services to issue any license or tag to any person, firm or corporation and also authorizes or allows the transfer of the same from one licensee or holder to another, and no provision is made for payment of any transfer fee; or where said license or tag, through no fault of the owner or holder, becomes lost or destroyed; or where it is required by any state official that the licensee file as a part of any application, affidavit or statement in any state office a duplicate copy of any license issued by the Commissioner of Permit and Inspection Services and a duplicate thereof is desired, the Commissioner of Permit and Inspection Services, upon the filing with him of an affidavit reciting the circumstances and upon the payment of a fee as provided in Chapter 175, Fees, to the Treasurer, may issue a duplicate license or tag in place of the lost or destroyed license or tag or in place of the license for which said supplemental information is required and may issue a transfer thereof, if such transfer is authorized or allowed by ordinance, upon the payment of a fee as provided in Chapter 175, Fees, to the Treasurer.