[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Delaware 9-11-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-20. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The New Jersey Tort Claims Act, N.J.S.A. 59:8-6, provides that a public entity may adopt a tort claim notice form to be completed by claimants seeking to file a claim against the public entity, and it is advisable and in the public interest for the Township to adopt such a form.
The Township of Delaware hereby adopts a notice of tort claim form, a true version of which shall be maintained at all times in the office of the Township Clerk, and shall be available for inspection and copying during the Township's normal business hours. From time to time, as may be deemed advisable, the Township Committee may authorize amendments to said notice of tort claim form by resolution of the Township Committee.
All persons making claims against the Township of Delaware, its officers, employees, agencies or departments, pursuant to the New Jersey Tort Claims Act, N.J.S.A. 59:1-1 et seq., are required to complete the form hereby adopted as a condition of compliance with the New Jersey Tort Claims Act notice requirements.