[Adopted 3-17-2003 by Ord. No. 303-10]
The purpose of this article is to establish an incentive program to increase enrollment in volunteer fire companies and volunteer ambulance corps within the Borough of Lodi and to reward such volunteers for their tireless efforts and many hours spent to preserve and protect the health, safety, property and welfare of the residents of the Borough of Lodi 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, without compensation.
As used in this article, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
Individuals who are members in the volunteer fire department or ambulance corps of the Borough who meet the definition of active member in accordance with the bylaws, rules and regulations of the applicable organization and have served at least one year of continuous service in the organization immediately prior to the certification required herein.
An active member, his or her spouse, and all natural or adopted children under the age of 22 years who are unmarried and permanently occupying the same residence as the active member in the Borough of Lodi.
Those charges referred to herein which are or have been established by the governing body of the Borough of Lodi and are retained as revenue. Specifically excluded is any portion of the fee which is collected by the Borough on behalf of another entity, including, but not limited to, the State of New Jersey, the County of Bergen and any other outside entity.
The provisions of this article shall be limited solely to residents of the Borough of Lodi and their family (as defined above) who are active members (as defined above) of the volunteer fire department or volunteer ambulance corps within the Borough and who are certified by the chief executive officer of their respective volunteer organization as members in good standing of said organization.
Such certification shall be filed annually, not later than January 15, with the Borough Clerk by the chief executive officer of the organization. A new certification must be filed each year, and the certification from the preceding year shall be null and void. The first such certification following adoption of this article shall be filed by said officer within 30 days of such adoption.
Every member in good standing of the Lodi Volunteer Fire Department or the Lodi Volunteer Ambulance and Rescue Squad who qualifies as per this article, who is performing volunteer services to the Borough, shall be entitled to the following benefits from the Borough:
Exemption from the payment of any Borough of Lodi fees, up to a maximum of $300 per calendar year, for recreation activities; Borough license fees for dogs, cats or other animals; building permit fees and fees for certificates of occupancy, provided it is for a one- or two-family residence which is or is about to be occupied by the active member as his/her personal residence or is about to be sold by the active member; photocopying fees; fees for police accident reports; marriage licenses; garage sale permits at the residence of the member; dumpster permits at the residence of the member; driveway permits at the residence of the member; provided, further, that the fee or charge is for the personal and nonprofit use of such member in good standing.
The exemption from fees as provided herein shall not exempt the member from obtaining the license or permit.
Building permit fees or fees otherwise associated with certificates of occupancy which are exempted herein shall be limited to the construction of or an addition or alteration to either a one- or two-family dwelling owned and occupied by an active member of the volunteer organization.
Anything to the contrary herein contained notwithstanding, no exemption shall be permitted for the following fees:
Fees, licenses and permits associated with any for-profit activity.
Fees and escrows required by either the Planning Board or the Board of Adjustment in connection with any site plan, subdivision, conditional use or variance application.
Escrows associated with any engineering inspections.
Special event permits, soil removal applications, stream encroachment permits, sign permits and mercantile licenses.
Posting of performance guaranties where required or permitted by law.
Between January 1 and January 15 of each calendar year, a volunteer organization shall submit to the Borough of Lodi a list of all individuals who meet the definition for active member status who have served for a minimum continuous period of one year. The list shall be certified by the chief executive officer of the organization. Such list shall be updated on a periodic basis by the volunteer organization to add those individuals who have completed any probationary period or who have been dropped from their membership or who no longer meet the criteria for active member status.
Every applicant for an exemption under this article shall complete a form provided by the Borough Clerk so as to assist the Borough in the administration of this article as well as any other application documents determined by the Borough to be necessary for the proper administration of the provisions herein.