[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Lodi 8-22-2006 by Ord. No. 707-01. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Loitering on school property — See Ch. 333, Art. II
Littering — See Ch. 329.
Posting of signs and bills — See Ch. 459.
No person shall throw, deposit or place any stone, rock, dirt, debris, waste or foreign substance into or upon any public school or public school property located in the Borough of Lodi.
No person shall pick, cut, break, dig up or in any way mutilate or injure any tree, shrub, plant, fern, grass, turf, railing, seat, fence, structure or any object on or in a public school or on public school property.
No person shall build, ignite, light or maintain a fire on or about any public school property located in the Borough of Lodi.
No person shall discharge or set off on public school property in the Borough of Lodi any firecrackers, torpedoes, rockets, explosive or fire-emanating device of any nature, or discharge any weapon of any nature on such property.
No person shall coast or otherwise operate or allow there to be operated any hand sleds, bobs, skis, carts, go-carts (mechanized or otherwise), skateboards or other vehicles (whether they are required to be registered under the Motor Vehicle Code or not) on wheels or runners on public school property in the Borough of Lodi.
No person shall throw, cast, bounce, catch, kick or strike any baseball, golf ball, football, basketball or any other type ball on any public school property in the Borough of Lodi except in areas designated and posted for that purpose.
No person shall use public school property in the Borough of Lodi for purposes of flying or landing any device which is designed to be operated from the ground.
No person shall cut, carve, paint, mark, paste or fasten on any tree, fence, wall, building, monument or other structure on public school property in the Borough of Lodi any bill, advertisement, inscription, drawing, sign, sample, notice or any other written or sketched document or device, nor shall any of same be distributed, thrown or placed on any public school property in the Borough of Lodi.
No person shall park or store any car, motorized vehicle, motorcar, bicycle, wagon, motorcycle or any other vehicle on public school property in the Borough of Lodi, except in areas designated and posted for such purpose, and then only for such period of time or in compliance with any other restrictions contained in such posting.
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine not exceeding $2,000, imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days and/or a period of community service not exceeding 90 days, in the form and for the period established by the court in its discretion. A charge of violation of this chapter shall not be a bar to prosecution under any other ordinance or law which is simultaneously violated nor shall it be a bar to penalties for any such other violation.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
This chapter shall be enforceable by the Lodi Police Department and any other personnel who may hereafter be authorized to enforce same pursuant to resolution of the governing body.