[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Harrisburg by Ord. No. 10-1971. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Administrative organization: see § 2-301.2.
Appointment and removal of employees: see Optional Charter Law § 415(e) [53 P.S. § 41415(e)].
Assignment for administrative purposes: see § 2-301.3.
Compensation of directors: see Optional Charter Law § 607(c) [53 P.S. § 41607(c)].
Department heads: see Optional Charter Law § 415(c) [53 P.S. § 41415(c)].
Director as Acting Mayor: see Optional Charter Law § 414 (53 P.S. § 41414).
Duties of department: see Optional Charter Law § 416 (53 P.S. § 41416).
Duties of directors: see § 2-301.5.
Establishment, number and functions of departments: see Optional Charter Law § 415(b) [53 P.S. § 41415(b)].
Investigation by Council: see Optional Charter Law § 409 (53 P.S. § 41409).
License and Tax Appeal Board: see Ch. 5-101.
Preparation of City budget: see Optional Charter Law §§ 416 and 417 (53 P.S. §§ 41416 and 41417).
Qualifications and duties of Business Administrator: see Optional Charter Law § 416 (53 P.S. § 41416).
Reports submitted to Mayor: see Optional Charter Law § 412 (53 P.S. § 41412).
Rules and regulations: see Optional Charter Law § 610 (53 P.S. § 41610).
Violations in office: see Optional Charter Law § 601 et seq. (53 P.S. § 41601 et seq.).
The Department of Administration, under the Business Administrator, shall perform the fiscal and administrative service functions for the City and its departments, including the establishment of a uniform accounting system for the City, and shall coordinate City departments, boards, commissions, and other agencies to cause a concerted effort of all of the City's activities with a view toward the conservation of time and money and application of available resources to the needs and conditions of the City.
The City budget shall consist of the following:
[Ord. No. 9-1996]
General fund.
Special revenue funds:
State Liquid Fuels Tax Fund.
Community Development Block Grant Fund.
Debt service fund.
Utility funds:
Water Utility Fund.
Sewer Utility Fund.
Incinerator Utility Fund.
Sanitation Utility Fund.
On or before April 1 of each year, the Bureau of Planning, after consultation with the directors and heads of all City departments and offices, shall submit a proposed five-year capital improvement program to the City Planning Commission for its study and recommendations. On or before June 1 of each year, after receipt of the report of the Planning Commission, the Mayor shall submit the program to Council, incorporating any of the recommendations of the Planning Commission which the Mayor deems advisable. The program submitted may be modified by the affirmative vote of five members of Council. Passage of the five-year capital improvement program shall be subject to annual revision.
Emergency Reserve Fund.
[Added 2-8-2005 by Ord. No. 47-2004]
There is hereby created and established by the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Harrisburg a cash account within the general fund which shall be known as the "Emergency Reserve Fund," which account is established to receive and pay out such funds as may be appropriated in the annual budget for emergency or other urgent circumstances. The Emergency Reserve Fund shall be a separate line item within the general fund. The general fund section of the City's budget shall contain a line item titled "Transfers to the Emergency Reserve Fund."
The City Treasurer shall deposit such funds as may be received and appropriated, being 0.5% of the total annual budgeted general fund revenues, including all fees charged to the public by the various City departments, for the City of Harrisburg, in the Emergency Reserve Fund on or before the 30th day of June in each current budget year.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1-303).
Any and all funds appropriated shall be placed in safekeeping by the office of the City Treasurer, and allocation of such funds shall be made by Council only through the regular annual budget allocation process, including the year in which the funds are originally allocated.
The Business Administrator shall supervise the preparation and administration of each annual budget.
Immediately after the budget has been enacted and after consultation with the heads of the departments, the Business Administrator shall establish quarterly or such other periodic allotments of appropriations to each department as he or she may deem necessary.
At the beginning of each allotment period, the amount specified shall become available to each department for obligation during that period.
Such allotments for any department may be modified, upon request of the head of the department, by the Business Administrator or by direction of the Mayor.
The Business Administrator shall file with the Controller a copy of each allotment and modification thereof.
An encumbrance system of accounts to control all expenditures within the limits of budget appropriations and to control such allotments shall be maintained by the City Controller.
If at any time during the budget year the Business Administrator shall ascertain the probability of a cash deficit, he or she shall reconsider the work programs and allotments of the several offices, departments and agencies. Upon such reconsideration, and with the approval of the Mayor, the Business Administrator shall revise the allotments so as to forestall, so far as possible, the making of commitments and expenditures in excess of the revenue to be realized during the fiscal year.
[Ord. No. 46-1979; Ord. No. 28-1983; Ord. No. 28-1984; Ord. No. 29-1990; amended 12-30-2010 by Ord. No. 21-2010]
Prior to the authorization of any individual budgetary transfer exceeding $20,000 within the most restrictive category set forth in said budget ordinance, or any budgetary transfer from or within any personnel services allocation, the Business Administrator shall be required to obtain the approval of City Council. The permitted transfer of $20,000 is a cumulative maximum for the budget year in any category.
No employee shall receive biweekly wage or salary payments that will cause the established budgetary appropriation for the position from which he or she is being paid to be exceeded at or before the end of the budget year. No budgetary transfers shall be permitted into or within any personnel services allocation to augment any individual wage or salary allocation previously established by Council for any position. Any changes to budgetary appropriations for wages and salaries shall only occur with the prior approval of Council by ordinance or resolution. It shall be an exception to this section that transfers into or within personnel services allocations may be made without Council approval in order to accommodate payments to employees as required under applicable federal or state laws or in accordance with established collective bargaining agreements.
No money shall be loaned, removed or transferred from one City fund account to another City fund account without prior approval of the Council by ordinance or resolution; provided, however, that the City Treasurer may continue to invest and reinvest the City's funds in a fiscally sound manner by combining funds from the several accounts of the City when deemed to be in the best interest of the City.
The Business Administrator shall issue a report to the Mayor, City Council, City Controller, and the City Treasurer no later than 45 days after June 30. Said report shall include actual receipts and expenditures, including encumbrances, of the various budget funds for the preceding six-month period ended June 30 as well as projections to year end of all receipts and expenditures, including encumbrances.
[Ord. No. 1-1985]
Contract administration for the City, heretofore vested in Council, shall be vested in the Mayor and Department of Administration, to be exercised in accordance with the procedures adopted by the Mayor. The exception shall be the award of no-bid contracts for professional services. Due to the sensitive and controversial nature of these contracts, coordination with and approval by the City Council is required.
The Business Administrator shall file or cause to be filed monthly with the City Clerk a list by department of each duly executed purchase order, identifying the vendor, the product or service purchased and the amount of each purchase order.
[Ord. No. 31-1993]
Digital signatures.
[Added 11-14-2023 by Ord. No. 7-2023]
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary regarding contract signature requirements, the Mayor and the City Controller are authorized to jointly designate, in writing, an individual to sign and execute on their behalf in such instances that a single electronic signature is mandated to sign an electronic agreement or application that shall legally bind the City upon execution.
Individuals eligible to be jointly designated as a signatory shall be limited to the Business Administrator, City Engineer, Grants Manager, City Solicitor, or Director of any Department.
For the purposes of this digital signatory authorization, each such designation shall be in writing, identifying the name and position of the designated signatory, and identifying the specific agreement or application the designated signatory may digitally sign.
[Ord. No. 31-1993]
Prior to issuing any purchase order or causing any contract to be executed, the Business Administrator shall cause the records of the City to be reviewed to determine whether or not the individual or entity to whom or to which the purchase order or contract is to be issued, or the principals of any business in whose name the purchase order is to be issued, owe delinquent taxes or municipal claims to the City individually, jointly, or as the principal(s) of any entity. As provided under General Municipal Law, 53 P.S. § 7231, the municipal claims need not have been filed as liens in the office of the Prothonotary of Dauphin County and shall include all penalties, interest, and costs due on such delinquent taxes and municipal claims.
Any person or principal of any company who is found to owe the City delinquent taxes or municipal claims shall be deemed "nonresponsible," and no purchase order shall be issued in favor of such person or business entity.
If a purchase order is issued or contract executed notwithstanding the requirements of this section, the appropriate officials of the City are directed to set off the City's claim in the manner provided for in Article IV of Chapter 25 of the General Municipal Law, 53 P.S. §§ 7231 to 7235, as amended.
[Ord. No. 47-1983; amended 4-27-2016 by Ord. No. 5-2016]
Personnel administration. Personnel administration for the City, heretofore vested in Council, shall be vested in the Mayor and Department of Administration, to be executed in accordance with procedures adopted by the Mayor; provided, however, that only positions authorized and listed in the budget are eligible to be paid. The Controller shall be authorized to execute paychecks only for positions which are authorized and listed in the current year's budget.
Salary ranges - management positions.
The intent and purpose of this subsection is to provide salary ranges for nonrepresented exempt management titled positions set forth in the Annual Budget beginning in the 2016 budget year and remaining in effect until new salary ranges are adopted.
Salary ranges for nonrepresented exempt management titled positions shall be set forth in Schedule A attached hereto.[1] Salary ranges are not intended to serve as appropriations for any given position.
Editor's Note: Schedule A is on file in the City offices.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, salaries shall be set by the Mayor, provided that each resulting salary is within the salary range set forth in Schedule A and based upon the availability of funds appropriated by Council. Nothing herein is intended to alter the review and approval process of the Annual Budget.
The salary ranges set forth in Schedule A may be amended or substituted from time to time by resolution of Council or as otherwise provided by law.
The initial salary ranges set forth in Schedule A are subject to modification prior to final approval of a 2017 annual budget upon Council's receipt of an outside professional salary study of the City's exempt and nonexempt management positions.
[Ord. No. 42-1982]
The Business Administrator shall establish a schedule of fees to be paid by the general public for reproduction services and shall establish rules and regulations relative thereto. For the purposes of this section, reproduction requests shall include photocopying, microfilm reproduction, maps, pamphlets, and related documents and materials.
[Ord. No. 9-1980]
The Business Administrator is herein directed to satisfy and discharge all undisputed bills presented for payment by City creditors within 90 days of receipt thereof.
Should the Business Administrator anticipate that a particular bill shall not be paid within the mandatory ninety-day period, the Business Administrator shall document such nonpayment and forward said documentation to the City Council, City Controller and City Solicitor.