[Adopted 8-18-2009 by Ord. No. 1388]
The owner or person in charge of any building used or occupied by human beings shall connect said building with the sanitary sewerage system of the Borough.
No person shall lay any sewer pipes in or through any public street or portion thereof of the Borough, nor connect with any portion of the sewerage system of the Borough, unless such person shall first obtain a written permit therefor as hereinafter provided in this article.
It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Sewers to enforce the provisions of this article.
Application for a permit referred to in § 339-19 of this article shall be made in writing to the Dumont Building Department, and shall set forth such facts as the Inspector shall require. The application shall be signed by the applicant or his agent.
All permits issued shall be subject to the following conditions, whether contained in such permit or not:
That the permit created no vested rights and that it shall be revocable by the Mayor and Council at any time, after notice and hearing.
That the location, plan and character of the sewer and any connections shall be approved by, and the work done under the supervision of, the Inspector of Sewers.
The fee for each permit shall be $100, which fee shall include inspection and be subject to DCA fees.
The owners of premises in the Borough of Dumont shall be responsible for the proper maintenance, repair and replacement of all laterals, spurs, and house sewer connections between the dwelling and the main sanitary sewer line.
No person shall undertake or make any repair and/or replace any lateral, spur or house connection between the dwelling and the main sewer line without complying with Chapter 380, Article II, of the Code of the Borough of Dumont.
In the event of a stoppage in the sanitary sewer line, the owner or occupant shall immediately notify the Superintendent of Public Works, who shall make an inspection of the sewer main line. If the main sewer is obstructed, it shall be the responsibility of the Borough to cause the obstruction to be removed. If the main sewer is not obstructed, the Superintendent shall, immediately following his inspection, notify the owner that it is his responsibility to remove the obstruction in the lateral, spur or house connection between the dwelling and the main sewer line.
The Inspector of Sewers is hereby authorized to refuse the issuance of any permit under this article if, in his opinion, such refusal is in the interest of the public safety, public convenience or public health
If the Inspector of Sewers shall refuse to issue a permit upon application therefor, an appeal from his determination may be taken to the Mayor and Council. The Mayor and Council, after hearing the applicant and the Inspector of Sewers and such other evidence as may be produced, may either direct the issuance of the permit, or sustain the refusal of the Inspector to issue such permit.
Any person who violates any provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding $2,000 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90 days, or both.