The Town of Great Barrington hereby creates an historic district,
to be administered by an Historic District Commission as provided
for under MGL c. 40C and subsequent amendments.
A. Historic District A.
(1) Historic District A includes the properties, as indicated on the
1988 Great Barrington Assessor's Map, as follows:
Town Hall (Lot 91, Map 19);
Fire Station (Lots 85, 86 and 87, Map 19);
Mahaiwe Theater (Lot 88, Map 19);
Mahaiwe Block (Lot 90, Map 19).
1901 Train Station on Castle Street.
[Added 5-24-1994 ATM, Art. 19]
Boundary description. Beginning at an iron pipe found in the
easterly side of said Castle Street, said point being the southwest
corner of the parcel herein described and a corner of land of the
Town of Great Barrington; running thence S-88-02-40-E a distance of
84.13 feet along land of said Town of Great Barrington to an iron
pipe found; running thence S-30-09-43-W a distance of 90.06 feet along
land of said Town of Great Barrington to an iron pipe found; running
thence S-59-50-17-E a distance of 11.21 feet to an iron pipe found,
said point being the southeast corner of the parcel herein described
and a corner of land of Housatonic Track Company, Inc.; running thence
N-30-09-43-E a distance of 351.17 feet along land of said Housatonic
Track Company, Inc. to an iron pipe found; running thence by a curve
to the left along land of said Housatonic Track Company, Inc. having
a radius of 3,536.88 feet and a length of 54.24 feet to a point computed,
said point being the northeast corner of the parcel herein described
and a corner of land of one Hampden House Inc.; running thence N-64-54-45-W
a distance of 38.64 feet along land of said Hampden House, Inc. to
a point computed; running thence S-25-05-15-W a distance of 15.00
feet along land of said Hampden House, Inc. to a point computed, said
point being a corner of the parcel herein described and a corner of
other land of said Worthington Realty Trust; running thence the following
six courses along land of said Worthington Realty Trust; S-32-43-44-W
a distance of 98.24 feet to an iron pipe to be set; N-60-00-00-W a
distance of 34.00 feet to an iron pipe to be set; S-30-00-00-W a distance
of 46.00 feet to an iron pipe to be set; N-60-00-00-W a distance of
15.00 feet to an iron pipe to be set; S-30-00-00-W a distance of 82.06
feet to an iron pipe to be set; N-74-52-40-W a distance of 23.57 feet
to an iron pipe to be set in the easterly side of said Castle Street;
running thence S-15-07-20-W a distance of 108.00 feet along the easterly
side of said Castle Street to the point of beginning containing 0.586
acres of land.
The Train Station property shall be subject to review for any
exterior alterations. The following specific standards and criteria
apply to the roof and eaves:
The existing slate roof on the station and metal roof on the
platform shelter are original to the building and should be maintained.
If the slate roof must be replaced and use of new slate material is
unfeasible or prohibitively expensive, an acceptable substitute shall
be considered, such as standing seam metal or other material in keeping
with the building's historic appearance.
The existing internal eaves drainage system is original to the
building and should be maintained. If the eaves system deteriorates
to the extent that it must be replaced, the Commission shall consider
a plan to use contemporary materials, so long as they are concealed
and the external architectural features are not altered.
Children's Health Program building, also known as "Russell
House," street address 54 Castle Street, being the same property as
is indicated on the Great Barrington Assessor's Map of record
at the time of this meeting, Lot 169, Map 13, including the dwelling
and natural features of the land.
[Added 5-24-1994 ATM, Art. 20]
B. Historic District A shall also include the following properties,
as indicated on the Great Barrington Assessors' Map of record
at the time of this meeting, as follows:
[Added 5-22-1995 ATM, Art. 16]
(1) Parks Block, 312 Main Street (Map 19, Lot 89).
(2) Sumner Block, 306 Main Street (Map 19, Lot 83).
(3) City Block, 304 Main Street (Map 19, Lot 82).
(4) City Block Annex, 7 Railroad Street (Map 19, Lot 84).
C. Historic District B includes the properties, as indicated on the
1988 Great Barrington Assessor's Map, as follows: Searles Castle
(Lots 152 and 152A, Map 19; Lot 22, Map 22).
D. Historic District C.
[Added 5-24-1994 ATM, Art. 18]
(1) Historic District C includes the properties, as indicated on the
Great Barrington Assessor's Map of record at the time of this
meeting, as follows:
First Congregational Church (Lots 101 and 107, Map 19).
Mason Library (Lot 237, Map 14).
United States Post Office (Lot 204, Map 14).
(2) Historic District C shall also include the following properties,
as indicated on the Great Barrington Assessor's map of record
at the time of this meeting as follows:
First National/Aldos property, 271 Main Street (Map 19, Lots
113, 114, 115, 116, 117).
The Commission shall, at the beginning of each fiscal year,
hold an organizational meeting and elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman
and Secretary, engage any clerical or technical help as appropriate
and file notice of such election with the Town Clerk.
The Commission may set fees and shall draft rules and regulations,
including but not limited to the content of application forms, fees
and the method by which a determination of applicability shall be
made in case of a certificate of inappropriateness. The Commission
shall also undertake educational efforts to explain to the public
and property owners the merits and functions of an historic district.
The Commission shall also, from time to time, consider the expansion
of existing historic district(s) or adoption of new districts within
the Town.
The Commission may, subject to appropriation, employ clerical
and technical assistants or consultants and incur other expenses appropriate
to the carrying on of its work, and may accept money gifts and expend
the same for such purpose. The Commission may administer on behalf
of the Town any properties or easements, restrictions or other interests
in real property which the Town may have or accept as gifts or otherwise
and which the Town may designate the Commission as the administrator
The Commission shall have, in addition to the powers, authority
and duties granted to it by this chapter, such other powers, authority
and duties as may be delegated or assigned to it from time to time
by vote of the Board of Selectmen or Town Meeting.