As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
Used throughout this section, is that most recently approved
as American Standard Acoustical Terminology by the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI).
The average of at least five sound-level measurements, absent any noise as defined in §
115-2, measured in dBA at intervals of one minute or more by a Type 2 sound-level meter set at slow meter response. Said measurements shall be taken at the same location as measurements of allegedly excessive noise.
dBA or dB(A)
The A-weighted sound-pressure level in decibels as measured
by a general-purpose (Type 2) sound-level meter complying with the
provisions of ANSI Standard S1.4-1971. Specifications for Sound Level
Meters, as most recently amended.
Any sound-level meter complying with said provisions. Any
meter used to make measurements under the provisions of this chapter
shall be properly calibrated to ensure that it meets ANSI Standard
S1.4-1971 and shall be operated on the "A" weighting network.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to warning devices,
such as horns or sirens; to emergency equipment or vehicles, such
as fire engines, ambulances, police and rescue vehicles and the like;
to motor vehicles operated lawfully in accordance with the provisions
of the Federal Noise Control Act of 1972 as amended; to snow plows
or other municipal equipment while in operation; to the Great Barrington
airport; to church bells; or to lawful activities of temporary duration,
including but not limited to parades, firework displays, concerts,
target shooting or hunting.