[Approved March, 1980]
The book and materials selection policy is as follows:
To buy, as far as funding allows, the best materials (books, serials, audios etc.), in terms of content and format, of each season’s offerings.
[Amended 8-1996]
To add and/or replace old favorites, classics and authoritative works in subject areas as need dictates and budget allows.
To add materials requested by patrons which seem likely to be used by a number of others.
To purchase materials to round out the genealogy and local history section.
To select materials for values of interest, information and enlightenment of all the people of the community.
To provide the fullest feasible range of materials presenting all points of view. Materials will not be condemned or removed from library shelves because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
[Amended 8-1996]
To provide materials for self-study, but not to attempt, in any systematic way, to purchase materials needed for formal courses of education.
To add or dispose of all gift materials in accordance with the adopted selection standards of the library.
To discard materials from the collection when they are determined to be of no further use because of their obsoleteness, inaccuracy or worn condition.