Advertisement. Notice of public hearings shall be advertised as required by the provisions of MGL c. 40A and Chapter 171, Zoning. In addition, a copy of the notice shall be sent by mail, postage prepaid, at least 14 days before the day of the hearing to all parties in interest. "Parties in interest" shall include the applicant, the owner of the property if other than the applicant, abutters, owners of land directly opposite on any public or private street or way, owners of land within 300 feet of the property line, the Great Barrington Planning Board and the Planning Board of every abutting town.
Content. The notice shall contain the name of the applicant; a description of the area or premises; street address, if any, or other adequate identification of the location of the area or premises which is the subject of the application; the date, time and place of the public hearing; the subject matter of the hearing; and the nature of action or relief requested.
The Board shall hold a public hearing for a notice of appeal, petition for variance or special permit application within 65 days of the filing date, unless the time limit is extended by written agreement in accordance with Chapter 171, Zoning.
All hearings shall be open to the public. No person shall be excluded unless he or she is considered by the Chairperson to be a serious hindrance to the workings of the Board. The Board will follow the Open Meeting Law, MGL c. 39, § 23C, as follows:
Any person who addresses a meeting must have permission of the presiding officer.
When the presiding officer requests silence, all persons shall be silent.
If, after warning from the presiding officer, a person persists in disorderly behavior, the officer may order him or her to withdraw from the meeting.
If the person does not withdraw, the presiding officer may order a constable or any other individual to remove him or her and confine him or her in some convenient place until the meeting is adjourned.
An applicant may appear in his/her own behalf or be represented by an agent or attorney. In the absence of any appearance without due cause on behalf of an applicant, the Board may proceed to dispose of the matter on record using the information it has otherwise received.
The order of business at a hearing shall be as follows:
Call to order; reading of petition and legal notices.
Applicant's presentation.
Reports of the Planning Board and other boards or officials.
Opponent's presentation, if any.
Questions from those seeking information.
Applicant's response, if any, limited to matters raised by opponent's presentation.
Members of the Board who are hearing the case may direct questions they deem appropriate during the hearing.
It is recommended that every appeal and every application for a variance or special permit be supported by a brief or written memorandum setting forth in detail all facts relied upon by the parties. This is particularly desirable in the case of a variance when the following points should be clearly identified and factually supported:
The particular use proposed for the land or building.
The conditions especially affecting the property for which a variance is sought that do not generally affect the zoning district in which it is located.
The facts that make up the substantial hardship.
The facts relied upon to support a finding that the relief sought will be desirable and without substantial detriment to the public good.
The facts relied upon to support a finding that the relief sought may be given without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent or purpose of Chapter 171, Zoning.
The facts relied upon to support a finding that the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the petitioner.
Briefs may be filed at the public hearing or within such time thereafter as may be fixed by the Board but in no case later than five days after the public hearing.