Personnel Appointment and Removal. The town manager may appoint and
establish compensation on the basis of merit and qualifications and
may remove with just cause, all employees of the town of Great Barrington,
except for positions that are appointed by the selectboard including,
but not limited to, the following positions and staff: administrative
assistant, animal control officer, board of assessors, buildings and
grounds, building inspector, cemetery commissioners, cemetery superintendent,
civil defense director, communications committee, council on aging
and director, crossing guards, department of public works superintendent
- town engineer, fire chief and assistant, gas inspector, highway
superintendent, Housatonic War memorial building committee, keeper
of the lockup, library director and staff, parking clerk, parking
enforcement officers, parks and recreation, parks commissioners, police
chief and officers according to civil service, recycling committee,
right to know, sanitation superintendent, sealer of weights and measures,
special police officers, town accountant, town clerk, town collector,
town planner, town treasurer, tree warden, veterans service and wire
inspector and deputy wire inspector.