[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of High Bridge 2-9-2006 as Sec. 2-55 of the 2006 Code of the Borough of High Bridge. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Administrative organization — See Ch. 2.
Boards, committees and commissions — See Ch. 8.
Contracts — See Ch. 14.
Officers and employees — See Ch. 65.
Personnel policies — See Ch. 73.
No elected or appointed official, officer or employee of the Borough shall engage in any business transaction or professional activity or have a financial or other private interest, direct or indirect, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his official duties unless full disclosure is made as to such interest, in writing, to the Mayor and Council.
No elected or appointed official, officer or employee of the Borough shall accept other employment or engage in any business transaction or make any investment which will be detrimental to the Borough in the exercise of his official duties or interfere in any manner whatsoever with the discharge of his official duties.
No elected or appointed official, officer or employee shall accept any gift or gratuity which will become an obligation, whether in the form of service, loan or promise or in any other form, from any person, firm or corporation which, to his knowledge, is interested directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever in business dealings with the Borough and over which business dealings he has power to take or influence official action.
No elected or appointed official, officer or employee of the Borough shall represent any private interests to the detriment of the Borough or for the purpose of unwarranted personal gain before any Borough agency or department or the Municipal Judge's Court or in any litigation in which the Borough is a party.
In the event that any elected or appointed official or in the event that the Borough Administrator, Borough Clerk, Chief Financial Officer, Borough Attorney, Borough Engineer or Borough Auditor has a direct or indirect financial or other private interest in any proposed legislation, he shall publicly disclose on the official records of the Borough the nature and extent of such interest.
No elected or appointed official, officer or employee shall improperly use his official position in order to obtain a personal discount or other benefit from any person or persons whatsoever.
[Amended 2-22-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-009]
All signed written ethics complaints filed with the Borough shall be forwarded by the Borough to the New Jersey Local Finance Board.
Compliance with this chapter and the opinions rendered by the Board of Ethics as approved by the Mayor and Borough Council shall be deemed a condition of employment for all Borough employees. In the event that any officer or employee should violate any provision of this chapter or should fail to comply with the opinion rendered by the Board of Ethics, such action may be considered to constitute misconduct and may result in the suspension, demotion or dismissal of such officer or employee by action of the Mayor and Borough Council.
Filing of the state financial disclosure form is required each year. This form, sometimes called the "ethics form," is filed in duplicate with the Municipal Clerk. Failure to file such form shall constitute a resignation.