[HISTORY: Art. I, adopted 2-4-1930 Special Town Meeting, Art. 2; Art. II, adopted 2-21-1944 Annual Town Meeting, Art. 25. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Shellfish regulations — See Ch. 176.
[Adopted 2-4-1930 STM, Art. 2]
The Selectmen are authorized, empowered and instructed, so far as they can lawfully do by themselves as Selectmen alone and so far as it may be necessary to do so in concert with the Town of Eastham, except as provided in MGL C. 130, §§ 79 to 83, inclusive, as amended or revised, to control, regulate or prohibit, as far as the same can lawfully be done, the taking of eels, soft-shelled clams, quahogs, razor fish and scallops within said town.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 176, Shellfish Regulations.
The Selectmen are authorized and empowered to grant permits prescribing the times and methods of taking eels and such shellfish within said town and to make such other regulations in regard to said fisheries as they, its Selectmen, may deem expedient.
The Selectmen are vested with any and every power in the matter of eel and shellfisheries of any and every kind within said town with which it is possible for the town to invest them.
The Selectmen, in executing the power herein conferred, may, from time to time, alter, change, amend, abstract from, add to, repeal, rescind, reconsider or annul any preceding action of the Selectmen hereunder and again proceed with as full power as at first.
All action upon this subject in force under one Board of Selectmen shall continue in force until action by a succeeding Board of Selectmen shall alter, change, amend, subtract from, add to, repeal, rescind, reconsider or annul the same.
All action taken hereunder shall be a permanent and continuing vote or ordinance to stand in full force and effect until a vote of this town, at some meeting thereof lawfully called for that purpose, expressly reconsidering, repealing or rescinding the same, shall be passed.
[Adopted 2-21-1944 ATM, Art. 25]
The Board of Selectmen shall have the authority to promote, control, regulate or prohibit the taking of eels and any and all kinds of shellfish within the Town of Orleans, in accordance with Chapter 130 of the General Laws and acts in addition thereto and amendment thereof.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 176, Shellfish Regulations.
The Board of Selectmen shall have authority to grant licenses to plant, grow, dig and take shellfish and to plant shells for catching seed within the Town of Orleans, in accordance with Chapter 130 of the General Laws and acts in addition thereto and amendment thereof.