[HISTORY: Adopted 5-6-1987 Annual Town Election, Question 1; printed as last amended 5-19-2009 ATE. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
In 1987 the Town of Orleans established a Charter on the 200th anniversary of the Philadelphia Convention and its resulting Constitution. This Charter serves as the Constitution of the Town of Orleans.
The task facing the Founding Fathers was formidable: to provide for a more perfect union and to create a national government while preserving the sovereignty of the individual states.
The charge of the Charter Commission was more modest, but nevertheless challenging. Five goals were determined to be paramount. A sixth was added in 2014 as part of the Town's Charter Review update. They are stated here:
– To preserve the best of the past, that is, the best of traditional town government.
– To provide a local government that would enhance coordination and facilitate effective management.
– To ensure accountability throughout the town's governmental structure. Elected officials will be subject to recall; appointed officials will be given a larger measure of supervision.
– To provide improvements in management and administration; budget making and budget administration; municipal and fiscal planning.
– To promote citizen participation. Much of what is good in Orleans local government has been the result of volunteer efforts. The charter includes several features designed to continue that tradition.
– To promote transparency in government; that is, providing information about and access to what government is doing at all levels, and providing the rationale for its decisions to inhabitants of all ages in the Town of Orleans.
PREAMBLE — [Amended 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 54, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 13] 
We, the people of the Town of Orleans, Massachusetts, reaffirm the right to manage our affairs, participate responsibly in the conduct of local government, and take the fullest advantages inherent in the home rule amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth. We acknowledge our common property rights and powers to preserve, protect, conserve, and maintain the natural resources and the environment of our Town in perpetuity.
We also acknowledge, with respect, that we are inhabiting the traditional lands of the Nauset and Wôpanâak (Wampanoag) peoples who have always existed here. We value their roles as past, present, and future guardians of this land. We therefore adopt the following Home Rule Charter for this Town.