6-1-1 Vacancies on appointed multi-member bodies shall be advertised as provided in clause 7-2-1.
6-1-2 Multi-member bodies established under this Charter shall possess and exercise all powers given to them under the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth, and shall have and exercise such additional powers and duties as may be granted and delegated by this Charter, By-law, or vote of the Town Meeting.
6-1-3 All multi-member bodies of the Town shall: (a) organize annually; (b) elect a Chairperson and other necessary officers; (c) publish a quorum requirement for their meetings in accordance with General Law; (d) adopt rules of procedure and voting; (e) maintain minutes and all other records of proceedings, copies of which shall be a public record and filed monthly with the Town Clerk; and (f) annually submit a report for inclusion in the Annual Town Report.
6-1-4 The Select Board, assisted by the Town Manager and staff, shall conduct an annual briefing in the month of September for all Chairpersons and new members of multi-member bodies. The briefing shall cover new required procedures, policies and guidance. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5; 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 63, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 20]
6-1-5 All multi-member bodies, elected and appointed, shall conduct their meetings in accordance with the open meeting provisions of the Open Meeting Law, Sect. 23A-C of M.G.L. Chapter 39, as may be amended from time to time.
6-1-6 Members of appointed Town multi-members bodies may receive such compensation as may be authorized by the Town Meeting. During the term for which a member is appointed and for one year following expiration of such term, no member of any appointed multi-member body under this Charter shall be eligible to accept any additional paid position under any such multi-member body.
6-1-7 Nothing in the present Charter shall be deemed to prevent or prohibit a compensated Town employee from serving on a multi-member body, provided that such body shall have no administrative responsibility over any such employee.
6-1-8 Any person duly appointed to any office or multi-member body shall take up the duties of the office immediately, provided that each person first shall have been sworn to the faithful performance of said duties by the Town Clerk.
6-1-9 Members of appointed Town multi-member bodies may be removed for cause by the appointing authority after notice to the affected member. Any such member so notified shall be entitled to a public hearing prior to any such removal.
6-1-10 The Town Meeting may, by By-law, enlarge or decrease the number of persons to serve as members of multi-member bodies established under this chapter other than the Select Board, provided, however, that all such multi-member bodies shall always consist of an uneven number of members. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5]
6-1-11 When a multi-member body of the Town has associate members, the Chairperson, at the Chairperson's discretion, may designate any such associate member to sit and vote in case of absence; inability to act; conflict of interest on the part of a member of the body; or in the event of a vacancy on the multi-member body until said vacancy is filled. [Amended 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 55, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 14]
6-2-1 A Board of Assessors of three members shall be appointed by the Select Board for three-year overlapping terms. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5]
6-3-1 A Zoning Board of Appeals of five members and three associate members shall be appointed by the Select Board for three-year overlapping terms. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5]
6-4-1 A Conservation Commission of seven members and three associate members shall be appointed by the Select Board for three-year overlapping terms. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5; 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 55, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 14]
6-4-2 The Conservation Commission shall cooperate closely with the Planning Board and the Board of Health.
6-5-1 A Council on Aging of seven members shall be appointed by the Select Board for three-year overlapping terms. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5]
6-6-1 A Planning Board of five members and two associate members shall be appointed by the Select Board for three-year overlapping terms. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5; 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 55, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 14]
6-6-2 The Planning Board shall cooperate closely with the Conservation Commission, the Board of Health, the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners, and any other multi-member bodies that the Planning Board's decisions may impact. [Added 10-17-2022 STM by Art. 29, approved 5-21-2024 Annual Town Election, Question 3]
6-7-1 A Cultural Council of an indefinite, but uneven number shall be appointed by the Select Board for three-year overlapping terms. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5]
6-8-1 The provisions of Chapter 418 of the Acts of 1953 shall be modified by this Section to establish a Board of Water and Sewer Commissions. [Amended 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 60, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 19]
6-8-2 The Select Board shall appoint five members and two associate members of the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners for three-year overlapping terms. The Board of Health and the Planning Board shall each appoint one member of the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners for three-year overlapping terms, bringing the total number to seven (7) members and two associate members. [Amended 5-11-2015 ATM, Art. 50, effective 5-18-2016; 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5; 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 60, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 19]
6-8-3 The Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners shall be responsible for all functions cited in Chapter 418 of the Acts of 1953, except for the following functions vested in the Select Board for which the Select Board shall consult with and receive recommendations from the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners: establish water rates and fees; contract with a municipality; acquire or take water resources, rights-of-way or easements; issue bonds to defray development and construction costs. In discharging its duties and responsibilities, the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners shall coordinate with the Town Manager and receive technical support from the Water/Sewer Superintendent(s). The Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners shall set policy ensuring: 1) the adequate production and the high quality of potable water; 2) development of a sewer works system consistent with the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan and oversight of that system when operational. The Select Board shall establish sewer rates and fees and shall consult with and receive recommendations from the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners with respect to sewer rates and fees. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5; 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 60, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 19; 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 63, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 20]
6-8-4 The Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners shall develop annual operating and capital budget projections and Capital Improvements Plan projections for the Water and Sewer Department, and make recommendations to the Town Manager and Select Board in accordance with Chapter 8 of this Charter. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5; 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 63, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 20]
6-9-1 Every seven years, commencing with the year 1999 the Select Board shall appoint a Charter Review Committee of seven members. The Select Board shall charge the Committee to review the provisions of the Charter and report any amendments deemed advisable. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5]
6-10-1 A Historical Commission of five members and two associate members shall be appointed by the Select Board for three-year overlapping terms. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5]
6-11-1 A Community Preservation Committee of nine members shall be appointed as follows: three members by the Select Board, serving three-year overlapping terms; one member of the Park Commissioners as designated annually by the Park Commissioners; one member of the Planning Board as designated annually by the Planning Board; one member of the Conservation Commission as designated annually by the Conservation Commission; one member of the Historical Commission as designated annually by the Historical Commission; one member of the Housing Authority as designated annually by the Housing Authority; and one member of the Open Space Committee as designated annually by the Open Space Committee. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5; 5-8-2023 ATM by Art. 57, approved 5-21-2024 Annual Town Election, Question 4]