9-1-1 A Planning Board shall be appointed as provided in clause
9-1-2 The Planning Board shall exercise such powers and duties
as are prescribed by General Law, this Charter, and By-law.
9-1-3 The Planning Board may make recommendations to the Town
Manager, the Select Board, and the Town Meeting on all matters concerning
the physical, economic, and environmental development of the Town
as provided in 9-2-5. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59,
approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5; 10-17-2022 STM by Art.
31, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question
9-1-4 The Planning Board shall cooperate closely with the Conservation
Commission, the Board of Health, the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners,
and any other multi-member bodies that the Planning Board's decisions
may impact. [Amended 10-17-2022 STM by Art. 29, approved 5-21-2024 Annual
Town Election, Question 3]
9-1-5 The Planning Board shall appoint one member of the Board
of Water and Sewer Commissioners, as provided in 6-8-2.
9-2-1 The Planning Board shall be responsible for the development
and periodic updating of the Orleans Comprehensive Plan. A 5-year
review shall be undertaken to incorporate current data to ensure that
the Plan remains a viable reference and guidance document for the
appropriate and orderly development of the Town. [Amended 10-17-2022 STM by Art.
31, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question
9-2-2 In updating said Plan, the Planning Board shall consult
with, and seek evidence from appropriate Town officials, multi-member
bodies and citizens of the Town.
9-2-3 The Planning Board shall present such proposed updated
Plan at a public hearing and may revise it following such hearing.
Such portions of the Plan as are considered ready shall be presented
to the Town Meeting for adoption. [Amended 10-17-2022 STM by Art. 31, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 27]
9-2-4 The Orleans Comprehensive Plan shall be considered in
revising the Zoning By-Law. The Planning Board shall also utilize
the Plan in making its recommendations to the Town. It shall also
be used by other multi-member bodies in discharging their responsibilities.
9-2-5 By the fifteenth day of November, the Planning Board shall
recommend implementation actions from the Plan as part of the development
of the annual Operating and Capital Budgets and a six-year schedule
of Plan implementations as part of the Capital Improvement Plan updating
process. The Planning Board may present a report to the Annual Town
Meeting specifying those Plan actions being fulfilled during the current
fiscal year and the scheduled actions approved by the Select Board
for full or partial completion during the ensuing fiscal year. [Amended 5-13-2019 ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election,
Question 5; 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 59, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town
Election, Question 18]
9-3-1 The Town Manager shall appoint a Director of Planning
and Community Development and shall appoint other planning staff to
the extent required for that purpose. [Amended 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 63, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 20]
9-3-2 Such planning staff under the provisions of 9-3-1 shall
provide services to the Planning Board but shall be under the day
to day supervision of the Town Manager. [Amended 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 63, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 20]
9-4-1 It shall be the general responsibility of the Town Manager,
in consultation with the Select Board, to coordinate the activities
of the Director of Planning and Community Development, and all other
multi-member bodies, and officials concerned with the physical, economic,
and environmental development of the Town. [Amended 5-13-2019
ATM, Art. 59, approved 6-23-2020 Annual Town Election, Question 5; 5-9-2022 ATM by Art. 63, approved 5-16-2023 Annual Town Election, Question 20]