Form and procedure requirements shall be in accordance with § 276-3.
All applications for SITE PLAN PERMITS shall comply with the provisions of §§ 276-3 and 276-11 of the LAND USE REGULATIONS.
In addition to the general regulations, notations of, or showing compliance with, the following shall be required of all SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS:
Parking Calculations and Requirements.
Parking Calculations. The calculations for required off-street spaces shall be computed in accord with the specifications listed below. Any use not listed shall provide parking as required by the PLANNING BOARD. The PLANNING BOARD may vary these requirements if the APPLICANT can demonstrate that fewer spaces than required below are consistent with the proposed use:
Automotive fuel stations: one space for each fuel dispenser, plus two spaces for each working bay, plus one space per employee on the largest shift. Automotive fuel stations with general retail shall provide, in addition to the foregoing parking requirements, one parking space per 200 square feet of gross leasable area established for the general retail use. Automotive fuel stations with fast-food establishments shall provide, in addition to the foregoing parking requirements, one parking space per 100 square feet of gross leasable area established for the fast-food use.
Beauty parlors and barber shops: three spaces per operator.
Eating and drinking establishments:
Eating and drinking establishments (without a bar): one space per 100 square feet of gross leasable area.
Eating and drinking establishments (with a bar): one space per 75 square feet of gross leasable area.
Fast-food eating and drinking establishments (with and without drive-through window service): one space per 100 square feet of gross leasable area.
All other eating and drinking establishments not indicated above shall provide a minimum of one space per 100 square feet of gross leasable area.
Eating and drinking establishments having drive-through window service shall provide a minimum of 12 vehicle stacking spaces or a number of stacking spaces determined appropriate by the PLANNING BOARD for the use served.
Funeral homes: one for each 75 square feet of floor space in slumber rooms, parlors and individual service rooms.
Hospitals and nursing homes: one per five patients.
Furniture sales showrooms: one per 100 square feet of showroom area.
Industrial: one for each 600 square feet of gross floor space or 0.75 space per employee of the combined employment of the two largest successive shifts, whichever is larger.
Laundromats: one space for each two washing machines.
Medical office and/or clinics: one parking space per each 300 square feet of gross floor area in the building.
Motel or hotel: one per guest sleeping room plus one per employee of the largest shift.
Private club or lodge: one per four members.
Professional offices and business services: one for every 300 square feet of gross leasable area.
Recreational areas: 3.5 parking spaces per tennis court and 20 spaces per ball field; other requirements as stipulated by the PLANNING BOARD.
Residential units: two per unit.
Retail business and personal service establishments: one space per 200 square feet of gross leasable areas.
Stadium, theater or other place of public assembly: one space per four seats.
Wholesale establishments: one per employee plus one per company (ungaraged) vehicle operating from the premises.
Banks: one space per 250 square feet of gross leasable area plus one space per employee plus a minimum of five stacking spaces per drive-up window.
Statement of Parking Space Calculation: A note stating the number of parking spaces provided is to be included on the plan.
Parking space dimensions shall be 10 feet by 20 feet, except that the PLANNING BOARD may vote to allow dimensions of nine feet by 18 feet.
Minimum aisle widths for various parking PLANS are as listed and shown below. When any combination of PLANS is used facing the same drive aisle, the greatest width requirements shall prevail:
Ninety-degree (perpendicular) parking: 24 feet (either one-way or two-way circulation).
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Sixty-degree (angle) parking: 18 feet (one-way circulation only).
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Forty-five-degree (angle) parking: 13 feet (one-way circulation only).
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Thirty-degree (angle) parking: 11 feet (one-way circulation only).
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Zero-degree (parallel) parking: 12 feet (one-way circulation only).
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Off-street loading spaces required for the acceptance or distribution of materials or merchandise by vehicles shall be provided as follows:
Spaces required. Every nonresidential building or structure having 5,000 square feet or less of gross floor area shall provide at least one loading and/or unloading space. One additional space shall be provided for every additional 10,000 feet of gross floor area.
Dimensions. Each off-street loading space shall be at least 12 feet in width and at least 60 feet in length, exclusive of aisle and maneuvering spaces, and shall have vertical clearance of at least 14 feet. However, when it is demonstrated that a particular loading space will be used by shorter trucks, the minimum length may be reduced to 35 feet.
Location. All required loading and/or unloading spaces shall be located on the same LOT as the use served. No loading space for vehicles over 13,000 pounds (empty) shall be closer than 100 feet to any property in a residential zone, unless completely enclosed by a fence, wall or screen.
Required maneuvering area. Off-street loading space shall be designed and constructed so that all maneuvering for loading and/or unloading can take place entirely within the property lines of the use. Off-street loading spaces shall not hinder the free movement of pedestrians and vehicles over a sidewalk, street, road, HIGHWAY or deeded rights-of-way.
Landscaping requirements.
A minimum of 10% of the interior of a parking LOT shall be set aside for landscaping areas exclusive of paved pedestrian surfaces.
The landscaped area shall be calculated as 10% of the total area and drive aisles.
A minimum of one shade tree shall be planted per 1,600 square feet of paved area, or one shade tree per every five parking spaces, whichever is greater.
One shrub per 200 square feet of paved area shall be planted or 1.6 shrubs per every parking space.
This section shall not apply to parking areas consisting of a single access lane.
Screening shall be provided for visual separation of incompatible uses. Screening shall be required between parking or loading areas and, if present, an abutting residential zone. Screening may also be required between abutting nonresidential sites. Where screening is required, it shall provide a reasonable effective visual buffer by:
Use of existing vegetation and terrain where possible; or
New plantings (type, size and spacing to be approved by the PLANNING BOARD), grade separations, fences or similar features.
All parking spaces provided pursuant to this section shall be on the same LOT as the use.
Entrance design and construction shall conform with the requirements of Chapter 193, DRIVEWAYS, except that SITE PLAN approval shall constitute the issuance of a DRIVEWAY Permit.
Handicap accessibility shall be provided in accordance with the latest ADA Regulations. Appropriate handicap parking spaces and other details associated with parking and pedestrian ACCESS must be shown and detailed. The PLAN shall provide a note indicating that it complies to the best of the designer's knowledge with the latest ADA requirements and shall include the latest revision date for the ADA Regulations used.
Within 90 days of preliminary application acceptance (or any other date mutually agreed upon by the PLANNING BOARD and APPLICANT), the PLANNING BOARD shall grant final application acceptance, provided that the following exhibits and information have been approved (or deemed unnecessary) by the PLANNING BOARD:
A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN* including and using the following guidelines. NOTE: In preparing the STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN, please refer to and comply with the requirements provided in Chapter 290, Stormwater Management and Erosion Control, of these LAND USE REGULATIONS.
No STORMWATER RUNOFF in excess of rates existing prior to new construction shall be allowed to be discharged onto a public way or into a drainage system unless there is sufficient capacity to handle the additional runoff. All drainage shall be designed to achieve a zero increase in runoff for both peak and volume where practicable, except where the off-site drainage system has been designed to accommodate the site drainage.
The direction of runoff flow through the use of arrows.
The location, elevation and size of all catch basins, dry wells, drainage ditches, swales, retention basins and storm sewers. If infiltration systems are proposed as part of a stormwater management plan, test pit and percolation test data in the vicinity of the proposed infiltration system(s) must be provided.
Engineering calculations used to determine drainage requirements shall be based upon minimum storm frequency design events as follows:
Ten-year storm event for closed drainage systems and local roadside ditches.
Twenty-five-year storm event for culverts, major ditches and swales and detention ponds.
Fifty-year storm event for bridges.
Certification by a licensed professional engineer (see RSA 310-A).
Any other specific study, calculation or investigation as requested by the Town Engineer.
[*NOTE: Generally speaking, the STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN is probably the single most important element of the entire SITE PLAN. Yet, traditionally, it has been one of the most neglected elements. The Hudson PLANNING BOARD recognizes that only a professional engineer, licensed in accordance with RSA 310-A, can certify the adequacy of proposed drainage plans. APPLICANTs are expected to make the same recognition or to discuss this matter with the PLANNING BOARD. The PLANNING BOARD emphasizes that the criteria listed in § 275-9A(1) through (6) are minimum requirements stated for these general regulations. It is expected that the Town Engineer shall have the latitude to more precisely define the criteria once a specific proposal is before the PLANNING BOARD.]
If required by STAFF at the time of APPLICATION or at any time by the BOARD, a traffic study.
If required by STAFF at the time of APPLICATION or at any time by the BOARD, a noise study.
If required by STAFF at the time of APPLICATION or at any time by the BOARD, a fiscal impact study accepted by the PLANNING BOARD.
A utility PLAN showing provisions for all existing and planned utilities, on- or off-site, necessary for the DEVELOPMENT.
Copies of any proposed or existing easements, covenants, deed restrictions or any other similar document pertinent to the SITE PLAN.
A copy of all applicable Town, state, county or federal approvals or permits, such as but not limited to (as applicable):
Chapter 270, Sewers.
Floodplain permit.
Special exception to the Wetlands Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: For provisions relating to the Wetlands Conservation Districts, see Ch. 334, Zoning, Art. III.
Septic system construction approval from the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission.
Approval of the New Hampshire Wetland Bureau for the relocation, filling, dredging or rechanneling of any natural or man-made drainage area.
Approval of the New Hampshire Department of Public Works and Highways for any required DRIVEWAY PERMITS or curb cuts.
New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated 149:8-a PERMIT relative to the prevention of pollution from dredging, filling, mining, transporting forest products or other constructions.[2]
Editor's Note: RSA 149, Water Pollution and Disposal of Wastes, was repealed in 1989. See now RSA 485-A:17.
If required by the PLANNING BOARD, an environmental impact study accepted by the BOARD.
An escrow deposit in accordance with § 276-12 may be required.
Unless otherwise acted upon, failure of the APPLICANT to submit the final application (within the time frame identified in § 275-9) shall result in an automatic vote to not accept the application for PLAN approval. The PLANNING BOARD shall hereafter advise the APPLICANT of such action in writing stating reason therefor. Any resubmitted application for PLAN approval shall be subject to all SITE PLAN review regulations in force at the time of the second or subsequent submission. Such resubmissions must first receive preliminary application acceptance in accordance with § 275-8.