All applications for the use of water or for the use of the water facilities of the district or for the introduction of water into any premises or for the extension of any pipe or main for the conveyance of such water must be made in writing, on a form to be provided by the district and signed by the owner of the property on which the installation is to be made or his legally authorized agent.
No water shall be used for any purpose other than that represented in the application.
Upon the acceptance by the Board of Commissioners of such application, said application shall constitute a contract between the applicant and the district, obligating the applicant to pay to the district the established rate or rates as the same shall from time to time be fixed by the Board of Commissioners and shall constitute an agreement to comply with and be bound by the ordinances, rules and regulations of the Smithtown and St. James Water Districts and amendments thereto. Such applications shall also constitute a consent by the applicant and consumer for all commissioners, agents, officers or employees of the district to enter upon any property owned or leased by the applicant or consumer for the purpose of installing, inspecting or removing for repair any meters.
No application for the use of water or of the facilities of the Smithtown and St. James Water Districts will be approved, nor will any permit or license be granted, nor will any contract or agreement be entered into with any person, until all charges or arrearages due from such person to the water district shall have been paid.
Applications or contracts for the use or installation of water or water facilities of the district shall not be acted upon, approved or accepted by the Board of Commissioners until and unless the full amount of all fees, deposits and installation charges, as the same shall from time to time be fixed by this chapter or by the Board of Commissioners for the use of such water or water facilities, shall have been paid to the district.
Applications for temporary service or for service of an extraordinary nature will be accepted. Written applications will be issued, and temporary or extraordinary water service will be supplied, provided that it does not interfere with the use of water for fire protection and for general purposes. Applicants requiring temporary or extraordinary water service shall reimburse the district for all expenses incurred by the district in connection with providing said temporary or extraordinary service.