Selective Native Buffer Plants List*
(botanic name/common name)
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Osmunda cinnamomea/Cinnamon fern
Osmunda claytoniana/Interrupted fern
Onoclea sensibilis/Sensitive fern
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Grasses and Sedges
Andropogon gerardii/Big blue stem
Carex scoparia/Broom sedge
Cyperus strigosus/False nut sedge
Carex lurida/Lurid sedge
Elymus riparius/Riverbank wild rye
Carex vulpinoidea/Sedge
Juncus effusus/Soft rush
Panicum virgatum/Switch grass
Carex stricta/Tussock sedge
Elymus virginicus/Virginia wild rye
Scirpus cyperinus/Wool grass
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Flowering Perennials
Penstemon digitalis/Beard-tongue
Gentiana andrewsii/Bottle gentian
Verbena hastate/Blue vervain
Sisyrinchium angustifolium/Blue-eyed grass
Eupatorium perfoliatum/Boneset
Lobelia cardinalis/Cardinal flower
Rudbeckia laciniata/Cut-leaf coneflower
Veronia noveboracensis/Ironweed
Arisaema triphyllum/Jack-in-the-pulpit
Eupatorium fistulosum/Joe-pye weed
Aster novae-angliae/New England aster
Mitchella repens/Partridgeberry
Aster puniceus/Purple stemmed aster
Solidago gigantean/Smooth goldenrod
Asclepias incarnate/Swamp milkweed
Thalictrum pubescens/Tall meadowrue
Verbesina alternifolia/Wingstem
Geranium maculatum/Wood geranium
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Sambucus Canadensis/American elderberry
Viburnum dentatum/Arrowwood
Aronia melanocarpa/Black chokeberry
Cephalanthus occidentalis/Buttonbush
Gaylussacia frondosa/Dangleberry
Vaccinium corymbosum/Highbush blueberry
Lyonia ligustrina/Maleberry
Physocarpus opulifolius/Ninebark
Viburnum recognitum/Northern arrowwood
Salix discolor/Pussy willow
Aronia arbutifolia/Red chokeberry
Rhododendron maximum/Rosebay
Cornus amomum/Silky dogwood
Salix sericea/Silky willow
Lindera benzoin/Spice bush
Cornus racemosa/Swamp dogwood
Rosa palustris/Swamp rose
Ilex verticillata/Winterberry holly
Hamamelis virginiana/Witch-hazel
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Fagus grandifolia/American beech
Tilia Americana/Basswood
Fraxinus nigra/Black ash
Nyssa sylvatica/Black gum
Juglans nigra/Black walnut
Salix nigra/Black willow
Fraxinus pennsylvanica/Green ash
Carpinus caroliniana/Hornbeam
Cornus alternifolia/Pagoda dogwood
Quercus palustris/Pin oak
Acer rubrum/Red maple
Betula nigra/River birch
Amelanchier arborea/Shadbush
Carya ovata/Shagbark hickory
Acer saccarinum/Silver maple
Quercus bicolor/Swamp white oak
Betula lenta/Sweet birch
Platanus occidentalis/Sycamore
Liriodendron tulipifera/Tulip tree
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Source: Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania.
Well Number
Minimum Radius
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These radii should be determined by the Hanover Borough Water
Department and can take the form of delineated areas of impact rather
than radii.
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Table 1
Regulated Land Uses and Activities
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Land Uses and Activities
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Animal burial; animal feedlots; fertilizer storage and/or use;
insecticides storage and/or use; herbicides storage and/or use; irrigation
sites; manure spreading areas, pits and storage; and pesticide storage
and/or use
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Airports; auto repair shops; boatyards; car washes; cemeteries;
construction areas; dry cleaners; gas stations; golf courses; jewelry/metal
plating; laundromats; medical institutions; paint shops; photography
establishments; railroad tracks and yards; research laboratories;
scrap and junkyard; storage tanks
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Asphalt plant; chemical manufacture/storage; electronics manufacture;
electroplaters; foundries/metal fabricators; machine/metal working
shops; mining and mine drainage; petroleum production/storage; pipelines;
septage lagoons and sludge storage tanks; toxic and hazardous spills;
wells (operating/abandoned, including underground injection wells);
wood preserving facilities; quarries; commercial truck or rail tanker
cleaning operations; commercial slaughtering, rendering, tanneries;
paints, thinners and other related products
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Fuel oil; furniture stripping/refinishing; household hazardous
products and lawn chemicals; septic systems/cesspools; sewer lines;
swimming pools (chemicals)
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Hazardous waste landfills; highway spills; municipal incinerators;
municipal landfills; municipal sewer lines; open burning sites; recycling/reduction
facilities; road deicing operations and storage; stormwater drains/basins;
transfer stations; well/borehole drilling; junked materials; sanitary
landfills; collection and transfer facilities for solid waste or hazardous
substances, including, but not limited to, battery and drum recycling
and reprocessing; land application of sewage sludge; package sewage
treatment plants; cemeteries; alteration of natural site features
prior to receiving all permits and approvals; industrial, commercial
or institutional facilities which use, store, transport, or dispose
of hazardous substances; geothermal exchange systems (groundwater
and ground loop); concentrated aquatic and/or animal production facilities;
discharge of any pollutants; any chemicals or other materials which
may endanger or adversely affect the water supply (including, but
not limited to, gasoline, fuel oil and other petroleum products)