[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lake Placid 8-18-2008 by L.L. No. 5-2008. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to set forth requirements and procedures for the fingerprinting and the criminal history record check of prospective Village of Lake Placid employees in order to determine whether such individuals shall be granted a clearance for employment.
No candidate who applies on or after the effective date of this chapter for appointment as a Village of Lake Placid employee shall be appointed prior to a criminal history record check having been performed, except in the event the Village Board determines the appointment is required to address an emergency.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A determination by the Village that, based upon its review of a prospective Village employee's criminal history record, such individual may be employed by the Village, provided that all other requirements for employment are met.
Any individual:
Who is seeking a compensated position with the Village of Lake Placid and is not currently employed by the Village; and
Excluding individuals who are either (i) filling an elected position whether by election or appointment to a vacancy, or (ii) serving solely as an appointed member of a board or commission of the Village, or (iii) considered an applicant by reason of a transfer pursuant to Civil Service Law § 70, or (iv) on a preferred list subject to Civil Service Law § 81 or (v) on an eligible list as defined in Civil Service Law § 56 and who have successfully completed a promotional exam subject to Civil Service Law § 52.
Village departments shall not employ or utilize a prospective Village employee, as defined in this chapter unless such prospective Village employee has been granted a clearance for employment by the Personnel Director, or unless the Village Board has made an emergency conditional appointment.
Fingerprint cards for prospective employees who the department head is considering for recommendation to the Village Board for hiring shall be prepared by the Village of Lake Placid Police Department or other entity approved by the Village's personnel department to perform fingerprinting for identification processing. Such fingerprinting procedure shall be established by the Police Chief and/or the Personnel Director.
The Personnel Director or his or her designee shall forward the fingerprint cards for the prospective employee who the department head indicates he or she wishes to consider for recommendation to the Village Board and all applicable fees to New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) for processing. The criminal history records processed by DCJS concerning prospective employees shall be submitted to the Personnel Director or his or her designee for review and consideration of the contents of those records and the prohibitions on eligibility as set forth in this chapter. If the information received indicates that there is a pending or past criminal offense that would require a disqualification, the prospective employee shall forward documentation to the Personnel Director evidencing the disposition of such offense in accordance with the procedures established by the Personnel Director. Upon a determination of disqualification, the Personnel Director or his or her designee shall notify the prospective employee and the department head of said determination. Said notice to the prospective employee shall include information regarding the right to appeal and contest any claimed ground for disqualification in accordance with the procedures established by the Personnel Director. Any challenge to information contained in criminal records provided by DCJS shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable DCJS rules and regulations.
The Village Personnel Department shall establish procedures and forms for the orderly administration of this chapter. Procedures shall be established which are necessary for the implementation of the process for appeal pursuant to this chapter.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Each Village department head, prior to making a recommendation for appointment or employment of a prospective Village employee to the Village Board, except in the event of emergency, shall ensure that the Village's Personnel Department has given the prospective Village employee clearance for employment. The department head shall also ascertain that the Police Department or other pre-approved fingerprinting entity has transmitted two sets of completed fingerprint cards to the personnel department for the purpose of a criminal history record check and clearance for employment along with the consent form and a fee(s) as set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees prior to interviewing a prospective employee.
A prospective Village employee shall:
Consent to the Village's Personnel Director making a request for the prospective employee's criminal history record from the DCJS upon a form prescribed by the Village which indicates that such person has:
Consented to such request for a report;
Supplied on the form a current mailing or home address for the prospective Village employee;
Been informed that he or she may withdraw his or her application for employment, without prejudice, at any time before employment is offered or declined, regardless of whether the prospective Village employee or the Village has reviewed such prospective employee's criminal history information;
Been informed that in the event his or her employment is terminated by the Village, within 12 months of such termination such person may request the Village to notify the Division of Criminal Justice Services of such termination, and request the Division of Criminal Justice Services to terminate its return processing with respect to such person; and
Prior to being recommended to the Village Board for employment, be fingerprinted for purposes of a criminal history record check by authorized personnel of the Village Police Department or another pre-approved fingerprinting entity. In such cases, the Police Department or other pre-approved fingerprinting entity shall transmit two sets of completed fingerprint cards to the Personnel Department for the purpose of a criminal history record check and clearance for employment along with the consent form and a fee(s) as set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Where the criminal history record check reveals no criminal record, the Personnel Department shall issue a clearance for employment to the Village department head.