[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lake Placid 6-11-1951. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Parking — See Ch. 217.
Vehicles and traffic — See Ch. 280.
The Justice of the Peace of the Town of North Elba, having jurisdiction of traffic violations in the Village of Lake Placid, is hereby authorized, pursuant to Article 14-B of the General Municipal Law, to establish a Traffic Violations Bureau to assist the court in the disposition of offenses in relation to traffic violations.
This Bureau, to be termed "Village of Lake Placid Traffic Violations Bureau," shall be in charge of such person or persons, and shall be open at such hours, as shall be designated by the Justice of the Peace of the Town of North Elba having jurisdiction of traffic violations in the Village of Lake Placid.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Justice of the Peace aforementioned shall designate the fines to be paid for the first, second and third offenses which may be satisfied at the Traffic Violations Bureau as provided in this chapter, provided these fines are within the limits established as penalties for violations of traffic laws, rules and regulations of the Village of Lake Placid, and provided further that the penalty for violation of Chapter 217, Parking, shall be in accordance with said chapter.
The Traffic Violations Bureau so established shall have authority to dispose of violations of traffic laws, ordinances, rules and regulations when such offenses shall not constitute the traffic infraction known as speeding or a misdemeanor or felony. Pursuant to § 371 of Article 14-B of the General Municipal Law, any person who shall have been within the preceding 12 months, guilty of a number of parking violations in excess of such maximum number as may be designated by the court, or three or more violations other than parking violations, shall not be permitted to appear and answer to a subsequent violation at the Traffic Violations Bureau, but must appear in court at the time specified by such Bureau.
A person who has received a notice of traffic infraction affixed to his motor vehicle shall be permitted within the time specified in said notice to answer at the Traffic Violations Bureau to the charges set forth therein, except as limited by Subsection B of this section, either in person or by power of attorney as hereinafter defined, by paying a prescribed fine, and, in writing, waiving hearing in court, pleading guilty to the charge and giving a power of attorney to the person in charge of the Traffic Violations Bureau to make such a plea and pay such a fine in court, or a person may answer said notice at said Traffic Violations Bureau by depositing a cash bail equal to double the prescribed fine for appearance in court at a time specified by the Bureau. Acceptance of the prescribed fine and power of attorney by the Bureau shall be deemed complete satisfaction for the infraction and the violator shall be given a receipt which so states.
Any person who is charged with speeding contrary to the provisions of the traffic rules, ordinances and regulations of the Village of Lake Placid, or who has been guilty of three or more violations other than parking violations, shall not be permitted to appear and answer to a subsequent violation at the Traffic Violations Bureau, but must appear in court at a time specified by the Bureau.
The aforementioned Traffic Violations Bureau is not authorized to deprive a person of his right to counsel or to prevent him from exercising his right to appear in court in answer to, explain, or defend any charge of a violation of any traffic law, ordinance, rule or regulation.
The following duties are hereby imposed on the Traffic Violations Bureau:
It shall accept designated fines, issue receipts and represent in court such violators as are permitted and desire to plead guilty, waive court appearance and give power of attorney.
It shall receive and issue receipt for cash bail from the persons who must or wish to be heard in court, enter the time of their appearance on the court docket and notify the arresting officer and witnesses, if any, to be present.
It shall keep an easily accessible record of all violations of which each person has been guilty during the preceding 12 months, whether such guilt was established in court or in the Traffic Violations Bureau.
If the violator of restrictions on parking under the traffic ordinances, rules and regulations of the Village of Lake Placid does not appear in response to a notice affixed to his motor vehicle within a period of two days, the Traffic Violations Bureau shall send to the owner of the motor vehicle to which the notice was affixed a letter informing him of the violation and warning him that he will be held responsible for the appearance of the offender and in the event that such a letter is disregarded for a period of two days a complaint will be filed and a warrant for arrest issued.
In the event any person fails to comply with a notice as provided in the preceding subsection or fails to make appearance pursuant to a summons directing an appearance in the Traffic Violations Bureau, or if any person fails or refuses to deposit bail, the said Traffic Violations Bureau shall forthwith have a complaint entered against such person and secure and issue a warrant for his arrest. Such Bureau shall not accept any fine or bail for or from such person but shall consider every such person entirely under the jurisdiction of the court.
Any person to whom a notice of traffic infraction has been delivered and who willfully violates a written promise to appear and answer to such notice of traffic infraction shall be subject to arrest upon a warrant issued pursuant to a sworn information or complaint setting forth the specific violation for which such notice of traffic infraction was issued.
The Traffic Violations Bureau shall keep records and submit summarized monthly reports to the Justice of the Peace of the Town of North Elba in charge of traffic violations in the Village of Lake Placid, and all notices issued and arrests made for violations of the traffic ordinances of the Village and of all the fines collected by the Traffic Violations Bureau and of the final disposition or present status of every case of violation. Such record shall be so maintained as to show all types of violations and the totals of each. Said records shall be public records.
"Power of attorney" mentioned above shall mean any written statement written in the presence of a witness and to which statement the witness shall affix his signature, stating that the person executing the same and charged with a violation is thereby appearing and answering to the charge, pleading guilty thereto, waiving a hearing in court and authorizing the person in charge of the Traffic Violations Bureau to make such a plea in his stead, in court.