[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lake Placid as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 11-1-1993 by L.L. No. 4-1993]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person traveling by foot, wagon or automotive vehicle from street to street, house to house or place to place, carrying or transporting food products, beverages, dairy products and ice cream offering same for sale; except persons engaged in the peddling of meats, fish, fruit and farm produce by farmers and persons who produce such commodities.
Any business conducted in an open lot, from a stationary motor vehicle, car, truck, tent, wagon, cart, public room or any temporary structure for the exhibit and sale of food, food products, beverages, dairy products and ice cream to the public.
It shall be unlawful to engage in any transient business or for hawkers and peddlers to engage in business in the Village of Lake Placid without a license issued by the Village of Lake Placid and then only in compliance with the provisions of this article.
Licenses shall be issued by the Code Enforcement Officer of the Village of Lake Placid upon a determination that the applicant is fit and proper, that all conditions of licensing have been complied with, that the operation of the business shall not be likely to disturb the peace and order of the Village or be immoral, illegal or improper and upon payment of the applicable fee.
The applicable fees are as set from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The Village Board shall have the right to waive the above fees in its sole discretion for special events.
Proof of Department of Health approval and any other required approval shall be presented at the time of application as well as proof of insurance naming the Village of Lake Placid as additional insured in an amount and form as determined to be adequate and appropriate by the Village Board.
Each licensee licensed under the article shall operate the licensed business so as not to block vehicular or pedestrian movement or access and shall provide a trash receptacle. All trash, debris, food, equipment, carts, vehicles shall be removed each day at the end of business.
Any applicant denied a license by the Code Enforcement Officer may appeal to the Village Board by written appeal within 30 days of denial by the Code Enforcement Officer.
Any violation of this article shall be punishable by fine in the amount of $250. Each day that the violation continues shall be deemed an additional violation. The Code Enforcement Officer and the Village of Lake Placid Police Department shall be empowered to enforce the terms of this article by issuing appearance tickets to any person alleged to be in violation of this article.
[Adopted 11-6-2006 by L.L. No. 6-2006]
This legislation is adopted in order to protect persons from threatening, intimidating or harassing behavior, to keep public places safe and attractive for use by all members of the community and to maintain and preserve public places where all of the community can interact in a peaceful manner. This legislation is also intended to provide for the free flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on streets and sidewalks in the Village of Lake Placid to promote tourism and business and preserve the quality of life. The Village Board finds that aggressive acts associated with solicitation tend to interfere with the free flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and intimidate persons in public places, and can lead to disruption and disorder in public places. Aggressive acts can also cause persons to avoid public places and lead to declining patronage of commercial establishments and tourism. The Village Board further finds that solicitation in certain public places is inconsistent with the use of those places, is inherently intimidating, targets persons who are captive audiences or constitutes an invasion of privacy as persons are not able to simply move on if they do not wish to speak to the person soliciting. Solicitation in proximity to bank entrances or check-cashing businesses or automated teller machines is inherently intimidating and should be restricted. By this legislation, the Village Board intends to promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens and visitors to the Village of Lake Placid.
Whenever the following words and phrases are used in this section, they shall have the following meanings:
Intentionally or recklessly making any physical contact with or touching another person in the course of solicitation, or approaching within an arm's length of the person, except with the person's consent;
Following the person being solicited, if that conduct is:
Intended or is likely to cause a reasonable person to fear imminent bodily harm or the commission of a criminal act upon property in the person's possession; or
Is intended to or is reasonably likely to intimidate the person being solicited into responding affirmatively to the solicitation.
Continuing to solicit within five feet of the person being solicited after the person has made a negative response, if continuing the solicitation is:
Intended to or is likely to cause a reasonable person to fear imminent bodily harm or the commission of a criminal act upon property in the person's possession; or
Is intended to or is likely to intimidate the person being solicited into responding affirmatively to the solicitation.
Intentionally or recklessly blocking safe or free passage of the person being solicited or requiring the person, or the driver of the vehicle to take evasive action to avoid physical contact with the person making the solicitation;
Intentionally or recklessly using words:
Intended or likely to cause a reasonable person to fear imminent bodily harm or the commission of a criminal act upon property in the person's possession; or
Intended or likely to intimidate the person into responding affirmatively to the solicitation.
Approaching the person being solicited in a manner that is:
Intended to or is likely to cause a reasonable person to fear imminent bodily harm or the commission of a criminal act upon property in the person's possession; or
Intended to or is likely to intimidate the person being solicited into responding affirmatively to the solicitation.
A device, linked to a financial institution's account records, which is able to carry out transactions, including, but not limited to, account transfers, deposits, cash withdrawals, balance inquiries, and mortgage and loan payments.
The area composed of one or more automated teller machines, and any adjacent space which is made available to banking customers after regular banking hours.
All banks, trust companies, private bankers, savings banks, industrial banks, safe deposit companies, savings and loan associations, credit unions and investment companies as defined in § 2 of the New York State Banking Law.
Any individual, partnership, unincorporated association or corporation duly licensed by the New York State Superintendent of Banks to engage in business pursuant to the provisions of Article IX-a of the New York State Banking Law.
Any area or building owned, leased, operated or controlled by or on behalf of any government, municipality, public authority or public corporation in the Village of Lake Placid which is generally accessible to the public, including, but not limited to, any street, including the sidewalk portion thereof, park, playground, recreation area, cemetery, school or school grounds, building, facility, driveway, parking lot or parking garage, and the doorways and entrances to buildings and dwellings.
Includes, without limitation, the spoken, written, or printed word or such other acts or bodily gestures as are conducted in furtherance of the purposes of immediately obtaining money or any other thing of value.
No person shall solicit prior to sunrise or following sunset.
No person shall solicit in an aggressive manner in a public place.
No person shall solicit within 20 feet of an automated teller machine or an entrance or exit of an automated teller machine facility during the time the automated teller machine is available for customer use; or within 20 feet of an entrance or exit to a banking organization or licensed casher of checks during its business hours.
No person shall solicit when either the person soliciting or the person being solicited is in a bus shelter or at a bus stop.
No person shall solicit in a parking lot.
No person on a sidewalk or alongside a roadway shall solicit from any occupant of a motor vehicle that is on a street or other public place.
A violation of this section shall be a "violation" as that term is defined in the Penal Law. A person convicted of violating this section shall be fined not less than $25 nor more than $250, and, in addition, for a second conviction within 12 months of a preceding conviction, may be imprisoned for a term not longer than 15 days. In lieu of a fine, the court may impose an appropriate alternative sentence; provided, however, that an alternative sentence shall not be an unconditional discharge.
Any arrest or conviction under this article shall be disclosed to government social service agencies who request notification of such events.