[Added 7-13-2011 by Ord. No. 3302]
It shall be unlawful to locate, place, leave, or otherwise abandon shopping carts in or upon any of the streets, parking lots, gutters, curbs, sidewalks or on any property owned by the Village of Ridgewood or any private property without the permission of the owner. Any such shopping carts shall be removed to the Village Recycling Center. The apparent owner of the cart will be notified in writing by the Village of any shopping cart(s) that have been so removed and relocated to the recycling center. The apparent owner will have a period of five days from the date of the notice to make claim and/or otherwise recover the shopping cart. Failure to respond within the specified time frame will be interpreted as a release of ownership.
A fee of $25 will be charged to the apparent owner for each separate shopping cart retained or captured by the Village of Ridgewood. Pursuant to the terms of this section, payment of the fee must be made to the Department of Finance, and a receipt for the payment of same must be presented at the Recycling Center for release.
Each shopping cart that is located, placed, left or abandoned in violation of this section shall be considered a separate violation. The person responsible for the locating, placement, leaving or abandoning of the shopping cart shall be punishable by a minimum fine of $50.
[Amended 9-9-2020 by Ord. No. 3809]
The enforcement of the provisions of this article shall be the responsibility of the Director of Buildings and Inspections, the Code Enforcement Officer, any duly sworn member of the Village of Ridgewood Police Department, and/or any other authorized Village employee, as designated by the Village Manager.