The Director shall have custody and control and charge of the operation of the recycling center maintained by the Town. He is authorized, subject to the provisions of this article and to any other applicable order of the Town Administrator, to prescribe, and from time to time amend, rules and regulations governing the operation and use thereof. The Director may use the recycling center for the collection of recyclable materials.
Use of the recycling center maintained and/or operated by the Town or by a contractor under contract with the Town to do the same, by other than Town employees acting within the scope of their employment, shall be limited to residents of the Town, and to such other persons as may establish to the satisfaction of the Director that they are engaged in business activities within the Town which require the depositing of recyclable materials from such operations. All such use shall be upon permission of and in accordance with the rules of the Director. No person shall dispose of any trash or deposit any recyclable materials originating outside the limits of the Town at the recycling center. No person shall dump trash or fee based items without payment to the attendant.
The fine for each violation of this provision is $300. The Director or his designee shall be authorized to enforce these provisions.
All persons, except Town employees acting within the scope of their employment, using the recycling center shall do so at their own risk.
Requirements for use of the Recycling Center will be set by the Director.
Recycling Center requirements:
Use limited to Franklin-based businesses and residents.
Current sticker affixed on each vehicle entering the facility.
Materials may only be delivered during operating hours.
Clean and separated materials per posted notice or direction of the station attendant.
No trash or nonaccepted recycling items.
Stickers for the following fiscal year will be available for sale starting June 1 of the previous fiscal year and are to be affixed on the vehicle at time of purchase.