[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough of Hanover as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Sewers and sewage disposal — See Ch. 286.
Sewer use regulations — See Ch. 290.
[Adopted 10-21-1970 by Ord. No. 1487]
The proper officers of the Borough of Hanover are hereby authorized to enter into the sewage service agreement under date of January 15, 1970, with the Supervisors of Conewago Township and the Conewago Township Municipal Authority providing for the acceptance and treatment of sewage from Conewago Township; the limitations of quantities; the regulation thereof; the plans and specifications for construction of lines; the term of 40 years; the rental charges and payments.
Any acts heretofore done and any agreements entered into heretofore by the officers of the Borough of Hanover in accordance with the foregoing are hereby ratified and confirmed.