[Adopted 12-20-2006 by Ord. No. 6-2006]
There is hereby established in the Township a police pension plan for the benefit of full-time police officers of the Township. The Police Pension Plan shall be known as the "Silver Spring Township Police Pension Plan" (the "Plan").
The Silver Spring Township Police Pension Fund (the "Fund") shall be created and maintained in the following manner:
All funds on deposit and held for the pension or retirement benefits of Township police officers shall continue to be part of the Fund created hereby, subject to any liabilities which may exist against such Fund.
The allocation by the Board of payments made by the Treasurer of the Commonwealth from monies received from taxes paid upon premiums by foreign casualty insurance companies and foreign fire insurance companies pursuant to the General Municipal Pension System State Aid Program shall be held in the Fund.
Payments made by contributions of the police officers in accordance with the Plan, as may be in effect from time to time, shall be held in the Fund.
Payments made by other gifts, grants, devises or bequests made to the Fund shall be held therein.
Such other payments as may, from time to time, be made by the Board to the Fund from the general revenue of the Township shall be held in the Fund.
All such payments received shall be deemed to be part of the Fund and shall not be applied to any other account or disbursed in any manner except as provided herein.
Payments required under the Plan shall be a charge only upon the Fund and not upon other monies or funds of the Township.
The amounts of the payments made by the Treasurer of the Commonwealth from monies received from taxes paid upon premiums by foreign casualty insurance companies and foreign fire insurance companies, which are determined by the Board to be deposited in the Fund, shall be used and applied as follows:
To pay expenses incurred for the administration of the Fund and the Plan;
To reduce any unfunded liability, defined as the present value of liability of the Fund on account of retirement benefits payable under this article to members of the Township Police Department for service prior to the date upon which they first made contribution to the Plan, offset by the value of any assets in the Fund; or after such liability has been funded;
To apply against the annual obligation of the Township for future service cost, defined as the amount of money required to be contributed annually into the Fund on account of benefits payable under the Plan to members of the Township Police Department for service subsequent to the date of establishment of the Plan; or to the extent that the payment made be in excess of such obligation;
To reduce member contributions.
Any other monies paid into the Fund shall be applied equally against the member and Township contributions for future service cost.
The Fund shall be deposited with and invested by a corporate custodian designated by the Board, which shall carry out its responsibilities in accordance with the terms of the custodial agreement, and further subject to such investment policy and guidance as the Board shall, from time to time, give to the custodian for the investment of the Fund assets.
The Plan shall cover all full-time members of the Township Police Department (the "member"). Every full-time police officer employed by the Township shall, upon commencement of his employment, be a member covered under the Plan and entitled to the benefits provided hereunder, provided the member agrees to make the required member contributions.
[Amended 5-22-2013 by Ord. No. 3-2013]
The normal retirement date for a member shall be the day the member attains 50 years of age and completes 25 years of service.
The basic monthly pension benefit shall be 1/2 of the monthly average salary of such member during the last 36 months of employment. The monthly pension shall be payable during the lifetime of the member with payments ceasing upon the member's death.
The following benefits shall be in addition to the basic benefits as provided in § 49-23 above:
Length of service increment. A retired member shall receive as additional pension the sum of $20 per month for each year of the retiree's full-time service in the Township Police Department beyond 25 years of such full-time service, but in no case shall such additional amount exceed $100 per month regardless of the number of years of service.
Cost-of -living increase. An annual cost-of-living increment shall be provided to each retired member in the amount of 3% of the retired member's original pension, provided that said increment shall not exceed the percentage increase of the Consumer Price Index during the preceding calendar year; and provided, further, that:
In no case may the total pension benefits exceed 75% of the retired member's compensation used for computing retirement benefits; and
The retired member's total cost-of-living increase shall not exceed 30%.
"Consumer Price Index" shall mean the Consumer Price Index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (CPI-W) of the United States Department of Labor for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers for All Items (CPI-W) — U.S. City average of shall mean the successor thereto. If the Consumer Price Index is converted to a different standard reference base or otherwise revised, the determination of such cost-of-living increase shall be made with the use of such conversion factor, formula or table for converting the Consumer Price Index as may be published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, or if the Bureau should fail to publish the same, then with the use of such conversion factor, formula or table for converting the Consumer Price Index as may be published by Prentice Hall, Inc., or any other nationally recognized publisher of similar statistical information.
A Member may, upon application, or upon application of one acting on his/her behalf, be retired on a disability pension before his/her superannuation date, if a physician designated by the Board, after medical examination at the Member's residence or other place mutually agreed upon, certifies that the cause of such disability arose in the course of and as a result of the Member's employment, that the Member is unable to perform the duties of a police officer and that said Member ought to be retired.
The disability benefit shall be equal to 50% of the Member's salary at the time the disability was incurred.
Should a Member while retired on disability die before the total disability allowance actually received by such Member is at least equal to the amount of the accumulated retirement deductions at the time of disability retirement, the Board shall pay to the Member's named beneficiary, or his/her estate of no beneficiary is designated, an amount equal to the difference between such total retirement allowance actually received by such Member and the Member's accumulated retirement deductions.
An early retirement benefit as authorized by Act 24 of 1998, codified as 53 P.S. § 771(i), shall be available to a Member regardless of age, with 20 or more years of continuous service who terminates employment prior to the completion of superannuation retirement age and service increments set forth in § 49-22 above and who files a written application for an early retirement benefit to the Board. The early retirement benefit shall become effective as of the date the application is filed with the Board or the date designated on the application, whichever is later, and shall be the actuarial equivalent of a partial superannuation retirement benefit calculated as follows:
A partial superannuation retirement benefit shall be determined by applying the percentage that the Member's years of service bear to the years of service that the Member would have rendered had the Member continued to be employed until his superannuation retirement date to the gross pension amount calculated using the monthly average salary during the appropriate period prior to his termination of employment.
The actuarial equivalent of the partial superannuation retirement benefit shall be determined by actuarially reducing the partial superannuation retirement benefit to reflect that it will commence on the effective date of the early retirement rather than on the date on which the Member would have completed superannuation age and service requirements. The actuarial reduction shall be calculated using the actuarial assumptions reported in the last actuarial valuation report filed with the Public Employee Retirement Commission under the Act of December 18, 1984 (P.L. 1005, No. 205), known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act" or "Act 205," 53 P.S. § 895.101 et seq.
[Amended 5-26-2010 by Ord. No. 6-2010]
Upon the death of a retired Member, or upon the death of an active Member who was eligible for retirement at the time of death, the surviving spouse, or the surviving children of the Member under the age of 18 years, or if attending college, as defined by Act 600, as amended, under or attaining the age of 23 years in absence of a surviving spouse, shall receive a pension equal to 1/2 of the pension which such retired Member was receiving or which such active Member was eligible to receive if he had been retired at the time of death.
All Members of the Township Police Department shall pay into the Fund monthly, 5% of their gross monthly compensation, inclusive of overtime payments. Said payments shall be made by each Member of said Police Department during such periods of time as required by the Board.
The Board may, by resolution on an annual basis, reduce or eliminate payments into the Fund by Members.
If a Member before reaching his normal retirement date and having completed 12 years of total service, for any reason ceases to be a Member of the Township Police Department, he/she shall be entitled to vest his/her retirement benefits until his/her normal retirement date by filing with the Board a written notice of his/her intention to vest, within 90 days of the date of his/her termination. Upon reaching the date which he/she would have been eligible for retirement if he/she had continued to be employed as a full-time police officer, he/she shall be paid a partial retirement benefit determined by applying the percentage his/her years of service bears to the years of service which he/she would have rendered had he/she continued to work until his/her normal retirement date to the gross pension which he/she would have earned had he/she continued as a full-time police officer to his/her normal retirement date, using, however, the monthly average salary during the appropriate period to his/her termination of employment.
Upon termination of full-time employment before completion of 12 years of service or upon death of a police officer before commencement of monthly pension benefits where a survivor's benefit is not payable, a refund shall be made of any monies paid by such officer, with interest. The rate of interest shall be 5% per annum. In the case of death, such refund shall be paid to his/her beneficiary, or, in the absence of such designation, to his/her estate.
Should a police officer die before he/she, his/her surviving spouse or his/her children under the age of 18 years, or if attending college, as defined by Act 600, as amended, under or attaining the age 23 years have received his/her total contributions to the Fund accumulated with interest or other such increases in value of the Member's investment in the Fund, then such remaining amount shall be paid to his/her beneficiary or his/her estate.
Any employee employed as a Member of the police force who has been a regularly appointed employee for a period of at least six months and who thereafter enters into the military service of the United States shall receive credit for all such military service, if he returns to employment with the Township within six months after his separation from military service.
Further, any employee who entered into the military service of the United States before employment with the Township shall receive credit for each year of military service or fraction thereof for a period not to exceed five years. Such service shall not be credited if the employee fails to make the required payment. The required payment for such crediting shall be computed by (a) applying the lesser of 10% or the average normal cost rate for borough and Township police pension plans as certified by the Public Employee Retirement Study Commission to the employee's average annual rate of compensation over the first three years of service and (b) multiplying the result by the number of years and fractional parts of years of creditable nonintervening military service being purchased together with interest at the rate of 4.75% compounded annually from the date of employment to the date of payment, as provided under Act 600, 53 P.S. § 770(b).
No service shall be credited under this section if the employee is entitled to receive retirement benefits for such service under a retirement system administered and wholly or partially paid for by any other governmental agency with the exception of an employee eligible to receive retirement pay earned by a combination of active duty and nonactive duty with a reserve or national guard component of the armed forces which retirement pay is payable only upon attainment of a specified age and period of service under 10 U.S.C. Ch 67.
The retirement benefits provided herein shall not be reduced by any Social Security payments received by a Member or to which said Member is entitled.
All payments under the Plan shall be, to the fullest extent permitted by law, free and clear of any debts, contracts, engagements, anticipations or liability to levy, attachment, execution or sequestration against the recipient, and shall not be subject to sale, assignment, transfer, claim, judgment or bankruptcy proceedings against the recipient of such payments, whether voluntary or involuntary.
[Added 5-22-2013 by Ord. No. 3-2013]
Composition. The Silver Spring Township Police Pension Board (the "Police Pension Board") shall consist of three members appointed by the Board of Supervisors on an annual basis, at least one of whom shall be a duly elected or appointed Supervisor serving in such position and at least one of whom shall be a full time Police Officer of Silver Spring Township. The third member of the Police Pension Board shall be a resident of Silver Spring Township selected by the Board of Supervisors and will serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors.
Power and duties. The powers and duties of the Police Pension Board shall be to serve as an advisory board to the Board of Supervisors with regard to management of the Police Pension Fund, including the investment of the funds of the Police Pension Plan. The Police Pension Board shall also perform such other duties relating to the Police Pension Plan as may be assigned to it from time to time by the Board of Supervisors.
The Plan and Fund established by this article may be discontinued, modified, altered, terminated or repealed according to law by Ordinance.
Any and all Ordinances and/or Resolutions heretofore enacted by the Township providing for pension and/or retirement benefits for police officers of the Township are hereby repealed, and any Ordinance, Resolution or any part thereof conflicting with the provisions of this article shall be, and the same are hereby repealed, insofar as the same affects this article. Any Member of the police force who shall have terminated employment before the effective date of this article, and any dependent or beneficiary shall be entitled to the benefits, if any, they were previously receiving.