[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Silver Spring 8-24-2011 by Ord. No. 9-2011. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Township hereby approves the following schedule of attorneys' fees for services in connection with the collection of accounts, which is hereby determined to be fair and reasonable compensation for the services set forth below, all in accordance with the principles set forth in Section 3(a.1) of the Municipal Claims Law as amended by Act No. 1 of 1996 (the "Act"):[1]
Legal Services
Fee for Services
Initial review and send first demand letter and title report
File lien and send second demand letter; prepare writ of scire facias, file writ, service of writ by sheriff
Prepare and mail letter under Pa. R.C.P. 237.01; prepare entry of judgment, notices, pleadings and affidavits
Prepare writ of execution; attendance at sale; review schedule of distribution and resolve distribution issues
Services not covered above:
Satisfaction of municipal lien
Satisfaction of judgment
Review of bankruptcy (including proof of claim)
Motion for relief from the automatic stay
Motion for special service
Petition to reassess damages
Forbearance agreement
All other services
$125 per hour
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 7106.
The above amounts include an estimate of the reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of counsel in connection with each of these services, as itemized in the applicable counsel bills, which shall be deemed to be part of the fees.
The amount of fees determined, as set forth above, shall be added to the Township's claim in each account.
The following collection procedures are hereby established in accordance with Act No. 1:[1]
At least 30 days prior to assessing or imposing attorneys' fees in connection with the collection of an account, the Township shall mail or cause to be mailed, by certified mail, return receipt requested, a notice of such intention to the rate payer or other entity liable for the account (the "account debtor").
If within 30 days after mailing the notice in accordance with Subsection A the certified mail to an account debtor is refused or unclaimed or the return receipt is not received, then at least 10 days prior to the assessing or imposing of such attorneys' fees the Township shall mail or cause to be mailed, by first class mail, a second notice to such account debtor.
All notices required by this chapter shall be mailed to the account debtor's last known post office address as recorded in the records or other information of the Township, or such other address as it may be able to obtain from the County Office of Assessment and Revision of Taxes.
Each notice as described above shall include the following:
The type of tax or other charge, the date it became due and the amount owed, including penalty and interest;
A statement of the Township's intent to impose or assess attorneys' fees within 30 days after the mailing of the first notice, or within 10 days after the mailing of the second notice;
The manner in which the assessment or imposition of attorneys' fees may be avoided by payment of the account; and
The place of payment for the accounts and the name and telephone number of the Township official designated as responsible for the collection matter.
Editor's Note: See the Municipal Claim and Tax Lien Law, 53 P.S. § 7101 et seq.
The proper officials of the Township are hereby authorized and empowered to take such additional action as they may deem necessary or appropriate to implement this chapter.