[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Silver Spring as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 10-23-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-09[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. I, Automatic Protection Devices, adopted 10-23-1991 by Ord. No. 91-9.
As used in this article, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the following meanings unless it is apparent from the context that a different meaning is intended:
Any mechanical- or electrical-operated device or instrument composed of sensory apparatus and related hardware which is designed or used for the detection of an unauthorized entry into a building, structure or facility or an attempt thereof, or designed or used for alerting others of the commission or attempted commission of an unlawful act within a building, structure or facility or designed or used for the detection of fire, flames, carbon monoxide, gases or smoke within a building, structure or facility, or any combination thereof; and which emits a sound or transmits a signal or message when activated. Automatic protection devices include, but are not limited to, audible alarms, automatic dialing devices, alarms connected directly to a communications center, alarms relayed through any private central station and proprietary alarms. Exemption: the following devices shall not be included under the definition:
Devices which are not designed or used to register alarms that are audible, visible or perceptible outside of the protected building, structure or facility such as those systems designed for the detection of equipment malfunctions.
Devices which are designed, used or provided for the sole purpose of evacuation of occupants of industries, institutions and other similar premises.
Devices which are designed for and installed upon motorized vehicles or trailers.
Devices maintained and/or operated by the Silver Spring Township Police Department and/or the Silver Spring Township Volunteer Fire Department used for the detection of unlawful acts or for demonstration purposes.
Automatic medical alarms.
Act of or system of transmitting information.
The Cumberland County Communications Center, the Silver Spring Township Police Department headquarters, the Silver Spring Community Fire Company, the New Kingstown Fire Company, the Silver Spring Ambulance & Rescue Association or any other specifically authorized location.
An agency designed to plan and prepare for any form of disaster that threatens the wellbeing of any person or location.
An individual who is responsible for technical and administrative duties that help with emergency management programs for institutions such as municipalities, private companies, government agencies, and more.
All members and equipment of Silver Spring Ambulance & Rescue Association or additional companies/resources who follow under the same principles.
Those fire, police or ambulance personnel of the Township of Silver Spring and those from outside the Township providing such services as agents of the Township.
Any activation of an automatic protection device signal or notification of such activation by any means resulting in or expecting the response of the Silver Spring Township Police Department and/or the Silver Spring Community Fire Company and/or the New Kingstown Fire Company and/or Silver Spring Ambulance & Rescue Association where an emergency does not or did not exist at the time of such activation. The term does not include alarms caused by rainstorms, thunderstorms, lightning strikes, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, floods or other natural acts or acts of God. A condition whereby an automatic protection device is in a prealarm condition, commonly referred to as a "trouble setting," and a communications center receives notification of such a condition. In the absence of an actual emergency, a trouble alarm shall be considered a false alarm.
The Chief of Silver Spring Community Fire Company or New Kingstown Fire Company or their designated representative and those from outside the Township providing such services as agents of the Township.
The Silver Spring Community Fire Company or New Kingstown Fire Company and those from outside the Township providing such services as agents of the Township.
Any person, group, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind.
The Chief of Police of the Silver Spring Township Police Department or his designated representative.
All members of the Silver Spring Township Police Department and those from outside the Township providing such services as agents of the Township.
The reports, incidents, statistics or files of the above-listed emergency medical service, police and/or fire departments.
False alarms limited. Except as otherwise provided in this article, it shall be prohibited for any person to accumulate more than three false alarms in a period of 12 consecutive months. The number of false alarms during any consecutive twelve-month period shall be ascertained from the records of the Police Department or Fire Department or both. After three alarms are met, the twelve-month period does not reset. When a person has accumulated three false alarms, the Emergency Management Coordinator shall send a letter to said person stating such. The person will be permitted to furnish proof, to the satisfaction of the Emergency Management Coordinator and/or designee that said person is taking steps to correct the false alarm problem. If such person shows proof of corrective action, the Emergency Management Coordinator and/or designee may exempt such person from the requirements of this article for a period not to exceed three days to allow for the repair and/or improvement of the alarm system. Only one such exemption shall be granted during a rolling twelve-month period.
Testing prohibited without permission. It shall be prohibited for any person to conduct any test or demonstration of any automatic protection device designed to make direct connection to the communications center at any time without first obtaining the express permission of the communications center, the Police Department and/or the Fire Department. Such permission is not required where the device to be tested or demonstrated is not connected to a communications center and the receipt of the alarm or signal is not relayed to the Police or Fire Department by any means.
Automatic dialing service. It shall be prohibited for any person to authorize and/or connect or interconnect an automatic dialing device to a communications center telephone line not designated for such connections. Connections to designated telephone lines shall not be made without the express permission of the communications center involved.
It shall be unlawful for a person to cause an intentional false alarm.
A person who owns, uses or possesses an alarm system may not cause or permit, whether intentional or unintentional, a subsequent false alarm to occur after causing or permitting three false alarms to occur in the same consecutive twelve-month period. Where there is a false alarm in excess of those allowed by this subsection or otherwise permitted by this article, a false alarm charge shall be made by the Township of Silver Spring. Said false alarm charges shall be set by the Township of Silver Spring's fee schedule.
When it is determined that a false alarm charge is due from the subscriber, said subscriber will be notified by the Emergency Management Coordinator and/or designee of each false alarm on which a false alarm charge is due and the amount thereof.
Such notice of false alarm charges shall be in writing and mailed to the subscriber or his or her authorized agent by regular mail.
A false alarm charge shall be due and payable 30 days from the date of the mailing of the notice of assessment of the false alarm charge.
After two false alarms occur the Township's Emergency Management Coordinator and/or designee, Building Code Official and/or designee will be granted the ability to inspect the property/system to ensure working order.
Note: Please contact the Building Codes Dept. prior to any fire alarm alterations taking place, as a permit may be required.
The assumption of monitoring services by the emergency services shall not constitute acceptance by the Township of Silver Spring of any liability to maintain any equipment in connection with such alarm devices.
The Township of Silver Spring, its officers, services, representatives and employees shall not be liable for and will be held harmless for any loss or injury to person or property occasioned by the failure of any alarm device to properly perform.
Ordinance 91-9 is hereby repealed in its entirety, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
A person who violates any provision of this article other than §§ 109-2A and 109-3B (regarding false alarms in excess of three in a consecutive twelve-month period), including violations by causing an intentional false alarm shall, upon conviction thereof before a magisterial district judge or other court having jurisdiction, be guilty of a summary offense and shall be punishable for each offense by a fine of not more than $1,000 and costs of prosecution in addition to the false alarm charge established by this article and, in default of payment of such fine and costs, by imprisonment for not more than 30 days.
A person who violates § 109-2A or § 109-3B shall be assessed a false alarm charge as established by this article and shall not be subject to the summary offense established by § 109-6A unless the person is found guilty of provisions of this article other than § 109-2A or § 109-3B. Enforcement of such false alarm charges, except as assessed in a summary offense proceeding, shall be through a civil enforcement proceeding, including any remedies as permitted by law.
[Adopted 8-22-2001 by Ord. No. 4-2001; amended in its entirety 9-26-2018 by Ord. No. 7-2018]
The purpose of this article is to require certain structures to have a key lock box installed at the entrance of the structure to enable emergency personnel to gain access to the structure when responding to an emergency without forceful entry.
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Key Lock Box Ordinance."
As used in this article, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the meanings herein ascribed thereto unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Any centrally monitored system, device, equipment, mechanical, electrical or battery-operated arrangement to activate an alarm or signal of the occurrence of a police, fire, hazard or medical emergency requiring urgent attention and to which police, fire or EMS personnel are expected to respond.
Any system that automatically detects a fire, activates an alarm and suppresses a fire by the application of an extinguishing agent through fixed piping and nozzles.
An agency designed to plan and prepare for any form of disaster that threatens the well-being of any person or location.
An individual who is responsible for technical and administrative duties that help with emergency management programs for institutions such as municipalities, private companies, government agencies and more.
All members and equipment of Silver Spring Ambulance, or additional companies/resources who follow under the same principles.
All members and equipment of the New Kingstown Fire Company and Silver Spring Community Fire Company, or additional companies/resources who follow under the same principles.
A fire.
A locked container often used to store building entry keys, pre-incident plans and/or related data.
An emergency involving the health of a person.
Any individual, group, firm, partnership, association, company, corporation or organization of any kind.
All members and equipment of the Silver Spring Township Police Department, or additional companies/resources who follow under the same principles.
Any incident requiring prompt response by the police.
That which is built or constructed, or a portion thereof.
The Township of Silver Spring, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.
The Manager of the Township of Silver Spring or designee.
All structures within the Township having an automatic detection system and/or an automatic suppression system that are secured in a manner that restricts access during an emergency, including but not limited to commercial and industrial structures, multifamily residential structures that have restricted access through a locked door or have a common corridor for access to the living units, governmental structures, health-care facilities and schools and churches, shall be equipped with a key lock box at or near the main entrance or in such other location approved by the Township Manager or designee. Multiple lock boxes may be required, at the discretion of the Township Manager, EMA or similar designee. This provision shall not apply to single-family residential dwellings.
The owner of each structure constructed after the effective date of this article and subject to this article shall have a key lock box installed and operational prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. The owner of each structure in existence on the effective date of this article and subject to the requirement of this article shall have one year from the effective date of this article to have a key lock box installed and operational.
The key lock box shall be an Underwriters Laboratory type and approved by the Township Manager or designee. The key lock box shall be equipped with a lock, which can be opened only with a key that is issued to the Township Manager or designee. Emergency vehicles shall each be equipped with one key that is held in a special security device. The owner of the structure is prohibited from obtaining or otherwise possessing a key to open the lock box.
The key lock box shall be mounted on the structure entrance at a height of four to six feet and within three feet thereof or such other location approved by the Township Manager or designee. Flush-mounted or recessed key lock box installations shall be permitted, provided that the key lock box is clearly marked. Once the key lock box is installed, the owner of the structure shall contact the Township Manager or designee during regular office hours to arrange for the inspection of the key lock box and install the access keys and any other items required by this article.
The key lock box shall contain keys to all locked entrances whether on the interior or exterior of the structure; keys to locked mechanical or electrical equipment rooms; keys to elevator rooms and controls; keys to any fenced or secured area; floor plan of the rooms within the structure denoting any utility disconnects or controls; fire alarm panels or controls and any hazardous materials stored in the structure. If any of the contents of the key lock box must be removed or anything is to be added thereto, arrangements shall be made with the Township Manager or designee to open the key lock box, inspect the items to be added to or removed from the box, and then lock the box.
The owner of each structure required to have a key lock box shall provide a list of multiple contact persons (day/night), indicating the name(s) and phone number(s) to the Township Manager or designee. This information shall also be placed into the key lock box. The owner of each structure shall immediately upon any change with respect to the list of contact persons provide the Township Manager or designee with such information.
Any person who violates any provision of this article, upon summary conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs of prosecution and, in default of payment thereof, be imprisoned in the Cumberland County Prison for a period of not more than 30 days. Each day of violation of any provision of this article shall constitute a separate offense.